Here we go with another Mafia game! I know I said I'd have the thread up on Monday but I JUST CAN'T WAIT. cribbin' the OP from Noid, who I'm pretty sure cribbed it from me anyway
The Story In this world, not all humans are born equal. No one knows why - perhaps due to the chemicals in our food, or the pollution in the air, or maybe it's just the course of evolution - but in the past fifty years, mutations have appeared among the human population at an alarming rate. People with mutated genes appear normal, but they possess unbelievable powers: flight, telekinesis, invisibility, any power you can imagine is now possible. Some use their abilities for the greater good, but they must be careful. A mysterious agency is hunting them down, determined to kill all mutants that do not join their ranks. In addition, a rouge mutant is picking off mutants one by one for his/her own purposes. Even the non-powered must fear these factions, for they are merciless and will kill anyone who stands in their way.
The Game The Mafia Game is a game played over PMs and this topic. Players are divided into two teams: townspeople and mafia (in this game, supervillains). The town side has more players, but they have very little control over the game. The villains' side is much smaller, but has more knowledge and can influence events more. The goal of both sides is to kill all the players on the other team. There is a special third team for this game consisting of only one player, the serial killer.
How the Game Works The game alternates between night and day rounds. The first normal round will be a night round.
Night Round: In the night, the villains PM the game master (DG, i.e me) with their votes for which player to kill. They are allowed to get together to decide anywhere BUT in this thread. The serial killer also PMs me with a target. In addition, anyone with a mutant power that activates at night can use it if they choose - see the special roles below. After all votes are collected or time runs out, the night round ends. The player with the most votes is killed, and so is the serial killer's target. In the case of a tie in voting, the villains will fail to kill anyone that night. A night round will typically last 24 hours.
Day Round: During the day, all players vote for which player to kill. They may discuss and vote in this thread only. This is the only round that most players will have an active role in, and it is the round in which players try to determine which among them is secretly a villain. After all players have voted or time runs out, the round ends and the player with the most votes is killed. In the case of a tie, the mayor (see below) will break the tie. A day round typically lasts 48 hours.
Stories: I will announce the end of a round by posting a short story detailing the events of that round. I will also change the title of the thread to show that a new round has begun. Don't look for a big elaborate story like last time because you won't find one. I've decided that story clues aren't really fair... and also I'm not feeling creative enough to come up with a grand plot. >.> It will be a brief bit of flavour text like the one above. Events of the round will be summarized in bold after the story.
Roles To begin the game, you will be assigned one of these roles randomly via PM after sign-ups are closed. Upon a player's death, their role will be revealed in the update.
Basic Roles/Alignments
Townsperson (3/4 of all players) This is a normal, non-superpowered human. The only power a player like this has is the power to vote during a day round. It is the town's job to try to find out which players are villains and vote for them to be killed. The townies win if all the villains and the serial killer are killed.
Villain (1/4 of all players) This is a member of the evil organization dedicated to eliminating all superheroes and ruling the world. Muahahaha. These players have the power to kill players during the night by voting. The goal of the villains is to kill all the townies and keep their disguise up. Each villain knows who all the others are, but none of the townies know who they are. The villains win if they eliminate enough townies so that they outnumber them, and the serial killer is killed. (i.e. if there are no more threats to the team)
Serial Killer (1 player) This is a special player on a team all by themselves. They choose one person to kill in every night round, meaning there will usually be two deaths per night. They win only if they are the last player standing. It may seem like a daunting task, but this character also has a special power: every time they kill a mutant, they absorb that mutant's power and can use it normally.
Special Roles
Angel (1 player) This player is aligned with the town. During a night round, the angel PMs me the name of one player. That player becomes protected for that night. If the protected player receives the most votes from the villains, he or she is not killed. The angel is allowed to protect himself, and is allowed to protect the same player multiple nights in a row. No other players know who the angel is. Unlike last time, the angel's protection doesn't kill anyone. (it's not fair to the serial killer)
Seer (1 player) This player is aligned with the town. During a night round, the seer PMs me the name of one player. I will tell the seer what role that player has in the game. The seer then tries to use that knowledge to influence the voting. No other player knows who the seer is.
Mayor (1 player) The mayor is elected by all players before the first round begins. During the day vote, the mayor's vote counts as two votes. If the vote ends in a tie, the mayor will be responsible for choosing which of the tied players will be killed. If the mayor is killed, a new mayor must be elected before the next day - unless there are less than 1/4 of all players alive, because honestly at that point you'd just be voting for a new mayor every other round.
Secret roles?! What are those?? They wouldn't be a secret if I told you! I don't know how many secret roles I will use, it will depend on how many players there are. I do know there will be at least one secret role given to a villain....
Rules and Guidelines 1. Don't talk about the game outside this thread unless you are a villain. 2. Please bold your votes or make them otherwise stand out. I will not penalize you if you don't but I accidentally miss your vote. It's just a courtesy thing. 3. Don't vote for people based on drama outside the game. That's really lame. 4. Don't post a screenshot of your PMs to prove your role. That is also lame. 5. If you disappear for more than one week without telling us beforehand, I will kill you off. 6. Dead players shouldn't influence the vote in any way. Please try to avoid posting your opinions after you are killed. However, I do encourage dead players to keep watching, as we will need your help if we get to an endgame round. (There might be another reason to stick around, too....) 7. HAVE FUN!
Phew, that is a lot of stuff. Without further ado, post in this thread if you want to play! Sign-ups are open for one week. SIGNUPS ARE CLOSED.
Player List The Noid, replacing Coleslaw Askingforachallenge (TOWN) Biscuithead Potates Beyond the Grave Ju Ju Master Duecex2 Positron Chichindrich (TOWN) Susan (ROLEBLOCKER - VILLAIN) Acekirby (TIME TRAVELER - TOWN) Capt. Ido Nos (MAYOR) sbe-mail22 gino The Noid (TOWN) Word Up Shadowfox sci-fi greg (TOWN) IanTheGecko (TOWN) just a username SEAN'D! (ANGEL - TOWN) STupendous7 (TOWN) lahimatoa Einoo T. Spork MikeMcG (TOWN) Ace, replacing Teff Tess-chan Abugrape45 Dacheet15
Last edited by Dark Grapefruit on Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:07 am, edited 27 times in total.