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 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 7:17 am 
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James realised Elias Cage, he felt sorry for the guy.

"Maybe we should invite the man with the grey cloak to the table" said the werewolf.

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 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:09 pm 
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<OOC> Erm... I guess I ended my post off a little vaguely. Cage is still sitting outside. My bad ^^;; </OOC>


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:31 pm 
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Duncan returned Luke's handshake and took another big gulp of his stout.

"Who? That man outside? Sure, it's good to talk to someone else."

 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:22 pm 

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<OOC: Sorry I've been gone. I'm going on vacation in 4 days, so if you want top control my charater as an NPC until I get back that would be fine.>


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:04 am 
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Orandius had been eating his meal in silence, as was the custom of his people, but when he heard the suggestion to invite the man in the grey cloak to the table he put down his fork.
"Yes," he said, "we do have one more empty seat at our table. It is getting late, and shall be good to finish the meal in full company."
Orandius had given up on his hopes of dignified conversation with a wealthy foreign prince. Now his table had become filled with dirty-looking travellers, one more couldn't possibly make it any worse.


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:23 pm 
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Drekle had finished his meal while the table next to him filled up. With that many folks talking it had become difficult to hold a conversation, so Drekle thought he'd head over to Farnham's a bit early. It would give him time to take the longer route that happened to lead him past Mary's place. Maybe she'd be outside milking the cow for the evening.

On his way out (after saying his farewell's to the barmaid - and paying his tab), he noticed that the man in the grey cloak he'd passed by on the way in was still sitting on the steps.

"Excuse me sir, but can I help you? You've been sitting here a fair while it seems."


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:16 pm 
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Hearing the voice behind him, Cage turned over his shoulder and peered out from within his hood. A local seemed to be attached to the voice. Cautiously, he rose to his feet and gave a calculated nod.

"Aye, perhaps ye' can, good sir. My name's Cage, Elias Cage. Folks call me by mi'surname, if ye'd like te do th' same.

Sir, I'm going to be honest with ye'. I hate te be in the position t'beg, but you wouldn't happen te be able to lend a bite or a place t'rest miself for the night? Or better yet, d'ye know of somebody in need of a hired hand? I come from out of town, I don't know anybody 'round here at all. If'n ye did, I'd be very much obliged, kind sir. Please sir, I haven't had naught t'eat for two days since I got 'ere.

Ach, forgive me sir, I've forgotten my manners. What's your name, to whom I owe th'pleasure of meetin' this even'n?" Cage extended a hand out from within the folds of his cloak. Metal dimly glinted off the once ornate gauntlet that he wore on his wrist.


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:32 pm 
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Capt. Ido Nos wrote:
Sir, I'm going to be honest with ye'. I hate te be in the position t'beg, but you wouldn't happen te be able to lend a bite or a place t'rest miself for the night? Or better yet, d'ye know of somebody in need of a hired hand? I come from out of town, I don't know anybody 'round here at all. If'n ye did, I'd be very much obliged, kind sir. Please sir, I haven't had naught t'eat for two days since I got 'ere.

Ach, forgive me sir, I've forgotten my manners. What's your name, to whom I owe th'pleasure of meetin' this even'n?" Cage extended a hand out from within the folds of his cloak. Metal dimly glinted off the once ornate gauntlet that he wore on his wrist.

Drekle met Cage's hand as he replied. "Pleasure to meet you Cage. I'm Drekle and I'd be happy to house you for a night. Our accomodations are modest but I'm sure they're better than these steps. As to a job, I happen to be on my way to see Farnham, a gemsmith who might know of a position for you. He's more in the know about those sorts of things. First I think we ought to get you fed though. I've some bread at the house and it happens to be along the way."


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:02 am 
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"Mercy me, what a blessing ye' are, Mist'r Drekle sir," Cage gave a small gasp "I di'n't except half the kindness ye're offerin' me t'night. Thank ye' so very much. Heavens above, not just a meal, but a meal and a job!" Cage ventured out a smile of relief. This man was a windfall, a windfall indeed. Deep in his gut, his stomach tightened a little more, bringing him back to the present.

"You know, that bread sounds particularly good about now, Mist'r Drekle. If'n ye could show me the way..." he stopped suddenly, and turned his head, giving Drekle a sideways look. "Say there, ye've got the pointy ears" he remarked, his tired voice ringing with slight amusement. "But ye' aren't an elf, now are ye? If ye pardon me for askin', but ye're one of the halfsies, am I right? I di'n't think te see any o' them 'round these parts"

A windfall indeed...


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:18 am 
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The man James had spoken to earlier left and began talking to the man James wanted to invite to the table.

Orandius was a little confused.
"Excuse me James, those men out there, do you know them?"


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:05 am 
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"No, I'm just a friendly guy, I haven't even been to this town before today" replied James.

I can be soft sometimes...sometimes...

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 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:21 am 
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Just then, a man clutching a bag ran around a corner and nearly bowled Drekle over. He ran off, pursued by another man clad in baker's attire and a brandishing a heavy brass candlestick. The man with the candlestick yelled: "Stop, THIEF!"


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:52 am 
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James heard the yell but could not make out the words, the noise of the pub almost drowned out the yell for James's ears. "Did any of you hear something?" James asked.

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 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:48 pm 
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"I GOT 'EM!" Duncan unsheathed his sword, dropped his Bag of Holding on his chair and charged after the thief with a reptilian snarl. Surprisingly, the weight of his rounded belly didn't seem to slow him down. He pinned down the thief about a block away from the entrance.

"Give it back, whatever's in the bag. And whoever you are." The Lizzard spat in the thief's face.

 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:24 pm 
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The thief tried to fight back, but Duncan was just too strong. Seeing the futility of further struggle, he dropped the bag and said: "Alright, alright. You've got me. Just my luck, snagged by a Lizzardman."

A member of the Town Watch street patrol ran up, metal club at the ready, and said: "Hey now, what's going on here?"
The baker, out of breath and wheezing, trotted up and pointed at the man Duncan was holding down and said, in a thick Ensheian accent: "Please to be arrest-a that-a man." ::WHEEESE:: "He a-steal a cake from a my a-shop." ::GASPING FOR AIR:: "I a sit-a down a now."
The baker was more than a little fat, and he was seriously out of breath after running after the thief. He sat down on the sidewalk and tried to catch his breath.
The Town Watchman said: "Yeah, you better take a rest, Luigi. You don't look so good."
Luigi the baker wheesed back: "I'll be alright-a."
The Watchman said to Duncan: "That was some nice work, Lizzardman, tackling him like that. Looks like you went and snagged one of the Red Hood Gang. We've been looking for them. Oh yes, the Magistrate will have some choice words for this one. I'll take over now, thank you" He turned to the thief and said: "Decided to move up from pickpocketing, did you? Well, it's off to the Magistrate with you." The watchman took a set of wrist irons off his belt and said: "Come on, on your feet now.. on your FEET I say! And don't try anything. I have no patience for the tricks of knaves and brigands. As far as I'm concerned, a beating is a merciful end to you for you should face the gallows! Now, hands behind your back..." The watchman put the set of wrist irons on the thief and then turned to Duncan and said: "Hey, if you feel like catching some more thieves, come by the Guardhouse later and talk to Chief Bryant. He's looking to hire some muscle to bust up these thieving gangs in the city. Later, friend."

Luigi stood up and walked over to Duncan. "Oh, a-thank you. You a caught-a the thief. I an most greatfull. Here, it's a-not a-much, but you take this money, yes? As a reward, yes?" Luigi handed Duncan a small silk bag with silver and gold coins in it. "And a-you a come by my shop later, and I bake you whatever you a-want, on me! You like cake? How about a pie? Perhaps some doughnuts, yes?"


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:17 am 
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Orandius also had hearing greater than that of a human, and he too would have rushed to intercept the criminal if it weren't for Duncan's faster reflexes. Orandius jumped from his chair at the same time as Duncan, though he stopped to assess the situation, to determine whether the baker or the accused thief was the real thief.
Once Duncan had run out the door (at a faster speed than Orandius could manage) Orandius decided to grab Duncan's bag and follow him. He had a slight sense that the bag was magical, so Duncan would not want to lose it.

Orandius arrived just as the guard and baker were offering Duncan rewards.
"Congratulations! You have excellent speed and fighting skills, my friend," Orandius patted Duncan on the back. "Here's your bag."


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:34 pm 
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[OOC: I'm not sure Orandius, even though he is a werewolf, is strong enough to carry the Bag of Holding, which weighs as much as its contents. Duncan's got tons and tons of gold in there.]

"I guess I could stay an extra day or two to help you catch those criminals," Duncan said, shaking the Watchman's hand, "I'm in no rush to get home."

Taking the small purse from the baker, he declined the man's offer. "I love me some good food, but we Lizzards can't handle grains too well. We like our meat. And besides," Duncan grabbed the flab on his stomach, "even if we could eat grain, I couldn't eat too much of that cake!"

He turned around as Orandius handed him the Bag of Holding. "Oh, thank yeh for that. Yeh didn't hafta do it; I was gonna come back to the Inn." Duncan straightened his kilt and slung the bag over his shoulder. "So what brings you to Glenarbour, Oran?"


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:55 am 
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<OOC: Actually, James is the werewolf, Orandius is the elf magician. Let's just say he struggled with the bag of holding, but managed to get it there anyway.>

Orandius felt a little silly, he had showed up too late carrying a bag that wasn't needed. He sheepishly nodded to both the watchman and the baker, then walked back towards the inn beside Duncan.

"I am here for two reasons, Duncan. Firstly, I am on a journey to find an experienced magician learn the ways of magic. Secondly, I am looking for adventure. And may I ask you the same question?"


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:22 pm 
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<Oh man! If my last post had actually posted I might not have been bowled over. You would have liked it Ido. Sadly I don't have time to replicate it or adapt it now.>

Suddenly Drekle was nearly knocked down by a hoodlum. He took chase and got there just before Orandius.


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:45 pm 
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<OOC: Can't blame ya Ian, one of my characters used to be a mage, so that could have caused a mix up. I guess the response in hearing also caused the problem, I can't read other player's minds, all I can do is try and make sure James isn't a Gary Stu.>

James was just sitting in the Tavern, his plate was now empty and so was his glass. It was getting a bit dull for the werewolf. I should of rushed outside with Duncan and Orand...jus...ah well it was probably nothing special. James's eyes wandered, looking at the least significant things in the tavern.

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 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Closed!
PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:40 pm 
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Since the hubbub seemed to be over, Drekle walked back to Cage, whom he had left on the steps in his hurry. "What say we get you that bread?"

Ordinarily Drekle would have responded to the comment about his ears (which you can't really tell are slightly pointed unless you are looking), but he'd forgotten about it when the thief ran by.


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: The Adventure Begins!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:09 am 
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As Orandius was telling Duncan a little of his story, he noticed the man James had talked to in the bar walking back from where the robber was caught, and talking to the shady man in the grey cloak once again. His mind suddenly filled with what might have been a thieves' plot.

Before Duncan could answer Orandius' question, Orandius quickly said
"Stop, I think I know what really happened. Take a look at that man who ran over when you caught the thief... and there is his shady looking accomplice." He started whispering. "He must have run over to help that thief, before he realised they were outnumbered."

Orandius ran over to the two men and placed his hand on his sword hilt. He spoke with authority:
"Alright then, what do you two know of this robbery?"


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: The Adventure Begins!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:39 am 
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The two suspicious men Orandius was tring to question immediately bolted in opposite directions. The man in the grey cloak jumped up and caught the edge of the nearest roof with his hands, and performing a feat of acrobatics, he somersaulted up onto the roof and continued running. The other man, in a black cloak with red piping, simply ran down the street, weaving around or hoping over various obstacles. He seemed to be heading for a dark alley about a 100 yards away.
EDIT: This was a mistake. Strikethrough!


Last edited by Sarge on Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: The Adventure Begins!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 6:26 am 
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<OOC: Uhh... I actually meant Drekle and Cage. Orandius was suspecting them of involvement.
Are there two others who were actually involved in the robbery?>


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: The Adventure Begins!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:50 am 
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Biscuithead wrote:
<OOC: Uhh... I actually meant Drekle and Cage. Orandius was suspecting them of involvement.
Are there two others who were actually involved in the robbery?>

<GM's Note: :mrgreen: I thought you'd gone and dreamt up some NPC villains to encounter. Sorry, but you didn't use their names, and you didn't say anything OOC, so I had no clue you means Drekle and Cage. Oops. :mrgreen: >


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: The Adventure Begins!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:45 pm 
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<OOC: Lets just go along with it...>

James stood up and said "Well I'm going outside, are you coming Rein?"

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 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: The Adventure Begins!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:09 pm 
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Luke coughed awkwardly. He had noticed the thief outside, but figured that Duncan and the elf would be enough to catch him. Now it seemed like the rest of the table was about to leave, and the waitress was taking an especially long time with his order. His options were wait at the table, and potentially miss the prince, or leave. Not a hard decision.

He got up, and at the same instant another man at the table did the same.

<OOC: I vote we just pretend Sarge's post never happened...>


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: The Adventure Begins!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:54 pm 
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Biscuithead wrote:
Orandius ran over to the two men and placed his hand on his sword hilt. He spoke with authority:
"Alright then, what do you two know of this robbery?"

Drekle turned to the man - noting the placement of his hand on his weapon - and once again asked himself why he didn't carry one (though never before would he have found it necessary). "I know he was a part of a gang that's been causing a lot of trouble in this town and that catching them is worth something. I also know that the man nearly knocked me down with his getaway attempt. Now you tell me, why the inquisition?" As he finished talking, he realized that this was the elf that had been sitting with Duncan, who he now noticed just a few paces from them. He had no idea why they would suspect him of anything, but didn't know what else to say.


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: The Adventure Begins!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:25 pm 
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Chichindrich wrote:
Luke coughed awkwardly. He had noticed the thief outside, but figured that Duncan and the elf would be enough to catch him. Now it seemed like the rest of the table was about to leave, and the waitress was taking an especially long time with his order. His options were wait at the table, and potentially miss the prince, or leave. Not a hard decision.

He got up, and at the same instant another man at the table did the same.

<OOC: I vote we just pretend Sarge's post never happened...>



 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: The Adventure Begins!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:36 am 
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Jones' Girl wrote:
Drekle turned to the man - noting the placement of his hand on his weapon - and once again asked himself why he didn't carry one (though never before would he have found it necessary). "I know he was a part of a gang that's been causing a lot of trouble in this town and that catching them is worth something. I also know that the man nearly knocked me down with his getaway attempt. Now you tell me, why the inquisition?" As he finished talking, he realized that this was the elf that had been sitting with Duncan, who he now noticed just a few paces from them. He had no idea why they would suspect him of anything, but didn't know what else to say.

"A gang?" Orandius was surprised. "How do I know you are not a part of this gang?"

He looked into the man's eyes using a simple spell, it took a short while, but he could see no hatred or secrecy in them. However, the man in the grey cloak would not show his eyes, so Orandius could not use magic to sense his feelings.

"No, I believe you are innocent," he reassured Drekle, "but I'm not so sure about your friend here."
He then sharply turned to Cage. "What do you have to say for yourself?"


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