Homestar Runner Wiki Forum

Pope ticked at Mormons
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Author:  Ingiald [ Fri May 09, 2008 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pope ticked at Mormons

Word Up wrote:
Well, what I mean is, most Protestant religions... Puritans, etc., don't take Christianity as seriously as Baptists.
You know, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't use the Puritans as an example of people who didn't take Christianity seriously. I'm also pretty sure they don't exist anymore.
Jitka wrote:
If you aren't Catholic, you're Protestant, that's how it works.
Technically you could be one of those Eastern churches. But in this case you're right.

Author:  Beyond the Grave [ Fri May 09, 2008 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pope ticked at Mormons

Ingiald wrote:
Word Up wrote:
Well, what I mean is, most Protestant religions... Puritans, etc., don't take Christianity as seriously as Baptists.
You know, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't use the Puritans as an example of people who didn't take Christianity seriously. I'm also pretty sure they don't exist anymore.
They are still around, you just have to look for them. Just go into any Calvinist Church(i.e. Baptist) to see that their influence is still felt.

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