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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:39 am 
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Jackalope Train wrote:
Call me a traitor to the SB Email cause...But...I really just didn't like the first one. It's still the first email though, so it deserves something.

It was just...Not funny...And really short.

I don't blame you. I didn't think it was that good either. There are a few gems amongst the early emails, but I can't stand most of them.


 Post subject: Rock Opera and Pop-up Book.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:40 am 

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Rock Opera was the worst ever, I didn't laugh throughout the whole thing. The concept was too absurd and lame for even SB to save it. And SB was an out-of-character spazz in Pop-up Book, especially with that agonizing beginning part that dragged on forever(so what? he's saying it over and over again, and he jumped up to the ceiling once. There's nothing remotely funny about that).

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:08 am 
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YES. firewhenready, you rule. The new version of strong bad is simply not that funny. He's so hyper and squeeky. I don't know when it happened. Maybe around email 120 or so. But I liked him much better when he played the straightman, instead of yelling and acting nuts all the time.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:31 pm 
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Deep Sea Fangly Fish wrote:
I liked him much better when he played the straightman, instead of yelling and acting nuts all the time.

I Totally agree with ya man.

Can I please have your brain?

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 8:45 pm 
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Not counting all the boring originals, (Sue me, I said they're boring) I'd have to say "Current Status". Short, pointless, and not funny. Why do they even have it.

(Sue me, I said Current Status sucks)


 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:53 pm 

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The first 20 emails didn't appeal to me.
Other than those, I do not like do over. Not funny at all.

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:55 am 
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I HATE HOMSAR AND POM POM they hurt my favourite charecters.

POOOR :homsar: and :pom: :pom:

Eat a steak
Hremails rule!!!!!!!
call me agent H or agent P

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:00 am 
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homsarrulez wrote:
I HATE HOMSAR AND POM POM they hurt my favourite charecters.

POOOR :homsar: and :pom: :pom:

Err.. Pom Pom isn't actually hurt in pom pom. In fact, he kicks Strong Bad's butt,

Who put a Bengal tiger in The Kaiser's latrine?

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:50 am 
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There's a few early ones I don't even remember very well, and haven't had any real desire to rewatch.

Out of the ones I do recall, 'buried' was just rather bland for me *shrug* Wasn't bad. It doesn't get bonus points for Bubs, though!


 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:32 am 
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I remember feeling much the same way about buried, really. Now, I was not that enthusiastic about most of the sbemails of that era, other than fan club, but buried somehow seemed especially lackluster to me. For me, it was love poems that rekindled my interest in sbemail.

And that's why come Shakespeare was so awesome.

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:49 am 
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[[funny]]. funny is a terrible email, and should really have been named "trying too hard". Ironically, every other email is funnier than funny. Even tape-leg.


 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:52 am 
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'love poems' is an amazing SBEmail. 'fan club' I'm a little obliged to love because I am one of those fans that delves in fanfiction of the 'boys making out' variety. My brothers tease me that it's TBC's way of telling me to stop.

It's not working

I didn't particularly like 'rated' either or 'shapeshifter'. *tilts head to the side* And I just rewatched 'your edge' and it wasn't nearly as funny as I recall.

I know it's cliché by 'email thunder' is probably my favorite of the last few. It was just epic whereas the rest were a tiny bit ... lacking.


 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 5:13 am 
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DorianGray wrote:
[[funny]]. funny is a terrible email, and should really have been named "trying too hard". Ironically, every other email is funnier than funny. Even tape-leg.

To be fair, I've always liked Homestar and Strong Sad's lines in that one. But otherwise, I have to agree. I remember watching that when it first came out and I was like, "umm, OK...?"

And that's why come Shakespeare was so awesome.

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 5:17 am 
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Heimstern Läufer wrote:
DorianGray wrote:
[[funny]]. funny is a terrible email, and should really have been named "trying too hard". Ironically, every other email is funnier than funny. Even tape-leg.

To be fair, I've always liked Homestar and Strong Sad's lines in that one. But otherwise, I have to agree. I remember watching that when it first came out and I was like, "umm, OK...?"

I'd have to agree with that assessment. Strong Bad's just not the charmer he usually is in that one. But Homestar really brought his A-game in his hard-to-access Easter egg.


 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:32 pm 

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I wasn't so keen on bike thief or looking old. The chair was boring to me too. And of course some kinda robot. Too short, Clanky....I mean Abdi.

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:51 pm 
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I didn't like too many of the New Paper-era emails. But maybe I just watched them too many times.

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:40 pm 
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I have never been a big fan of Being Mean. It seemed too short, Coach Z lacked his usual hilarity, and the Hungry Shark didn't help. However, Homestar's part saved it for me.


 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 3:10 am 
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one of my least favorites of all, is yes, wrestling

i didnt enjoy it at all, and it seemed to drag on forever

the only part i liked was strong sad at the end

but yeah, thats one of my least favorites

curse my lysdexia

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:28 am 
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Ok, I agree with the peoples who say the new paper arc was lacking (save a few of them) but some of the early ones that have been considered to be awful have been unjustly judged. In my opinion.

For example, although most of the universe will disagree with me on this, I think Tape-leg deserves way more credit that it gets. Not because of SB's resolution to the problem, but the sheer 'Wait, what?' that comes over you when you see that someone thinks, for no explained reason, that SB's legs are made of tape. So unless it was someone being an idiot and trying to be funny, that deserves at least not to be judged the worst email ever.

Also there is 'Funny'. I think the whole point of that email is to make fun of the way that most people react when they are TOLD to be funny, which is hard to do on queue. And strong bad takes this to another level of acting really stupid because he's trying to be funny. So, even though it isn't an excellent email, it's still making fun of a real thing that makes people act really stupid, so I don't think it's the worst ever for that reason.

I don't think there are any "bad" emails, because I don't feel it's fair to compare episodes from one arc to those of another. For instance, the Tandy emails are a completely different format to the Lappy ones. I just think you can compare the arcs on avarege, and thus I think that the NP arc is generally worse than the other ones, just because the emails don't have their own kick to them. With a few exceptions.

"Sid Hoffmann, or Sid Frenchman?" "Homestar, this is the dumbest game i've ever played" "Oh, come on! You're just bein' sore 'cause you're losin'" "Ok, i'll go with Sid Hoffmann." "Sid HoffFrenchman. Sorry, you lose, I said Sid Frenchman."

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:56 pm 
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Sbemail 2.
Because Strong Bad tries to kill my favorite it's really short and boring.

"He's got him in the half nelson! He's got him in the full nelson! OH NO! The dreaded Ozzie Nelson!!"

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 1:22 am 
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Cloverstardrop wrote:
Sbemail 2.
Because Strong Bad tries to kill my favorite it's really short and boring.

If that email wasn't answered, your favorite character wouldn't even exist...

Last edited by Omnisweater on Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:10 pm 
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Cloverstardrop wrote:
Sbemail 2.
Because Strong Bad tries to kill my favorite it's really short and boring.

Homsar is my favorite character, and I rather enjoyed it. Also, as Omnisweater said, If it weren't for that email, Homsar wouldn't have existed.

To everyone else out there who's complaining about the emails where there favorite characters almost get hurt, please keep in mind it's just a cartoon and I doubt anyone's going to get killed off forever.

"Strong Bad, I thought you said our float was going to be celebrating our nation's covered bridges!"
"No, I said it would be placing you in a fake snowman and hitting you with nunchucks... covered bridges..."

Check out my deviantART!

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:29 am 
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Any email before "band names" except "i love you" and "trevor the vampire".

All the early ones were way too short and pretty much not funny at all.

"Carageenan Monteljohn, can you detect me to the nearest bus stamp?" -Senor Cardgage

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:54 am 

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I found "guitar" to be slightly overrated.

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 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:15 pm 
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I think 201 is the worst one.


 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:20 am 

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In general it's not really fair to hold most of the Tandy e-mails to the same standard we hold the Compy and Lappys too. Nearly everything on the site from 2000 and 2001 isn't nearly as funny as it started being in, like, late 2002/early 2003. The whole style of humor is different and more sophisticated, and the Brothers Chaps have gotten better at making cartoons.

So I'm not going to waste anyone's time by, yes, pointing out that "tape-leg" isn't great and neither is "butt IQ". (Although "tape-leg" doesn't bother me as many as others, because of the randomness - ditto "homsar". That's actually kind of funny, to just take the misspelling of Homestar to mean a completely different person)

But from the more recent two computer eras, here's some ones I don't like:

new hands
current status
monster truck (In fact, I really don't like this one - and the fact that it made Strong Bad's top 50 over stuff like "the basics" or "lures & jigs" or "morning routine" or "english paper" stymies me)
the show (Everything to do with The Show gets me to hit back when I pick a random toon on the site)
big white face
funny (As others have noted, they tried way too hard with this one - on purpose, obviously, but still)
long pants

There's more, I'm sure. I got bored of looking through the list for inspiration.

I do want to make sure to add that there are some really really good Tandy ones though: "lures & jigs" is one I mentioned, and I also really really like "the basics", that remains in my top 10 even after all these years. And I think everyone, myself included, likes "trevor the vampire."

Oh, and I agree with those who like "car", I thought that one was hilarious "No, it plays the theme from Night Court starring Richard Moll"

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:14 pm 
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In my opinion, being mean is the worst email.

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:26 pm 
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Boring (really). Huh, it said it was boring and it was.

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:26 pm 
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Boring (really). Huh, it said it was boring and it was.

 Post subject: Re: In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst E-Mail?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:15 pm 
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I hate Homsar and Fingers.

I hate homsar because he trys to kill my Homsar and it is not funny
I hate Fingers because removes the a funny joke that I like.

Eat a steak
Hremails rule!!!!!!!
call me agent H or agent P

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