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 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2008 7:37 pm 
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The Noid wrote:
Yeah but our flag would suck. It looks all nice and even but add another star to it and everything goes wrong. The pedantic will riot.

i'm canadian
what do i care


 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2008 8:13 pm 

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Capt. Ido Nos wrote:
Word Up wrote:
There was guerrilla warfare, but strong military leadership, which is why it was so successful.

Successful? They lost. It was all downhill after Gettysburg - a battle which, for the record, the South occupied all the open ground while the North was up in the town and surrounding forest. American soil is well made for guerrilla warfare, but just because you can doesn't mean you will (British redcoats). Just saying.
All that aside, I just don't think they have it in them. They're too comfortable to fight, not really.

I meant successful early in the war. They were unstoppable at Bull Run, but when they lost everything of use to them, they got screwed.


 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2008 10:14 pm 
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No offense, but this whole thread is a joke to me.

Basically, the topic starter has some kind of superiority complex and thinks california is the only important state in the country.


 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 12:04 am 
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bwave wrote:
No offense, but this whole thread is a joke to me.

Basically, the topic starter has some kind of superiority complex and thinks california is the only important state in the country.

... it isn't?

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 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 12:19 am 
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No, you gotta keep Idaho in mind. Where would we get our potatoes if not for them?

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 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 12:57 am 
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Jitka wrote:
No, you gotta keep Idaho in mind. Where would we get our potatoes if not for them?

We'd grow our own. Seriously, its not like we'd have a shortage of Potatoes without them. Beside, who really needs Potatoes that bad?


 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 1:29 am 
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Choc-o-Lardiac Arrest wrote:
Jitka wrote:
No, you gotta keep Idaho in mind. Where would we get our potatoes if not for them?

We'd grow our own. Seriously, its not like we'd have a shortage of Potatoes without them. Beside, who really needs Potatoes that bad?

not gonna say it not gonna say it not gonna say it


 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 8:36 am 
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The Noid wrote:
Yeah but our flag would suck. It looks all nice and even but add another star to it and everything goes wrong. The pedantic will riot.

There are perfectly good 51-star flags.

- Kef

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 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:58 pm 

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bwave wrote:
Basically, the topic starter has some kind of superiority complex and thinks california is the only important state in the country.

Bad assumption.
I've had this discussion before, they have said it is a possibility if the state finds a reason to secede.


 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:39 pm 
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They will never find that reason, and they could never secede successfully, because they would be stopped.

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 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:46 pm 
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I've had this discussion before, they have said it is a possibility if the state finds a reason to secede.

You must have been talking to uninformed people, then. Assuming we don't reclaim our territory in a "battle" against their "military" and bomb them, they wouldn't last 6 months. A lot of their tourism comes from Hollywood and Laguna Beach and etc. You think we'd make our movies and studios and red carpet premieres in another country? No. A lot of people wouldn't even want to deal with border control to even go to Disneyland.

In short, if the whiny Californians that hate us all rebel and secede, their economy would crumble before we could bomb them.


 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:52 pm 
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Are we having a discussion about surfers making their own country, here?

Choc-o-Lardiac Arrest wrote:
Holy crap, are we in an episode of Blues Clues or somethin?

 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 11:09 pm 
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The Noid wrote:
In short, if the whiny Californians


Starcraft Maniac wrote:

Are we having a discussion about surfers making their own country, here?



 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 11:11 pm 
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Starcraft Maniac wrote:

Are we having a discussion about surfers making their own country, here?



 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 11:18 pm 
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That was worded badly, SRRY

I mean the people in California that hate us so much, not Californiains (Californites?) in general.


 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:15 am 

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Although I facetiously mentioned Californian secession in the Gay Marriage thread, I think that a lot of the posts in this thread suffer from a great lack of perspective and massive misconceptions & over-generalizations. This is especially in regard to all the posts comparing the Civil War to a possible Californian secession. It's more than an apples and oranges difference; it's like an apples and bicycles difference.

"Would California ever have a reason to want to secede from the US?"

Now this is interesting, because California is actually drawing some parallels to the "states rights" issues of the Civil War right now. One thing in particular comes to mind: California and the Feds are having jurisdiction issues over medical marijuana. Cannabis farms and dispensaries which are legal under local and state laws are not necessarily legal under federal, and the DEA has been raiding dispensaries without consent of local law enforcement, notably last year in Los Angeles.

What's going on is a deeper democratic issue, though. Regulated medical marijuana was put into place by a majority of Californian voters in a ballot initiative, not just by a representative legislature. In this case, the federal system seems to undermine the will of the people. Regards of one's philosophy on the US Constitution's supremacy clause, that's usually when you start to see discontent.

Personally, I think the United States is too large to effectively govern its ever diversifying population effectively and fairly, or at least in a democratic fashion. (But I'm kind of an anarchist anyway, so keep that bias against centralized power in mind.) What the people in Louisiana want, and what works for them may not totally fit Nevada's body politic, and I don't see that as a bad thing necessarily.

Anyway, I'd just like to see some more intelligent posting in this thread.

 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:51 am 
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They'd want to secede over...pot?


 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:56 pm 
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I think Mikes!'s point was more that such dissonance between state and federal opinion could be indicative of future issues that are more serious. Just one thing like that, no, it wouldn't be anywhere near worth fighting a battle over (metaphorically or literally). But if you get a bunch of little things like that to add up, then you could end up with a lot of discontent.

Me, I don't see it happening until I have an idea of what those other little things might be.

- Kef

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 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 5:30 pm 
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There's a state legislator right now who wants to help solve California' budget crisis by imposing a 25% tax on "adult materials".

Meh, whatever they need to get money, I say. The worst that could happen is nobody legally buying pr0n anymore.

 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 5:34 pm 
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IantheGecko wrote:
There's a state legislator right now who wants to help solve California' budget crisis by imposing a 25% tax on "adult materials".

Meh, whatever they need to get money, I say. The worst that could happen is nobody legally buying pr0n anymore.

Nobody legally buys it now anyway.
At least, the smart ones don't. 40 dollars for 1 DVD is ridiculous.

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 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 5:37 pm 
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Dang. California's screwed.

 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 5:40 pm 
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IantheGecko wrote:
Dang. California's screwed.

At least on that aspect. If they tax it more, what's going to happen? The industry will raise their prices to keep their profits and then it's $75 per DVD or something? Screw that!

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 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:54 pm 
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As I said for reasons I don't wanna repeat, if California were to secede, it's economy would fail hilariously.


 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:03 pm 
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The Noid wrote:
As I said for reasons I don't wanna repeat, if California were to secede, it's economy would fail hilariously.

Our wine/hippie export market would keep us afloat.

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 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:36 pm 
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Heh, yeah, you can legally get more porn than you'd ever need right off the internet for free. Some of the better stuff might be worth paying for (if, y'know, you're into that), but yeah, you'd be nuts to pay that kind of money.

I'd go so far as to say that porn is probably the most overabundant resource on this planet.

- Kef

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 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:40 pm 
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furrykef wrote:
I'd go so far as to say that porn is probably the most overabundant resource on this planet.

I hope so. :mrgreen:

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 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:43 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: California
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:51 pm 
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Word Up wrote:
bwave wrote:
Basically, the topic starter has some kind of superiority complex and thinks california is the only important state in the country.

Bad assumption.
I've had this discussion before, they have said it is a possibility if the state finds a reason to secede.

No. I wasnt saying that california couldnt secede. I honestly think there are many states that could secede and survive on their own.

What I was refferring to was the statement "What would the rest of the nation do without california" (Or whatever it said, too lazy to look.) It just seems a bit big headed to imagine that the entire country relies solely on california, but that california doesnt rely on the country at all.


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