Homestar Runner Wiki Forum

In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst Email?
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Author:  GigaDevan [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  In Your Opinion, What Is The Worst Email?

Although 99% of the emails are excellent, I'd say a pretty bad one is Car. I just didn't find it very funny. At all.

Author:  AgentSeethroo [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 7:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

I didn't dig the most recent one either.

Author:  TimMierz [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 8:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

There are several that could qualify:

-tape-leg (really, really dumb; nothing happens and it's not funny at all) [saving grace: constantly mocked, even in the following email (Sue thought it was pathetic in SBE spring cleaning)]
-butt IQ (the stupidity of this email is greater than or equal to that of Strong Bad's old voice) [saving grace: "On a scale from 1 to awesome, I'm super great"]
-homestar hair (just an example of him having to answer every email) [saving graces: Temple of Apshai, the first deleted email]
-making out (just plain dumb)
-property of ones (a whole email about cold ones?) [saving grace: pictures of the non-cold ones]
-3 Wishes (so he's got horns. next?) [saving grace: complaining about email signatures]
-theme party (no cut-scene at all, much better is expected for the Compy 386 era) [saving grace: "Circles" easter egg]
-current status (it's like TBC had this awesome thought of Coach Z and Bubs merging, and really stretched to fit it in an email, without them having much time) [saving grace: Coach B and Zubs were funny the first time you saw 'em]
-funny (a classic example of just trying too hard) [saving grace: squeaky pants dance]

Author:  GigaDevan [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

The heck? "Funny" was hilarious!

Author:  Zann [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 11:49 pm ]
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from the 70 or so emails that I've seen (or paid attention to) i don't have a worst one. Tape leg, as TimMierz said, was not a very good email, but hey, I like tape. No worst email for me.

Author:  Pardalis [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 1:48 am ]
Post subject: 

I still say Guitar. Its apperently hilarious if you have a working knowledge of Guitar.. Guitarism.
But to me it just remains Strong Bad being boringly hyperactive and falling out of his chair... He had too much candy on that one I say.

But the ones mentioned are all valid ones. Property of Ones, Butt IQ, Making Out and Tapeleg are all just boring, although the former two do have a certain weird charm.

No Loafing also falls in that catagory, just not that interesting, although it has a few cute quotes on SB's inspirational posters. I'm also not a huge fan of 'The Bird' but thats not really a bad one per se.

Car IMHO is a pretty decent one. Certainly not one of the worst, even if its really not one of the best either. I don't get why some people hate it so much.
Although I have to note now that apperently Strong Bad has a car after all... Ever see me in a car? Yep Strong Bad... We all saw you in the gremlin, in 'Dangeresque; Dangeresque too?'! Of course.. Doesn't mean its his car...

I'd also mention Dragon, but that one is simply a good e-mail thats overrated, and not a bad one. It IS actually quite a good one.

Most of SB's early ones aren't the strongest ones on his repetoire, but there were always some nice ones such as 'Trevor the Vampire' and of course 'I love u'. And 'Homsar deserves an honorary mention. Its not that the mail itself is that funny, it just got us Homsar!

Eh.. but back to weak ones... How about Band Names? That one is kinda underwhelming I think...

Author:  Plaster-Man [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 4:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Heres my list:

Making Out
And fhqwadgs wasnt that funny, but it gave us the song

Author:  Dark Grapefruit [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:16 am ]
Post subject: 

I never liked Lackey. Yay, a cantaloupe that has nothing to do with the email.
Also, all the ones people have mentioned.

Author:  Gemini [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Dark Grapefruit wrote:
I never liked Lackey. Yay, a cantaloupe that has nothing to do with the email.
Also, all the ones people have mentioned.

Using that logic you might as well hate pretty much every e-mail he does, since TBC ALWAYS throw in stuff that has nothing to do with the e-mail.

Author:  furrykef [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:48 am ]
Post subject: 

I think "No Loafing" was the low point for me, since from what I remember it had next to nothing and felt like one of the really old e-mails...the old e-mails were fine, of course, but I still wouldn't want to see a new one be like "some kinda robot", you know?

- Kef

Author:  Strong Lad [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 7:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Tapeleg was a really bad one, but then, is that really the fault of TBC, or the guys sending the E-mails? Perhaps there wasn't anything decent that week.....
Call me biased, but..uh.. sb_Email 22. Sorry, but if there is one thing that I cannot stand, it's the stereotype that all British people are posh, stuck-up, snotty snobs.
Homestar Hair, as it's just a thing that Strong Bad complains about.

Author:  AgentSeethroo [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 2:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Strong Lad wrote:
if there is one thing that I cannot stand, it's the stereotype that all British people are posh, stuck-up, snotty snobs.

WHAT? You mean they AREN'T???

Just kidding. I know exactly what you's like when people assume I listen to country music and ride horses because I'm from Texas.


Author:  InterruptorJones [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 2:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

AgentSeethroo wrote:
Just kidding. I know exactly what you's like when people assume I listen to country music and ride horses because I'm from Texas.

I have two friends from Texas. They both hate country and they're both lesbians. So much for stereotypes.

Author:  AgentSeethroo [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 3:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

InterruptorJones wrote:
AgentSeethroo wrote:
Just kidding. I know exactly what you's like when people assume I listen to country music and ride horses because I'm from Texas.

I have two friends from Texas. They both hate country and they're both lesbians. So much for stereotypes.

Now, let's not get a new stereotype going about Texans...
Just so everyone knows, NOT all Texans are lesbians.

[edit: insert rimshot here]

Author:  furrykef [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 3:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

AgentSeethroo wrote:
Just kidding. I know exactly what you's like when people assume I listen to country music and ride horses because I'm from Texas.


I can tell you now that Oklahoma has it worse in that regard.

Author:  Swooshoman [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 4:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

People assume because I spent allmy life up till now in Florida that I'm like a Southerner, but I'm not! I grew up my whole life around people from WAY up North (New York, Maine, etc.) so the only thing remptely Southern about me is my love for the sun!

Author:  Pikachu Almighty [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 4:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Homestar Hair. Worst.Email.Ever. :angry:

Author:  Tom [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 4:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

So, back to the topic...

The emails are like my childrens. I love them all!

No seriously, I do. I love tape-leg. I love car. I love funny. I love marzipan. I love no loafing. I love the basics. I love homestar hair.

I love every single one.

Author:  StrongCanada [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 4:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tom wrote:
The emails are like my childrens. I love them all!

I agree...although, I also say that his earlier ones were weaker than his newer ones. Still funny, but not as good....and I thought that last email was funny! I liked the Cheat answering emails - we got our question answered as to what it would be like!

Author:  InterruptorJones [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 4:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, I'm with Tom on this one. There are some that are lesser and some that are more-er, but they're all good in their own way.

Author:  Clever Danielle [ Thu Jul 08, 2004 12:06 am ]
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Funny. OMG, I hate that one. My cousin finds it hilarious, and it annoys me to the point of no return.

Author:  Clever Danielle [ Thu Jul 08, 2004 12:08 am ]
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Oh, and i forgot about Couch Patch. The only good thing about that is the million-dollar egg

Author:  furrykef [ Thu Jul 08, 2004 12:10 am ]
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I kinda liked Couch Patch. Especially how they "try" to disguise Coach Z and fail miserably (but of course Strong Bad still can't figure it out).

Author:  TimMierz [ Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:54 am ]
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While we're talking about SBE couch patch, how could Strong Bad identify the gumbo without knowing who he served it to?

Author:  furrykef [ Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:50 am ]
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Perhaps he only prepared gumbo once?

Author:  TimMierz [ Thu Jul 08, 2004 5:01 am ]
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All the easier to figure out who ate it and spewed it.

Author:  wiggidy_wacko [ Thu Jul 08, 2004 6:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Gemini wrote:
Dark Grapefruit wrote:
I never liked Lackey. Yay, a cantaloupe that has nothing to do with the email.
Also, all the ones people have mentioned.

Using that logic you might as well hate pretty much every e-mail he does, since TBC ALWAYS throw in stuff that has nothing to do with the e-mail.

i know, i was just about to say...since when has very much actually had to do with anything? the email itself is like the most random thing you could think of! well...almost...

Author:  Pardalis [ Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:43 am ]
Post subject: 

I liked the Cheat answering emails - we got our question answered as to what it would be like!

It'd be... in MY opinion, surprisingly well... no offense to anyone one... But The Cheat answering e-mails apperently is surprisingly LAME.

'Yeah man, I'll gnaw your face off. Teh C.'

I still think its both out of character for The Cheat and not funny at all. I guess he was just writing some nonsense to please Strong Bad or something, but he can do so much better then that.

Besides, The Cheat answered an e-mail before, done in his own style. 'Mile' Which is so much better.

That said though, the last e-mail has grown on me a little more, even though I still think its a weak one. It just has some nifty touches like the 'Keytar' and SB with a bag of chips on his head. As well as his birthday song. 'Sweet, Sweet The Cheat! Today is the day on your fake i-d! So get upstairs... Uh! And make me some breakfast!'

Then again, Strong Bad was in character as always really.

Author:  Killingyouguy [ Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think homestair hair is the worst one. Tape-leg is pretty crappy, but it resulted in Tape-Leg 2 in Personal Favorites. Some kinda robot is too boring, but I'll give it some slack beause it's the first. In general, the early ones are just not as good. I like Car a lot. "Oh, well you spelled it the same" is great.

Author:  Pardalis [ Thu Jul 08, 2004 11:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

I guess its like any series really.

The first episodes/books/whatevers are often mediocre, or sometimes even duds. But you get to know the chars, and they should be at least sufficiently interesting to keep you coming for more.
Of course, sometimes the earliest work is the best, especially with music, and with most early work there is also those first few gems but still, on the whole. The first is seldom the best.

The real glory time usually comes afterwards (although there are a few very nice ones before it I think SB-emails truly started to hit its stride along the 20th mail), and then at one point it goes downhill (And judging by e-mails such as 'themepark' and 'dangeresque 3', that moment is still far away for H*R.)
And sometimes if series and such go downhill it gets out of the valley again, be it for a shorter or longer time. And sometimes it just plain jumps the shark.

H*R though would have to do at least 20 more e-mails of 'cheatday' quality in a row (or nearly in a row) before I'd worry about shark-jumping though!

Honestly, I expect the next one to at least be decent, if not awesome. ;)

Also, WHY DO so many folks hate Car?

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