Pardalis wrote:
I guess its like any series really.
The first episodes/books/whatevers are often mediocre, or sometimes even duds. But you get to know the chars, and they should be at least sufficiently interesting to keep you coming for more.
Of course, sometimes the earliest work is the best, especially with music, and with most early work there is also those first few gems but still, on the whole. The first is seldom the best.
The real glory time usually comes afterwards (although there are a few very nice ones before it I think SB-emails truly started to hit its stride along the 20th mail), and then at one point it goes downhill (And judging by e-mails such as 'themepark' and 'dangeresque 3', that moment is still far away for H*R.)
And sometimes if series and such go downhill it gets out of the valley again, be it for a shorter or longer time. And sometimes it just plain jumps the shark.
H*R though would have to do at least 20 more e-mails of 'cheatday' quality in a row (or nearly in a row) before
I'd worry about shark-jumping though!
Honestly, I expect the next one to at least be decent, if not awesome.
Also, WHY DO so many folks hate Car?
Okay, couple things here. One, I know an absolute exception to that rule: Harry Potter. Then again, that series is kinda the exception to ALL the rules, know what I'm sayin'?
Two, I personally liked car (although it's nowhere near one of my favorites).
Three, I'm kinda way far in the future from when this comment was made, and I can now assure you no shark jumping has been committed. At least, not as far as I can tell.
Four, going back to the 'from the future' thing, yes, the next one was decent. The one after that - slightly less so. The one after THAT.......let's just say, I think it sank into a valley again.
'virus' was pretty good, I guess. But the ones after that weren't. But then, right about at 'rock opera', things got good again. Like, really good. Like, 'including my favorite emails' good. Then, at '', it sank yet again. But not too far. Then 'candy product', up. Then 'coloring', down. Then 'the movies' up. 'rough copy', down. You get the idea. I think at 'rated', or maybe 'specially marked', it got good and stayed good, right up until 'videography', which is the most recent email. But that's just one girl's opinion.
More on subject, my least favorite SBemail.....hmmm.....uhhh......tell you the truth, I think I had one at one point, but I'd have to go watch them all again to figure out what it was. Oh well.