Homestar Runner Wiki Forum

Anybody with Strong Bad Email Disc 6 get all the data?
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Author:  3panda94 [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Anybody with Strong Bad Email Disc 6 get all the data?

So I managed to get some of the rare Homestar DVDs except for the last disc on the Strong Bad emails. This one is disc 6, which contains the rest of the emails (161-200), but I can't grab it as I wasn't lucky to get it. So until I can find one as fast as I can, does anybody else own the DVD and can help decrypt all the stuff in it and make a file? I know it's not technically legal, but there's no other way to get it as the Shopify store doesn't have it. And I don't want to use torrents as I don't want to get in trouble, plus some of the sites don't have it.

Author:  TheTinyGiant [ Sun Nov 15, 2020 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody with Strong Bad Email Disc 6 get all the data?

If it's any consolation, they just released a set of all six DVD's.

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