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 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 9:37 pm 
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CaptainPastHisPrime wrote:
TwiceStyle wrote:
I had a dream that I went to Free Country, USA in the summer. Too bad it was short.

Which was, the summer or the dream?

I had a dream that I went on summer vacation there.

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 8:00 am 
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Weird crossover dream after a week-long marathon of Homestar Runner & Adventure Time.

I dreamed that Freecountry was in Ooo instead of the USA.

Homestar hung out with Finn & Jake after the Ice King made the regrettable mistake of confusing Marzipan for a princess & abducting her; she wouldn't stop talking.

The Cheat & Strong Bad got into a fight, so The Cheat was hanging out with Gunther & Strong Bad was annoying the crap out of Marceline by trying to convince her he was cool. They got along better when they started pranking people with a few friends.

Meanwhile, Coach Z is proving to be more annoying to the princess population than the Ice King.

The funniest part was probably the double-date; Lumpy Space Princess & Homsar, Tree Trunks & Senor Cartgage.None of them were sure what the hell was going on or what they were even talking about.

Fan since December of '02, yet it took me 4 years to discover this Wiki. ::shame::

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 11:30 am 
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likalaruku wrote:
Weird crossover dream after a week-long marathon of Homestar Runner & Adventure Time.

I dreamed that Freecountry was in Ooo instead of the USA.

Homestar hung out with Finn & Jake after the Ice King made the regrettable mistake of confusing Marzipan for a princess & abducting her; she wouldn't stop talking.

The Cheat & Strong Bad got into a fight, so The Cheat was hanging out with Gunther & Strong Bad was annoying the crap out of Marceline by trying to convince her he was cool. They got along better when they started pranking people with a few friends.

Meanwhile, Coach Z is proving to be more annoying to the princess population than the Ice King.

The funniest part was probably the double-date; Lumpy Space Princess & Homsar, Tree Trunks & Senor Cartgage.None of them were sure what the hell was going on or what they were even talking about.

lol this is my favorite reply! :-D

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:30 pm 

Joined: Wed Feb 24, 2010 4:34 am
Posts: 32
Location: Your Closet. Seriously.
I've had at least two dreams where the websites' been updated.
There was a Videlectrix main page for Chris'sakes!!

Please visit my Youtube! :sad:

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2011 12:59 am 
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I just remembered another dream. one day I checked the site, and there was like 10 new toons :p
I wish.

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2011 6:00 am 

Joined: Tue May 10, 2011 5:56 am
Posts: 3
I had a dream once that homestar was trying to steal my cat :O yeah I'm weird

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:28 pm 

Joined: Mon May 16, 2011 12:22 pm
Posts: 1
I just dreamt a sbemail this morning! Someone wrote in asking about Strong Bad's pain threshold, and he came up with some scale of measurement for it, and spent the email demonstrating how he and the other characters ranked. At the end, he stubbed his toe (or something similarly painful) and, in his usual way, tried (and failed) to bluff it off.

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:00 am 
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jannypan wrote:
I had a dream once that homestar was trying to steal my cat :O yeah I'm weird

That gave me a short daydream about Homestar replacing The Cat in the Hat.

Fan since December of '02, yet it took me 4 years to discover this Wiki. ::shame::

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:27 pm 
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I only tend to have Homestar dreams when there are updates... XD

Bored of the hiatus? WATCH TARLTARASA VIDEOS!

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:42 am 
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Wow. I had this really weird dream, and it wasn't completely HSR related either. The only HSR related bit was in the beginning, because basically, I was trapped in a moldy waterslide, dressed in a wet bathing suit, and next to Homsar (or more like kinda on top of him - like not on top of him, but higher up the waterslide). It was......creepy, to say the least. Of course, he wasn't at all helpful, but I managed to....umm.....'escape', I guess. Euuughh. God. My brain is so weird.
Okay, now that that train wreck is over with, let's see the more epic one: So this one was awesome, because it was a crossover between my flavorite cartoon and my flavorite movie: HSR and The Princess Bride. Epic. Awesomeness.
So basically, I'm in this field, and Westley and Buttercup are laying a few feet away, not really doing anything, but just laying there. And there's this fence at the edge of the field, which is not that far away either. So anyway, Trogdor storms up from the horizon, and starts epically burninating the countryside. So then, Westley jumps up and pulls this dagger from his belt, and runs up to Trogdor, and starts hacking at his leg. So Trogdor looks down and roars, and then shoots some flames at him, but Westley manages to run away. This goes on for like 5 full minutes, but then Trogdor manages to melt Westley's dagger somehow. So now Westley's on the ground, about to be epically burninated, when suddenly, Homsar walks up, and just says some completely random thing, as per usual. Then he just keeps talking and walking around Trogdor, and Trogdor keeps watching him closely. Then, after another full 5 minutes, suddenly, you can hear this ripping sound, and Westley just kinda.....bursts open, and Strong Bad leaps out of the apparent costume, and starts hacking away at Trogdor's back with his epic sword. Then, Trogdor starts spinning around really fast, roaring all the while, until THEN, WESTLEY bursts out of the HOMSAR costume, and has his own sword, and manages to stab Trogdor in all of his weak spots at once, and Trogdor starts just absolutely WAILING, for like TEN MINUTES, and it's REALLY FRIGGEN ANNOYING. But then Buttercup turns out to be Marzipan, and then Strong Bad hacks open Trogdor and out comes Buttercup, and then we all go out for veggie burgers, and then somehow the restaurant turns out to be Bub's Concession Stand. So then we leave the restaurant, and go to the Stick, and Homestar's there, and he's like, 'Passwowd, if you dawe!' And Strong Bad's just like, 'Shut up, Dumbstar! Just let us through!' and Homestar's just like, 'Cowwect! Youw pwize iz a bwand new pack O' gum! O' not included.' And Strong Bad just punches him in the face. And everybody's like, 'Yay, Strong Bad!' (Trogdor just roars). And then I'm like, 'So, you guys wanna come over to my website? I just got some wicked new html, and a few cool jpegs, if ya know what I'm sayin'.' And they all look at me funny, and Marzipan's like, 'Where did she come from? I thought I was the only girl.' And Strong Bad's like, '(snicker) What are you talking about? (snicker) You are the only girl (snicker) here!' Then he just bursts into laughter, so then I'm just like, 'Really? You're not a girl? Whoa, that brings up a lot of awkward questions.' So then he just glares at me and he's like, 'Um, no, dumbface. I'm not a girl. I'm a full out, natural born dude.' So then I went, 'So why do you get so close to Homestar sometimes? And why do you bother to make up so many names for him? And why do you work with him sometimes? And why do you not kick him out of your house sometimes? And why is there so much FanFiction about you and him? And why - ' Finally, he just holds up a hand. Then, trying to keep his temper under control (yeah, I know. Totally OOC. And this part could have been so awesome, too! Stupid my brain!) he goes, 'You don't know much about this place, do you?' And I'm just like, 'Whatever I know, it's obviously more than you.' And he's just like, 'Tch. Whatever, moron.' And I'm like, 'Takes one to know one.' And he goes, 'So you admit you're a moron?' And I'm just like, 'Yes, Strong Bad. I'm a moron. Whatever you say. What do you have to say to that?' And he's just like, 'Wooooow. You should go hang out with Homestar or something. You two were like....meant for each other. I mean, even though pretty much everybody is dumb around here, I think you may have hit a new low.' So I start laughing, and he's like, 'What?!' And I say, 'You think! That's a good one! Ha! Wow, you may be stupid, but you're pretty friggen funny!' Last thing I remember before waking up, he's coming at me fists flying, and everybody's yelling something or other, and then Homestar comes on the scene and he's like, 'You fowgot youw O'! It's only tooty two cents!' And Westley (forgot he was there, didn't you?) pulls out some cash and says, 'As you wish.' And then Buttercup glares at him. Yeah, definitely a MUCH better dream.


I hear Jerusalem bells a ringin'
(They're undeniable)
And I'm like baby baby baby
Caught in a bad romance
(But I'm) never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Cuz I'm walkin on sunshine, baby, oh!
No blinding light
Like it's dynamite
This place about to ENGSMSPLODE

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:10 pm 
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Joined: Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:22 am
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I do remember having one. They were continuing the HSR body of work in a way. Don't remember how. Maybe it was a movie.

:hr: : All right, let 'er rip!
:senor: : Panctice... Squad... Cutterback. NOPE WAY
My Wiki Account

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:06 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:19 pm
Posts: 30
I once had a dream that I saw sketches of Strong Bad and Strong Sad hen they were teenagers.

In another dream there was an old-looking toon about the past of Pom Pom's parents, and I think Homestar's too(I forgot hat it was about) and later, me, Homestar, Jane(a random girl), Rarity, and Little Miss Late, had to sing Christmas Decemberween carols.

And just a few nights ago I dreamt I saw Pom Pom wearing a blue and red striped shirt and he had short brown hair and was holding a small blue plushie. And I also saw Marzipan, Homestar, I think Bubs, and another character(I forgot which one, I think it was Coach Z or The Cheat, maybe even Strong Sad) covered in pink bubblegum and stuck to eachother and Marzipan and Homestar had... *shudder* arms.

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:15 pm 
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hsr4ever85 wrote:
Wow. I had this really weird dream, and it wasn't completely HSR related either. The only HSR related bit was in the beginning, because basically, I was trapped in a moldy waterslide, dressed in a wet bathing suit, and next to Homsar (or more like kinda on top of him - like not on top of him, but higher up the waterslide). It was......creepy, to say the least. Of course, he wasn't at all helpful, but I managed to....umm.....'escape', I guess. Euuughh. God. My brain is so weird.
Okay, now that that train wreck is over with, let's see the more epic one: So this one was awesome, because it was a crossover between my flavorite cartoon and my flavorite movie: HSR and The Princess Bride. Epic. Awesomeness.
So basically, I'm in this field, and Westley and Buttercup are laying a few feet away, not really doing anything, but just laying there. And there's this fence at the edge of the field, which is not that far away either. So anyway, Trogdor storms up from the horizon, and starts epically burninating the countryside. So then, Westley jumps up and pulls this dagger from his belt, and runs up to Trogdor, and starts hacking at his leg. So Trogdor looks down and roars, and then shoots some flames at him, but Westley manages to run away. This goes on for like 5 full minutes, but then Trogdor manages to melt Westley's dagger somehow. So now Westley's on the ground, about to be epically burninated, when suddenly, Homsar walks up, and just says some completely random thing, as per usual. Then he just keeps talking and walking around Trogdor, and Trogdor keeps watching him closely. Then, after another full 5 minutes, suddenly, you can hear this ripping sound, and Westley just kinda.....bursts open, and Strong Bad leaps out of the apparent costume, and starts hacking away at Trogdor's back with his epic sword. Then, Trogdor starts spinning around really fast, roaring all the while, until THEN, WESTLEY bursts out of the HOMSAR costume, and has his own sword, and manages to stab Trogdor in all of his weak spots at once, and Trogdor starts just absolutely WAILING, for like TEN MINUTES, and it's REALLY FRIGGEN ANNOYING. But then Buttercup turns out to be Marzipan, and then Strong Bad hacks open Trogdor and out comes Buttercup, and then we all go out for veggie burgers, and then somehow the restaurant turns out to be Bub's Concession Stand. So then we leave the restaurant, and go to the Stick, and Homestar's there, and he's like, 'Passwowd, if you dawe!' And Strong Bad's just like, 'Shut up, Dumbstar! Just let us through!' and Homestar's just like, 'Cowwect! Youw pwize iz a bwand new pack O' gum! O' not included.' And Strong Bad just punches him in the face. And everybody's like, 'Yay, Strong Bad!' (Trogdor just roars). And then I'm like, 'So, you guys wanna come over to my website? I just got some wicked new html, and a few cool jpegs, if ya know what I'm sayin'.' And they all look at me funny, and Marzipan's like, 'Where did she come from? I thought I was the only girl.' And Strong Bad's like, '(snicker) What are you talking about? (snicker) You are the only girl (snicker) here!' Then he just bursts into laughter, so then I'm just like, 'Really? You're not a girl? Whoa, that brings up a lot of awkward questions.' So then he just glares at me and he's like, 'Um, no, dumbface. I'm not a girl. I'm a full out, natural born dude.' So then I went, 'So why do you get so close to Homestar sometimes? And why do you bother to make up so many names for him? And why do you work with him sometimes? And why do you not kick him out of your house sometimes? And why is there so much FanFiction about you and him? And why - ' Finally, he just holds up a hand. Then, trying to keep his temper under control (yeah, I know. Totally OOC. And this part could have been so awesome, too! Stupid my brain!) he goes, 'You don't know much about this place, do you?' And I'm just like, 'Whatever I know, it's obviously more than you.' And he's just like, 'Tch. Whatever, moron.' And I'm like, 'Takes one to know one.' And he goes, 'So you admit you're a moron?' And I'm just like, 'Yes, Strong Bad. I'm a moron. Whatever you say. What do you have to say to that?' And he's just like, 'Wooooow. You should go hang out with Homestar or something. You two were like....meant for each other. I mean, even though pretty much everybody is dumb around here, I think you may have hit a new low.' So I start laughing, and he's like, 'What?!' And I say, 'You think! That's a good one! Ha! Wow, you may be stupid, but you're pretty friggen funny!' Last thing I remember before waking up, he's coming at me fists flying, and everybody's yelling something or other, and then Homestar comes on the scene and he's like, 'You fowgot youw O'! It's only tooty two cents!' And Westley (forgot he was there, didn't you?) pulls out some cash and says, 'As you wish.' And then Buttercup glares at him. Yeah, definitely a MUCH better dream.

wow.... that is possibly the best dream ever....

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:42 pm 
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Last night, btw, I had a really weird dream.
So, I was driving in a car with Homsar. Yes, Homsar. We were driving to this weird city with all futuristic buildings. Homsar said something along the lines of, "aAaAaAa, take twice for the times!" As we got out of the car, I stepped on Strong Bad's head. I was floating, and I didn't know what was going on. (You wouldn't)
I'll do what I can remember of the script.
:sb: : watch it!
I turn my head and see Homestar.
:hr: I'll take tooty two!
I look over and see homestar buying something from Bub's Concession stand. Bubs is obscuring it.
:bubs: That'll be $400.twoty twa!
Don't ask.
the cheat comes over and Homestar picks him up and hands him to bubs.
:bubs: sorry homestar. The only living things I accept are half-dead goats!
me:(walks over) may i be of assistance? Hands Bubs a $400 bill, which I frankly made up.
:bubs: what's this malarkey?
before I can answer, Trogdor enters.
:trogdor: bwoooooooar! burninates everyone and they all turn into ashes.
:marzi: comes in and waters them with a watering can.
Everyone turns back to normal and starts doing the Caramelldansen. I wake up, thinking "What the heck?"

Last edited by TwiceStyle on Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:58 pm 
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Okay, just stepping on Strong Bad's head automatically makes it SEWIOUSLY epic. Thanks for saying my dream was so awesome. Although, being the one who had the dream, I already kinda knew that :p .
EDIT: OMG. My brother just had me look up CaramellDansen on YouTube. Your mind is............I dunno WHAT your mind is. But that song is so catchy!!!!! GAH!!!! I FEEL LIKE MY MIND'S BEEN INFECTED SOMEHOW!!!!!!!


I hear Jerusalem bells a ringin'
(They're undeniable)
And I'm like baby baby baby
Caught in a bad romance
(But I'm) never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Cuz I'm walkin on sunshine, baby, oh!
No blinding light
Like it's dynamite
This place about to ENGSMSPLODE

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:40 am 
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I had a few recently; one after watching loony tunes at am (I usually go to bed around that time).

It wasn't the whole dream, but it was part of it. Homestar was Roadrunner. He would run not as fast but briskly & shout "meep meep" in his own voice. Strong Bad would break out into an instant sweat & huffing fit chasing him, cuz Homestar stole something from him. Strong Bad tries all these methods to incapacitate Homestar so he could raid his shirt/bodyskirt pocket, but everything backfires. The dream has no resolution because I woke up, & I can't remember what it was Homestar stole.

The other crossover dream was after watching a Mighty Boosh marathon. All I remember is that Homestar was Vincent, was flamboyantly dressed with a wig, & everyone kept mistating him for a woman. He also sang "California Dreaming" with a guitar & Jay & Silent Bob from Clerks the Animated Series, badly. Also, he was drunk & some gay jokes were involved.

Fan since December of '02, yet it took me 4 years to discover this Wiki. ::shame::

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:58 pm 
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Okay, the Looney Toons one isn't so bad, because it actually kinda makes sense, but the other one......can you say Fanfiction? Seriously though, I pity you for having that dream. Our brains are so stupid sometimes. At least no one died in yours, though. Although, none died in mine, either. YAY NOT DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I hear Jerusalem bells a ringin'
(They're undeniable)
And I'm like baby baby baby
Caught in a bad romance
(But I'm) never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Cuz I'm walkin on sunshine, baby, oh!
No blinding light
Like it's dynamite
This place about to ENGSMSPLODE

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:19 pm 
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Brain Sister wrote:
I just dreamt a sbemail this morning! Someone wrote in asking about Strong Bad's pain threshold, and he came up with some scale of measurement for it, and spent the email demonstrating how he and the other characters ranked. At the end, he stubbed his toe (or something similarly painful) and, in his usual way, tried (and failed) to bluff it off.

Hey whoa hey!! I just read this post, like, just now. This is so cool! They should TOTALLY make that into a sbemail..............ummm, that is............if they' know.......sigh. I started this post all happy, and then I had to go and be all NOT happy. Grrr.


I hear Jerusalem bells a ringin'
(They're undeniable)
And I'm like baby baby baby
Caught in a bad romance
(But I'm) never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Cuz I'm walkin on sunshine, baby, oh!
No blinding light
Like it's dynamite
This place about to ENGSMSPLODE

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:07 am 

Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2011 1:57 am
Posts: 6
I met Homestar. We were in this room, wooden walls ... He sat on a chair, draw something ... forget what it was. He put the design of the rubber and the color itself. I woke up and watched TV ... fell asleep after a while '.

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:44 am 
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Just last night, I dreamt that I went on the website to find a new Quote of the Week. I don't remember what it was, but it was about three or four words long, and it was said by Homestar. I went on the Wiki to update the "What's New"? Section on the right-hand corner, and found that there was also a new toon. I think it was a Thanksgiving toon... November twenty-something, 2012 was the date.

:hr: That's Bupkis! Oh - that's bupkis.
:sb: What are you whispering for?
:hr: because! baby strong sad is sleeping!

Homestar Runner fan since the summer of deuce double-aught twice

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:29 am 
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How the heck do you guys get so many Homestar Runner dreams? I fell asleep listening to an autoplay of Homestar Runner toons for a week and I don't get the slightest vision.(Insomnia :rolleyes: ).

Anyway, I did have this one where they released like a 15 minute Big Toon and 6 sbemails and a couple of shorts. So, then after I watched them, the dream ended. Was pretty good. got to watch some non-existant toons. :mrgreen:


 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:55 am 
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i told here sometime my h*r survivement dream about they returning, with a brand new style with more HTML stuff added to the page like links, and also the flash file, but the odd part is to have looney tunes characters and music in my dream O_O
(i told you not to watch the looney tunes show that day)
hey, i didn't watched it!
(so why you dreamed with homestar + looney tunes? That makes no sense)
stop that!
Ah! So then i haz to do something. DELETED!
Ah, better like that.

lu9, the one and only Brazilian Homestar Runner fan.

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 1:27 pm 
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lol today i saw a fanfic about homestar runner is more popular tha MLP (That's awesome)
and that fanfic had an end that they merged and made "My Little Homestar Runner: Fhqwhgads is Magic"... What the crap...

lu9, the one and only Brazilian Homestar Runner fan.

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:27 am 
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lu9 wrote:
lol today i saw a fanfic about homestar runner is more popular tha MLP (That's awesome)
and that fanfic had an end that they merged and made "My Little Homestar Runner: Fhqwhgads is Magic"... What the crap...

Care to provide a link to the fanfic?


 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:03 am 
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MagicSwap wrote:
lu9 wrote:
lol today i saw a fanfic about homestar runner is more popular tha MLP (That's awesome)
and that fanfic had an end that they merged and made "My Little Homestar Runner: Fhqwhgads is Magic"... What the crap...

Care to provide a link to the fanfic?

here: ... p?t=227406
BTW I invented the "fhqwhgads" part, just to make it moar funny :D

lu9, the one and only Brazilian Homestar Runner fan.

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:08 am 
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Fanfic wrote:
-The creation of a cartoon which symbolizes the decline of western civilization-

It would really be kind of weird if this was real. Like MLP:FiM already is animated with Flash 9. Hmm. I was hoping the person who made it would give more insight, rather than the whole "Oh, well MLP:FiM was losing interest so they teamed up with H*R and now it is another cartoon."

If they really did this, Hasbro would have to change their name to Hasnobros. Amirite?


 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:25 am 
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MagicSwap wrote:
Fanfic wrote:
-The creation of a cartoon which symbolizes the decline of western civilization-

It would really be kind of weird if this was real. Like MLP:FiM already is animated with Flash 9. Hmm. I was hoping the person who made it would give more insight, rather than the whole "Oh, well MLP:FiM was losing interest so they teamed up with H*R and now it is another cartoon."

If they really did this, Hasbro would have to change their name to Hasnobros. Amirite?

lol i laughed. or the hasbro logo at the end of mlp should add a byline "a TBC company"

lu9, the one and only Brazilian Homestar Runner fan.

 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:46 am 
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In order to save this thread from derailment I'll tell ya'lls 'bout mah dream. Like I said 15 minute big toon 6 sbemails. One of the sbemails was where :sb: answered a question along the lines of "How do you type so fast?" and I remember :sb: saying it was partially because he eats toast. Yeah I don't know.


 Post subject: Re: Ever had a H*R dream?
PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:31 am 
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Toast, toast
let it go down your pipe
the more you eat, the faster you type
the faster you type, the more emails you check
so eat your toast or else you'll be a wreck!

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:01 am 
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Funkstar wrote:
Mr.KISS wrote:
He means like, do you dream in third person (like normally) or 1st person (like a movie)?

I may have messed those up, forgive me if I did.

Third person is like seeing your self. Like a movie, or Grand Theft Auto. 1st person is through your own eyes, like doom. So you got it the wrong way around.

I dream in third person usually. Yeah.


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