Two weird dreams in the last week, guys.
Funny dream (Two nights ago): I get stinkin' drunk at one point in my dream last night by drinking blueberry flavored beer by Schwapps.
Also, Hyrule, black holes and flying to England was involved.
Zombie dream: So I dreamt last night that my school was harboring a zombie, and it finally attacked someone, starting a chain reaction. Since it was school, most of us were defenseless, so we could only run away. Often, taking the wrong turn resulted in running into zombies, and I was part of a rather large group who made it out the right way and into this massive field where we could sleep for the night. The large group also contained seagulls and road runners, since seagulls could simply fly away from danger and road runners are fast. Anyway, I'm sleeping near the edge of the group when I wake up and switch positions. Lo and behold, I see my best friend as a zombie about ten feet away. Don't know how she became a zombie, as she's pretty fast in real life, but hey, I was running fast in my dream, so take that continuity! Anyway, I alert the camp by screaming 'ZOMBIE!' and run to the building. My zombified friend chases me and a group of ten or so peers plus my english teacher. We make it to a classroom and I have to shut the door on this one guy since my friend-zombie was almost inside the room anyway. I turn my head just when his arm gets ripped off and we stay there and be as quiet as possible. For some reason, there were a few guns in the room, including a pistol and a shotgun, and there were only four or five, meaning some would have to go defenseless. I happen to choose the pistol, and we sit and wait until a zombie breaks in. That's when we run for it and go our seperate ways. I end up taking a wrong turn and reach a zombie mosh pit with several zombies cornering me. I shoot, I kill a few, but I run out of ammo. That's when I realized I was having a dream, so I try to force myself awake before the 'scary part' happens. I couldn't open my eyes, so I took my dream arms and force my eyes open with my fingers. The weirdest part was when I noticed that I had control of my arms in the waking world, and I woke myself up in the same way I exited the nightmare. Creepy.
Then, I fall back asleep, and I dream of more zombie goodness. For some reason, it's now a simulation/game, where I introduce the seagulls and roadrunners immediately, causing those two groups to zombify quickly. I wake myself up using the same method, but guess what? I seem to have burple nurples on my belly. I pick them off, but lose 'consciousness' again, this time being DIxie Kong and finding the source of the zombification. Three sisters. The blue one was pretty friendly and offered assistance, including a safe haven from the zombie apocalypse. The green one was kind of mean, but easy to defeat. The red one, however, was totally hostile and pretty hard to kill. But, I defeat those two and everything in Hyrule is back to normal. No one believes my story, even when I explained that the fish couldn't be zombified because water is a safe zone.
God, I really have to stop thinking about how to integrate my 'fired' storyline with the 'berries' storyline in my Neurosis comic. Though it is really hilarious. Apparently, my visualization/dream of how things go down segwayed into the zombie dream somehow. I dunno. Probably has something to do with Randy stepping on a bear cub and ticking off the mother.
But, that works awesomely.