Homestar Runner Wiki Forum

Emails you've sent to Strong Bad
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Author:  Schmelen [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 10:56 am ]
Post subject: 

yeah... i have sent a few emails. most of them asking if he likes australia or not. loser. i am a loser.

Author:  Bookworm [ Sun Feb 12, 2006 10:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just sent Strong Bad an email...

"Dear Strong Bad,

I think you should have a singing contest, with you as the judge. It would be awesome.

Ivy Strader
Portland, Oregon"

I wish one of my emails would get answered. I should send more.

Author: [ Sun Feb 12, 2006 10:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

I sent him an email about opening up a restaraunt (bad spelling intended). I started it "Deer Strong Bad," so, maybe he'll at least look it over. Here's hoping.

Author:  ikwaylx [ Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

this one may get answered because.
Some spelling mistakes.
The easter egg inducer.
Unpronouncable superhero.(strongbadman issue here)

Here it is
Hey ho SB.

Do you have a catchphrase other than ‘holy crap’. And if you don’t, then you must ask everyone in town what there creepy catchphrases are.

Sincerely and very in your face!
Ikwaylx (better known as)
The unpronounceable superhero.

Author:  Somm-1 [ Tue Feb 14, 2006 6:03 am ]
Post subject: 

I've sent him a few over the years.
I emailed Strong Bad a few days ago. I said;
Dear Strong Bad,
Do you or any of your friends/enemies participate in paintball wars.

Saluting your awesomeness,
[My First Name]
Avon Park Florida
P.S. There is someone behind you.

Note to TBC,
I know that Strong Badia does not have or need and army but I really think that this would be a good time to use the Homestarmy.

I raised an eyebrow when Strong Bad mentioned Paintball. I know this is wishful thinking, but does anyone think that I, in the very least, gave them the idea to put that in as a last minute change? If so, 500 the Cheats may have been something they had lying around just in case they needed a little more time to finish something. Unlikely? Yes, I know. But is it at all possible?

Author:  Yukari [ Wed Feb 15, 2006 5:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

I sent Strong Bad an email about the recent declining of children's television. I doubt he'll answer it, though.

Author:  BeansDooma [ Fri Feb 17, 2006 9:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just sent this one:

Hey Strong Bad....

What would your life be like now if you hadn't decided to start checking emails?


Author:  Duecex2 [ Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

I sent one that was quite long. I asked him about his mom and if she's shirtless, too.

Not gonna happen.

My friend asked him if SB could speak Spanish. That would be nice.

EDIT'd!!!: Just sent another one

Dear Lord of da Crap-

Hav u evr hung around those dumb internet forums about you and 2 a much lesser extent, H0m35t4r?

(name) ill

I live in Illinois and I thought SB could reall play around w/ the provided location.

And of course, the wiki inspired this.

Author:  Tommygun141 [ Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:23 am ]
Post subject: 

ive sent two.

Number ONE:
Dear STR0NG BAD MAN!!!!!!!!
Are there any exclusive clubs or groups in Free Country, USA?
Tarisen, <Order of Crimson Might>

And the second one

Dear Steeerong Bad,
Dude, you'll never believe this! I was walking along main street when
I ran into someone: Your mom and dad! Good ol' Strong Fad and Strong
Dad. In case you forgot, your mom can morph herself into whatever the
hippest fashion fad is. And your dad has amazing disiplining power.
They'll be arriving in about 10 seconds. Oh, and tell Strong Sad his
dispression is because i've been slipping him the wrong pills.

Yeah the second one sucks but i sent it...cuz i was bored.

Author:  ikwaylx [ Fri Feb 24, 2006 8:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

You know SB, it would be helpfuf if I knew someone insane that I can make fun of in free country USA.

Anyway, kick the cheat yo.

In y0u1 fac3
(The unprounouncable superhero for the lazy)
I hope to everyone this get's answered even if I have to send it 100 times

Author:  coach dang z [ Fri Feb 24, 2006 8:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

ive only sent one and it was when i first started watching h*r. i asked why strong bad always wore that mask. or if he was just sooo ugly

Author:  Compdude [ Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Foreign Languages

Just sent SB this one:


Hola Strong Bad,

Do you speak any foreign languages?



I also once sent him one advising him to make his own advice coulumn (sic), long before Secret Identities came out.

Author:  Krazed Squirell [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Okay, i've started to send emails to Strongbad. I don't want to give away my ideas but needless to say, if SB answers an email from Jed of Button Valley, MT then my life will be complete.

Or near enough. -KS

Author:  Gden [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:27 am ]
Post subject: 

I wrote him an email that said (near as I can remember) (keep in mind this is paraphrased because I forgot to save it and don't have the best memory)
Dear Strong Bad,

I know that you hate to tell the back-stories of items around your house, but this has been bugging me for a while. Where did you get all of your computers? Did they just pop out of thin air? I really want to know.

Some pretty cool closing words, (paraphrase don't remember them)
Some Guy named <my name here which starts with G>
ga (that last part was exactly that)

Author:  Dark Grapefruit [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just resent every email I have ever sent to SB in the vain hopes of being the big one-five-oh. All mine are signed "Courtney from Ontario", so I'll be on the lookout.

Author:  GoodfellaSnoop [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dear Strong Bad,

Do you test explosives or other scientific whathaveyou’s in Strongbadia? Is it radioactive now? It looks like a good test site. Or proving ground. Whatever, blow something up.

GoodfellaSnoop. DeLand, FL.

Author:  J-Man [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 8:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just some dumb, random stuff I came up one night:
Hey Strong Bad,

do you know where Mr. Grindingson lives? I recently won an expensive grill from him which he was selling at online auction. I've tried mailing him about it but he won't respond! What's wrong? Do you think he's cheating or something?

Yours truly,

Author:  doshindude [ Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:35 am ]
Post subject: 

I did a few:

Strong Bad
Have you ever heard of Windows 1.0? I know it may be too modern for you, but I think you should get it. It has a mouse and can multitask. And if you get it, can I have your Tandy, Compy and Lappy?

Dear Strongbad,
What would your theme song be if you had one? I'll keep this email short and sweet, since you like short emails.

Dear strong bad…or strong good….or strong medium…
Are you a computer geek? I see you have gone through 3 or 4 different computers and lappies. And why do you use software that is over 20 years old? Don't you think you should upgrade to the latest Windows OS or something?

Geekfully yours,

What would you do if you got in a fight with Chuck Norris?

--Doshindude, NH

Hey Strong Bad!
What do you want to be when you grow up? Do you plan on making a career on answering emails? How do you expect to get paid by sitting at a lappy all day? How about college? You should really start thinking about it.

--Estephene V, NH

yea, a lot of them were stupid.

Author:  Jake-A-Roonie [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 6:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Subject: Switcheroo

Dear Strong Bad,

What would it be like if you were still your cool self, but stuck in Strong Mad's body?  Or Strong Sad's?  Or if they were stuck in yours?

Jacob (not puttin' my last name 'cause I don't want you making fun of it)

I nearly had my electricity cut off last month, so I thought I'd send this one...
Subject: Utilities

Dear Strong Bad,

Have you ever had your utilities cut off?  If so, how did you manage through that?

Mansfield, TX

My parents recently told me that if I'd been born a girl, they'd have named me Amanda Elise. It got me to thinkin'...
Subject: Girl?

Dear Strong Bad,

What would you be like if you were a girl?  You'd probably still be pretty awesome, but just awesome in a different way, right?

Mansfield, TX

Subject: UPGRADE

Dear Strong Bad,

Does the word "upgrade" mean ANYTHING to you?

Mansfield, TX

Subject: Pom Talk

Hey Strong Bad,

What would Pom Pom sound like if he talked normal?  You know, like everyone else around there.

Jacob (leavin' out my last name so you don't make fun of it)
Mansfield, TX

I sent this one partly in reference to the "function key" that caused the awesome electric guitar effect on an email in the Compy era, and partly in hopes that he'll "accidentally" delete my email since haven't seen a deletion on the Lappy. (I've also sent him one before simply asking him to delete my email so we could see what the Lappy would do.)
Subject: Function

Hey Strong Bad,

Have you messed with the function keys on the Lappy to see if they do anything cool with the emails?

Jacob (leavin' out my last name so you don't make fun of it)
Mansfield, TX

This one actually happened...
Subject: Poopsmith Love

Dear Strong Bad,

I think I met the Poopsmith's sister yesterday...or his soulmate.  As she walked by, she was talking with her friend about how she likes eating, crap.  I think we should hook them up!

Jacob (still leavin' out my last name 'cause I don't want you makin' fun of it)
Mansfield, TX

I know Strong Bad opened one of his early emails by saying "Toons, Games, I'm gonna check my eeeeeemaaaail," but there's plenty more comic hilarity to be had from it, so I figured I'd give it a shot.
Subject: Toons, Games, Email

Dear Strong Bad,

Have you ever tried just walking outside and saying "Toons," "Games," and all that stuff to see if anything crazy happens?  Occasionally some sweet stuff happens whenever you say "Email," so why not give it a try?

Jacob (still leaving out my last name 'cause I don't want you making fun of it)
Mansfield, TX

I've never taken an IQ test until this week, and when I did I found out that I could easily qualify for Mensa, a high-IQ society. In my excitement (since the word "Mensa" looks great on resumes), I decided to ask Strong Bad about it too.
Subject: Mensa

Strong Bad,

Are you a member of Mensa?  If so, do you ever attend any of their functions?

Mansfield, TX

After sending so many emails, I decided to make fun of myself a bit.
Subject: Annoying

Dear Strong Bad,

Does it ever get really annoying when the same people keep emailing you over and over?

Mansfield, TX

I sent this one the day after I discovered Maybe he'll make a reference to them if he answers it, but doubtful.
Subject: Ninja!

Dear Strong Bad,

Have you ever considered being a ninja?

Jacob (leavin' out my last name 'cause I don't want you makin' fun of it)
Mansfield, TX

Author:  Blue [ Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Dear Strong Bad,
Has Strong Sad ever completely snapped and beat the crap out of you?

Dear Strong Bad,
Why do you hate Strong Sad? Do you miss being the baby of the family? Did he beat you up when oyu were little? Are you just a jerk? WHy?

Dear Strong Bad,

Author:  ramrod [ Sat Jun 10, 2006 4:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Here's one of me more recent ones:

Dear strong Bad,

Which is better; A Pirate or a Ninja.



Yes, I left the Grammar mistakes for a reason.

Author:  Stinko girl 20x6 [ Thu Jun 22, 2006 4:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dear Strong Bad
I've noticed that you're actually quite short.
What do you think about that?

Lots of love and kisses,
Small Bean,

yeah. It won't get answered.

Author:  lalalei2001 [ Thu Jun 22, 2006 4:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dear Strong Bad,

Have you ever thought of making/directing a musicall? If so, what would it be like?

Mary, OH

Author:  lalalei2001 [ Thu Jun 22, 2006 5:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dear Strong Bad,

Send a copy of this letter to four of your enemies, and good luck will follow. If you don't, an ancient curse will fall on you!

Cheers, The Chain Letter Association

Author:  The Spainish Inquisition [ Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was just about to make a thread like this! I think I might be psychic!

Anyway, I sent an email to Strong Bad 2 days ago. It went like this(or something like this, since I don't remember exactly what I wrote):

"Dear Strong Bad,
You are awesome. Now, on to my question. Does Strong Badia have any professional sports teams?
Your fan,

Maybe he'll like because it's spelled correctly, and because I told him he was awesome.

Author:  Jake-A-Roonie [ Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

I can see him doing the chain email thing, just so they can make fun of chain letters...but SB's already made fun of chain emails once, so...dunno. And for the sports teams, they kinda do...the Dumples. I know they're college sports, but close I doubt that would get answered.

Author:  TheLakeHead [ Fri Jun 30, 2006 1:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Same old borind words, Strong Bad!

Free Contry USA hasnt had any musicals lately. Maybe you shold write a musical/movie for the residants to preform!

Not gonna say crap,
Tom, Pa

I actually sent this recently. And same with...

Hello Mr. Bad,

We have recently updated our files for your ISP (located in Bub's Consession Stand, Free Country USA). We require your IP address, creditcard number, and a tour of your house.

Thank you,
Totally Non-Scammers and Not Bubs
Bub's Consession Stand, Free Country USA

Sortof like Creditcard, but this time, we require a TOUR OF HIS HOUSE!

Author:  Jamesbray [ Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dear Strong Bad,

How about you and The Cheat have a battle about animation, we could find out who is better at animation, you or the cheat. I think the cheat is totally better, But your good at drawing.

From a person,

Pretty cool one huh?

Author:  UZ [ Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Dear Strong Bad,

You don't seem to be very good with computers. How long do you think that the Lappy will last before it explodes or is inexplicably broken by you, The Cheat, or another of your rag-tag gang?


Author:  Cara Carabowditbowdit [ Mon Jul 10, 2006 4:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dear King Strong Badia,

Do you ever eavesdrop?


Dear Strong Bad,

Why does no one spell correctly any more? I think it's an evil plan of some sort.

Silver Spring, MD

I'm sure they won't be picked, but oh well.

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