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 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign Up NOW!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:52 am 

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Rien sat down at the table. "Thank you, sir. My name is Rien Stren. And Orandius is it? Who are your friends here? " Rein said as gesturing at Duncan James.


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign Up NOW!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:08 am 
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When seeing Rein, he reminded James of the occasional stray cats he saw in the forest. "Lizards and now cats, the outside world has some very interesting races" James thought.

"My name's James Tsif" answered the Werewolf, "I've only recently became a traveller, I just left my village."

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 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign Up NOW!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:44 pm 

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"Hello James." Said Rien "And do you mind if I ask why you left?"


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign Up NOW!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:24 pm 
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Biscuithead wrote:
There was a silence at the table for a while after Orandius' awkward decline of Duncan's hospitality. Then James suddenly turned to a local at a nearby table and began talking to him, interrupting the local man's own conversation for no reason Orandius could see.

Orandius was surprised at James' disregard for society's customs.
"I think our friend here has been a little too long from civilisation," he whispered to Duncan. "What do you make of him?"

"Nothing I haven't seen before. You realize I'm a Lizzard, correct? We're not exactly on your level, either." Duncan finished his last clawful of bunny food and rested his claws on his stomach. "But not barbarians, of course."

At that moment (on the word "barbarians", strangely), Rien sat down at Duncan's table. And the Lizzard suddenly felt hungry again...

"Why, yes, we are. I am Duncan, Prince of the Lizzardmen. Pleased to meet you." Duncan extended a claw for a shake and flicked out his tongue. He hoped this reptilian gesture was one of friendship and not attempted eating of the catman.


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign Up NOW!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:49 pm 

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Rien shook Ducans hand. "Pleased took meet you sir."


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign Up NOW!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:51 pm 
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I Choose You Cheatachu wrote:
He walked in and saw some people drinking some ale at a table. He walked over to the bar and ordered some ale then walked over and said.
"I'm new here in Glenarbor does anyone here care to show me around town or just explain what it's like here?"
Achard grabbed a chair and pulled it up tot he table and sipped his ale waiting for a reply.

Drekle had still been facing the other table when Achard walked over. It was only because of this that he heard Achard asking about Glenarbour. After another round of introductions and questions there was a pause in which Drekle replied, "I've lived here my whole life. What do you wish to know?"


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:33 am 
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Just then, the waitress came out with the platter of food Orandius had ordered, including the fried fish, the soup, and the side dishes. She set it down by Orandius and said: "Enjoy your meal. The ciders are coming up." Then she want behind the bar and started filling three tankards with cider from an wooden keg.

<GM's note: The pork-chops were ready ahead of time and just sitting in a roasting pan in an oven to keep them warm, but the fish was fired to order so that's why it took longer for them to get Orandius' fish-dish ready. The salad was made ahead of time in a huge wooden bowl so that was just a matter of scooping some onto a plate for Duncan.>

Just then, a man in his mid-sixties walked in and sat down beside Drekle. Drekle recognized him as Farnham Birk, a former adventurer and the owner of the local gemsmithy. He said "Hi, Drekle. How's it going?"


Last edited by Sarge on Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:45 am, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:38 am 
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<OOC> Ok then. Any time I said Orandius was eating before, he wasn't. <OOC>

Orandius thanked the waitress courteously and began his meal.

After one mouthful he turned back to the waitress:
"I believe there are several at this table who are ready to order." He indicated towards the new arrivals who were sitting without any food.


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:53 am 
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Sarge wrote:
Just then, a man in his mid-sixties walked in and sat down beside Drekle. Drekle recognized him as Farnham Birk, a former adventurer and the owner of the local gemsmithy. He said "Hi, Drekle. How's it going?"

Drekle turned back from the other table at the sound of Farnham's voice. "Uncle! I had plans to stop by your shop tomorrow. Mother's recovering nicely."

<OOC>Farnham is not actually Drekle's uncle but is a close family friend.</OOC>


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:21 am 
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Biscuithead wrote:
<OOC> Ok then. Any time I said Orandius was eating before, he wasn't. <OOC>

Orandius thanked the waitress courteously and began his meal.

After one mouthful he turned back to the waitress:
"I believe there are several at this table who are ready to order." He indicated towards the new arrivals who were sitting without any food.

The waitress came back with the three ciders Orandius had ordered and said: "That's thirty Pence, please. Oh, hello Mister Birk. Your usual?"

Fanrham shook his head and said: "No, thanks. I have to get back to the shop. Just came in to order lunch for the staff. They won't be in today, we're working on a special order. Send the delivery boy over with a bucket of fried chicken, coleslaw, and dinner rolls at noon, alright? Put it on my tab."

The waitress smiled and said: "Of course, Mister Birk. Your credit is always good with us."

The rest of the people in the bar, whether they knew who Farnham Birk was or not, could see that he was a very rich man. He was dressed in the latest fashion with black & white striped leather pants, pointed green velvet shoes, a red velvet tunic trimmed with fur, and a fur hat trimmed with small yellow fethers. His right hand was decorated with a signet ring and his left hand has a diamond pinky ring. Around his neck was an ornate gold chain with a large diamond pendant set in garnets and emeralds trimmed in platinum. At his side was a steel rapier held in a sliver scabbard.

Farnham said to Drekle: "I'm glad I ran into you, young man. I need you for a special mission. Very hush-hush. Stop by about half an hour and I'll fill you in. No time to talk, now, though. I have to be going now. Special order to fill."

And with that, Farnham turned and walked out.

The waitress said: "That Mister Birk. Always something with him, isn't it? Well, who's ready to order, folks?"


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign Up NOW!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:25 am 
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WildFerretKing wrote:
"Hello James." Said Rien "And do you mind if I ask why you left?"
James drank some of his cider and than answered "Well there were a couple reasons, I didn't like the mayor, I wanted to see the outside world...pretty basic really. I'm just a bit too hungry to focus on talking right now, maybe I can explain more about myself later"

The ham chops looked and smelt delicious, James decided to use the Knife and Fork, to avoid more bad impressions, they were simple to use and thought these tools were a great invention on the "farmers" part.

<OOC: Farmer is a term used by werewolves to describe normal humans, I thought it would fit.>

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 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign Up NOW!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:26 pm 
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Duncan sat back in his chair and tried not to look at Rien too much. His stomach still wasn't fully satisfied, and he knew that once he returned to the road he would be getting his exercise again. Suddenly his belly grumbled.

"Ooof, sorry about that. Guess I'm still hungry. Miss!" Duncan called for the waitress. "A pint o' good, strong stout." His tail swished and twitched behind him, but Duncan grabbed it and tucked it underneath his arm. "It's just my tail. Acts funny sometimes; must be the weather. You know how that is, right, Rien?"

[OOC: Don't worry, I won't let the Lizzardman eat the Catman. I'm not into vore, and I hope no one else here is.]

 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:20 pm 
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The waitress said: "Right, one pint o' stout coming up." and she went back behind the bar and taped a keg.


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:46 pm 

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Rien slowly nodded at Ducan. "Hello, miss? May I have a plate of catfish?" He asked the waitress


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:12 pm 
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The waitress said: "Um.. catfish. Yeah, I think we have some of that. Hold on, I'll check. Right after I finish tapping this keg."


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:17 am 
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"You know I'm willing to share some of my meal if you are that hungry Duncan..." said James

Half of the Ham Chops on his plate were eaten and the vegetables were yet to be touched.

<OOC: James is not that type of vore either, though he is more willing to eating things most people wouldn't...also if someone mysteriously disappears, does that mean another player will be allowed to take their spot?>

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 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:22 am 
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<OOC New rule: No eating the other players! :mrgreen: JK /OOC>
<GM's Serious Face: Eating other people's characters is technically allowed, but it instantly puts you on the side of Evil.... which is OK (I suppose) if you're in an Evil party, buy otherwise it'll lead to some serious friction (and that's an understatement) between your character and the other PCs.>


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:49 pm 
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Luke Beryl, by all accounts, was having a bad day.

After being out of work for nearly a month, he was hopeful for a spot in escorting a trade caravan, but had been rejected at the last minute. The guard captain's words continued to ring in his head; "Sorry, but to be perfectly frank, you're just too small, and I can't risk this entire caravan on your word that you can swing your swords better than anyone."

He caught his reflection in a shop window. At 23, he was of middling hight, broad shoulders, but poorly filled out, in both frame and belly. His face was scruffy, with almost a week's worth of stubble hanging from his chin. If it wasn't for the two shortswords hanging from his back, he would look like a vagabond. With them, he looked like a down on his luck robber.

Too small, too scrawny, always the same. Never good enough. I need a new job...something tough... Looking down the street, the bright lights of the Gold Lion Inn looked promising. Experience told him that inns and taverns attracted his type from miles around; potential employers loved it. He strode into the Inn, and immediately noticed the table with the Lizzardman, Cat-Man, and elf. An adventuring group if ever he'd seen one.

He walked over and asked the Lizzardman, "Hello, do you mind if I sit here?"

(OOC EDIT: His last name is pronounced "Barill", not "Barrel")


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:13 pm 
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"Don't mind if I do!" The Lizzard scooped up James's ham chops and scarfed them down with a hungry NOM. "Mmmmm...meat..."

"Go right ahead," Duncan said to Luke as he pulled a chair over to the table with his tail, "Name's Duncan. Prince Duncan. My grandfather is the glorious King Marcus. You've probably heard of him before."


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:58 pm 
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"Thank you. Yes, I think I have heard of him."

The prince of the Lizzardmen here? I may have just hit the jackpot. thought Luke.

"What brings you here, if I may ask?"


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:06 pm 
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"I'm on my way home from a surveying trip our King commissioned. I brought 10,000 of our finest Lizzardmen, but sadly all of them perished...except for me. Now I'm on my way home with nothing. No maps or charts or lists or anything, just some gold."


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:11 pm 
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IantheGecko wrote:
"Go right ahead," Duncan said to Luke as he pulled a chair over to the table with his tail, "Name's Duncan. Prince Duncan. My grandfather is the glorious King Marcus. You've probably heard of him before."

"King Marcus!" Drekle couldn't help but interrupt. "The Marcus? I didn't realize." Drekle heard the barmaid mention he was a prince, but somehow he didn't piece together that a lizardman prince would be a relative of Marcus, whom he had heard much about while growing up.


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:22 pm 
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"Yessir! He led our race to victory in the war against the Ensheans just as the Lizzard Queen was dying without an heir to the throne. Her last wish was to see my grandfather crowned as her successor. And so it was done. This was just over five years after he killed a dragon with his bare claws, too!" Duncan's tail wagged happily. "And believe me, Grandpa Marcus is still big and strong in his old age. We Lizzardmen start exercising daily, just as soon as we can walk, in fact."

"MISS! Is that stout a-comin?" He bellowed.

 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:58 pm 
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Luke took a few seconds to digest this. A prince?! Here? This could be the sort of break I've needed...

"I know somewhat how you feel. I've just lost a job protecting a trade caravan. Now I'm stuck here without much idea of what to do next. I'm not leaving the city grounds alone, roads being as bad as they are nowadays."


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:59 pm 
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The waitress came back with a big gleaming pewter mug of Highland Stout; the best kind. It was a dark frothing beer that smelled faintly of oak leaves.

<GM's Note: Pewter is a metal alloy, traditionally between 85 and 99 percent tin, with the remainder consisting of copper and antimony, acting as hardeners. The lower grades of pewter have a bluish tint, indicating the presence of lead. Higher grades of pewter look more like silver, and can be mistaken for such. Use of pewter was common from the Middle Ages up until the various developments in glass-making during the 18th and 19th centuries. In this day and age, pewter is the preferred material for fashioning common beer mugs because, unlike clay or wood, it does not shatter or splinter when you throw it... something drunken men tend to do a lot.>

The waitress said: "That's fifty pence, please." and then she saw Luke.
"Oh." She said. She was obviously not impressed with Luke's state of dress... but she simply smiled and said: "And what can I get you, sir?"


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:51 pm 
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"A plate of lamb, and an ale to go with it, Ma'am."

Luke had never really bothered with his appearance much lately. When adventuring and traveling is all one does, things like that fall to the wayside. Lovely. Hope I don't get thrown out this time...should probably stick to just one ale. he thought to himself. Although most inns and taverns claimed to serve most everybody, Luke had found that the rattiest bums were given preferential treatment of the front door.


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:46 am 
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Location: SIBHoDC is that familiar...wait, my mother said my grandpa Andrew once traveled with him, she said that when he first saw him...he was unconscious and about to be assaulted by three druids...okay I'll try avoid mentioning that bit.

"I'm just wondering Duncan..." said James, "Did you ever hear of a man called Andrew?"

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 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:27 pm 
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Elias Cage sat quietly on the front stoop.

He was outside the local tavern, the "Golden Lion" or something like that. It was getting too dark to really read the sign anyway. He pulled his cloak tighter around his tired frame, keeping away the cooling evening air. He shivered once, then took in his surroundings for what was at least the dozenth time. The last few hours had gone by slowly, and those hours had shown the dirty figure on the porch many sights, and many curious figures. A lizzardman, a cat, some elves, and all the regular townies, all of which had quietly ignored the one in the worn grey cloak. Which was not a bad thing, save he still didn't have anywhere to sleep tonight.

Cage had tried his hand at begging a few shillings off of some passers by, with minimal success. He even tried talking to that man in the fancy clothes who'd just walked in and out ten minutes ago, trying to see if the man needed a hired hand. Cage really, really needed a job, but he knew no-one in this town. He did know, however, that he and his small handful of coin were probably not going to get him into this fancy place upon whose front porch which he sat. But still, one never knows - a ragged man only a little bit, but still noticeably, cleaner had gone in about twenty minuets ago. If they'll let him in, perhaps it was worth hedging his bets with the warm lights that beckoned him inside.

Maybe we'll eat today after all, Cage thought, looking down and patting his knotted belly.


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:05 pm 
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Duncan reached into his Bag of Holding and pulled out a Golden Guinea. "Keep the change. In fact..." He grabbed a heaping clawful of the coins. "...This should plenty cover everyone here tonight. I found a bit of treasure on our expedition. There was plenty of gold, so I think I can let a little bit of it go."

In reality, all million Guineas in his bag had come from the sale of his ship. They weren't as heavy as Duncan thought they were, but still a burden even for a Lizzard of his size. Duncan took a big swig from the mug.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh, good stuff, eh?"


 Post subject: Re: Storyteller, The Second Age: Sign-ups Close Soon!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 3:45 am 
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"Thank you. I don't think I introduced myself. Name's Luke Beryl."

Luke held out his left hand to Duncan to shake.


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