Biscuithead wrote:
Jones' Girl wrote:
Drekle turned to the man - noting the placement of his hand on his weapon - and once again asked himself why he didn't carry one (though never before would he have found it necessary). "I know he was a part of a gang that's been causing a lot of trouble in this town and that catching them is worth something. I also know that the man nearly knocked me down with his getaway attempt. Now you tell me, why the inquisition?" As he finished talking, he realized that this was the elf that had been sitting with Duncan, who he now noticed just a few paces from them. He had no idea why they would suspect him of anything, but didn't know what else to say.
"A gang?" Orandius was surprised. "How do I know you are not a part of this gang?"
He looked into the man's eyes using a simple spell, it took a short while, but he could see no hatred or secrecy in them. However, the man in the grey cloak would not show his eyes, so Orandius could not use magic to sense his feelings.
"No, I believe you are innocent," he reassured Drekle, "but I'm not so sure about your friend here."
He then sharply turned to Cage. "What do you have to say for yourself?"
<GM's Note: The following information is meta-game information. None of your characters know this, but it's usefull for purposes of game machanics, and so I present it here for the players to avail themselves of if they wish.
I'll say that spell Orandius used there was "Detect Malice." It's a low-power spell that looks at the surface thoughts of the target and will alert the caster if the target currently plans to do the caster harm, is wilfully and maliciously being deceitful, or simply hates the caster. The spell requires a few seconds of direct eye contact, and will only work at short range. If successfully cast and if the target meets any of the criteria for detection, then the spell will give the caster a distinct visual cue of a red exclamation mark (visible only to the caster) that will appear floating over the target character's head if the target meets any of the criteria for detection. If such a vistaul cue appears, the caster will not know which of the criteria have been detected, just that one or more of them have. If the target is free of the criteria for detection, a green check-mark (visible only to the caster) will appear over the character's head. Targets who have shielded their minds through more advanced magic or who are otherwise able to shield their minds from magical probing are immune to this spell: In such a case, the spell will return no result at all. Also, some people, such as certain monks or some people with psionic powers, may have special mental disciplines, abilities, skills and/or psionic powers that will render the casting of Detect Malice on such a person prone returning strangely ambiguous results. You might get a floating yellow question mark, a fluffy white cloud, or a madly dancing rag-doll puppet for a visual indicator in such a case.
As Orandius is a mostly self-taught mage. He had little to no formal training. As such, his technique for casting spells is unrefined. Becasue of this, his spell results differ from what a traditionally taught mage would get. IN the case of this spell, instead of a visual indicator, Orandius just gets a distinct mental cue he can "feel". Also, he is more likely to mis-fire this (or any) spell until he gets some proper training, or until he becomes experienced enough to develop mastery of his own unique style of spellcasting.>