Homestar Runner Wiki Forum

StinkoMan 20X6 (Game) Level Editing
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Author:  Choc-o-Lardiac Arrest [ Tue Apr 18, 2006 4:10 am ]
Post subject: 

so then i could add a Custom srite into it?

Author:  superjoe30 [ Tue Apr 18, 2006 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  level editing

No. The sprites are contained in the game file as well. The level files that the level editor works with only specify which sprites to use, where to put them, and some other details. You'd have to decompile objectLibrary.swf to create your own sprites.

Author:  Choc-o-Lardiac Arrest [ Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

ahh, dang...

Author:  Choc-o-Lardiac Arrest [ Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: level editing

superjoe30 wrote:
No. The sprites are contained in the game file as well. The level files that the level editor works with only specify which sprites to use, where to put them, and some other details. You'd have to decompile objectLibrary.swf to create your own sprites.

hows about this... whoever is doing this Level editor,whynot create a feature to add in your own Boss or something?

Author:  superjoe30 [ Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  bosses

superjoe30 wrote:
Nope. Sorry. The bosses are contained in the game file, not the level files.

Author:  Guardian1 [ Sun Apr 30, 2006 1:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Man, I barely (keyword: barely) beat the Longest Level... I wish level -0 and 9 stuff was there.

Author:  superjoe30 [ Thu May 18, 2006 12:17 am ]
Post subject: 

What do you mean, you wish level -0 and 9 stuff was there? What stuff? Where?

Author:  peter4ever0 [ Sun May 21, 2006 8:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hmm. I have a problem. I'm making an ICE BLOCK level where you need to move through breaking the neccassary ice blocks to move on... but my problem is that you can stand on the edges of iceblocks if they are stacked. How can i fix this?

Author:  Phlip [ Mon May 22, 2006 7:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Maybe you could try making it so the top ice block is slightly further to the left of the one below it, so you can't stand on the left edge? Or have them offset, like house-bricks? Or something like that.

Author:  superjoe30 [ Tue May 23, 2006 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Stinkoman Level Creator Update!!

Hey everyone! Version 9.4 is complete!

It would be nice if somebody would provide additional hosting for me because I don't know how long these links will work:

Here's all the stuff that has been changed/fixed/updated:
    made warp point draggable
    fixed control+arrow keys undo function
    made shift + mouse do straight lines
    made right click on multiple selection pop menu instead of changing selection
    fixed background error
    added negatory background
    added evil forest background
    fixed extra square on moving start points
    fixed bug of setting start points with objects selected moving objects
    fixed test start existing invisibly
    fixed painting error when setting start points while in set mode
    fixed negatory bg painting error
    added line to warp point to make it easier to find
    made warp pads move independently of their warp points
    fixed map box painting error
    made it so it shows warp points for all warp pads selected
    fixed minor menu bug
    disabled double-clicking while control is held down
    made it so ctrl+clicking on a selected object unselects the object
    fixed unselecting with control unselecting the wrong objects bug
    fixed major selection painting bugs
    enabled starting points to snap on to objects
    fixed minor properties box bugs
    made it so you can change the z order with multiple objects selected
    fixed bug where sorting the level's z order messed up the undo/redo functions
    used different picture for the stinkoman ship on turbolence
    made publish more user friendly (draggable files, nicer to look at, more efficient to publish)
    added help file (stinkohelp.hlp)
    added command line ability to open files
    made it so if flash playtest fails, it opens default browser to playtest
    made properties dialog box choosing an object scroll horizontally instead of around rows
    added descriptions for object properties
    made it so dragging objects to edge of screen autoscrolls
    reorganized menu system
    fixed incomplete items on map
    fixed map errors and redesigned the map system
    fixed failure to repaint when going from maximized to normal
    updated about dialog box
    added mouse wheel support
    made it use registry to store info instead of ini file

Email me any bugs, comments, or suggestions at


Author:  Jello B. [ Tue May 23, 2006 3:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stinkoman Level Creator Update!!

superjoe30 wrote:
It would be nice if somebody would provide additional hosting for me because I don't know how long these links will work

I'm uploading it to my server right now.

EDIT: Here ya go.

Author:  superjoe30 [ Tue May 23, 2006 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  hosting

awesome, thanks.

Author:  peter4ever0 [ Tue May 23, 2006 11:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hmm.. Nice. I like it. The not-allowing-windows access it is a very good touch.

Author:  PurpleKoopa [ Fri May 26, 2006 12:56 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey, it doesn't work when I try opening the "Setup" file! Darn. Can this get fixed soon?

Author:  superjoe30 [ Sat May 27, 2006 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  setup not working

I was afraid of that. I think the problem is that the place I uploaded it to won't let you download exe's. I'll make a zip and post it, but it takes forever to upload 'cause I have dial up.

Author:  ed 'lim' smilde [ Sat May 27, 2006 3:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, I think the file is corrupted and stuff.
EDIT: Okay, I re-uploaded it and I think it works now.

Author:  superjoe30 [ Mon May 29, 2006 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  downloads and such

Ok, I think the exe wasn't working for some people. On this page is a link to a .zip file.

Author:  VirtualX1 [ Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:26 am ]
Post subject: 

you sir, have made my day amazing

Author:  superjoe30 [ Thu Jul 27, 2006 3:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

you are welcome. expect another update when TBC (finally) finish level 10.

Any bugs, suggestions, etc.?

Author:  superjoe30 [ Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  custom levels

Hey, everybody. I completely redesigned my web site and stuff. So come check it out.

Sorry about all those problems with downloading/installing the level editor. It has a new home.

Also, check out this sweet page where you can upload and play stinkoman levels.

Author:  Bobcat Ace [ Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:19 am ]
Post subject:'m buying you a pizza!

Author:  superjoe30 [ Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Wow, it only took 1/2 a year for someone to reply to that.

Author:  superjoe30 [ Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: StinkoMan 20X6 (Game) Level Editing

The custom stinkoman levels page has been down for a long time but I finally fixed it!

OMG real hosting!

The site isn't even finished yet but you can upload and play levels, so go ahead.

Author:  names_are_useless [ Sat Jul 17, 2021 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: StinkoMan 20X6 (Game) Level Editing

I know I'm resurrecting this old topic from the dead, but I was curious if anyone in the H*R Community has a copy of the SuperJoe Stinkoman Level Editor they could upload? doesn't work anymore. ... /download/ there's an archive of the site, but the download link doesn't work anymore :((

Author:  Gfdgsgxgzgdrc [ Fri Aug 06, 2021 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: StinkoMan 20X6 (Game) Level Editing

names_are_useless wrote:
I know I'm resurrecting this old topic from the dead, but I was curious if anyone in the H*R Community has a copy of the SuperJoe Stinkoman Level Editor they could upload? doesn't work anymore. ... /download/ there's an archive of the site, but the download link doesn't work anymore :((

Sorry for the late reply (actually pretty early by this forum's standards, but I digress); hopefully this download link works! :)

Author:  names_are_useless [ Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: StinkoMan 20X6 (Game) Level Editing

Gfdgsgxgzgdrc wrote:
Sorry for the late reply (actually pretty early by this forum's standards, but I digress); hopefully [url=""]this download link[/url] works! :)

Thanks, but it looks like I was too late to download the file, but ...

In better news, I contacted Super Joe himself and he sent me a link to download it from his website!

I want to put this here so others can download it!

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