aiyer wrote:
I'd say a more in depth version of Trogdor...where you can get more powers, and USE that beefy arm of his
Reason: Trogdor is just so darn COOL, man. Didn't you see all the fan-made stuff in "Happy Trogday"? There's a whole lot of potential in Troggy, and it should be explored.
Side note: In case anyone plays Roblox (a cool online Lego-like game where you can build almost anything. Kinda like LittleBigPlanet, except, to quote Homestar, "A low polygon count". Whaddya expect from virtual plastic blocks, anyway? At least you can do nearly anything with scripting...), I am planning to make a working model of Trogdor be the level boss in level 2 of my fifth place, "LittleBigRoblox". He will shoot out flaming debris as players try to get down a conveyor belt to reach the End-of-level Scoreboard behind him. One touch from anything flaming, and the player is burninated! Still gotta make a Double-Life Checkpoint before that part, though... Oh, and Trogdor will have a ForceField so his game can't be ended.
Back on topic... A new Trogdor game would be awesome. And I sorta agree with Sloshy... "Trogdor: Let's Burninate Phonics" would be nice...

But it would be better with some sorta platforming crap. Like, maybe you gotta jump over stone walls, burninating letters for points, and knights and archers are trying to stop you. Stupid, friggin' knights. I still remember those guys from the original TROGDOR! game. And Videlectrix better have that Konami Code in there for 30 extra mans. Cause Strong Sad cried last time ol' Troggy was arrowed on his last man.

told you, I don't want to play this game!
*Homestar pops up from a SpawnLocation. He is sorta Roblox-style*

Hey, Strong Bad. I really have a low polygon count.
*Strong Bad selects the Arrowed HopperBin weapon and bloxxes Homestar, causing him to reappear in his normal form at the same SpawnLocation*

Arrowed! Or bloxxed, or something. I dunno, I just wanna have a new Trogdor game! And I wanna keep Homestar from showing up everywhere.
*Strong Bad types "game.Players:findFirstChild("Homestar Runner").Character.Torso.Anchored = true" into a command bar, causing Homestar's torso to be stuck in place*

Homestar-dot-Torso-dot-Anchored equals VERY YES.

What's going on, Strong Bad. I can't move!