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 Post subject: Re: Post Your Autobiography of the Wiki/Forum/Internet/whatever
PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 12:51 am 
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Location: I've seen this kind of Pikachu before.
I came here on April Fools day, and hung around. Got banned a few times, pretended to be some freak because I'm an attention whore, left, came back, now.

Hurr hurr that was entertaining and totally worth your time.


 Post subject: Re: The Faceless Evil Time Line
PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 1:15 am 
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STupendous7 wrote:
There was writing in 1990?

*SOBS* :((

Meanwhile as The Faceless Evil closes in on the hapless, sleeping, populace...
Across town in a shanty one-bedroom, an old woman feeds her parakeet.

 Post subject: Re: Post Your Autobiography of the Wiki/Forum/Internet/whatever
PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:21 am 
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Well, all through primary school my family's single computer had both the Internet and Encarta.
I used to wonder why they bothered making the internet because it served the exact same purpose as Encarta, except that you had to turn it off to use the phone.

Then, through school I discoved the magic of crappy, crappy internet games. I was hooked. I think I was about 10 at the time. I also discovered homestarrunner at this time, I watched the latest sbemail, colonization, a few times. But I eventually found the whole site boring and didn't go back.
In high school, I remember telling my friend about all my favourite game sites, he also told me about his favourite site. This would soon also become my favourite site: a forum about the christian book series "Left Behind" (a series which neither I, my friend, nor any of the other people from school that we told about the site had ever read). I was there for about a year, when I was about 12 or 13.

We just tried to have fun, but were probably the biggest noobs in existance. Whenever someone actually talked about the book series I would ask what they were talking about, or change the subject to something random.

Then I got bored and stopped going there. I left the internet entirely for several years.

I think it was in 2005 that the latest craze, msn, brought me back to the internet. At that time we still had dial-up, but had two phone cables so it was easier to stay online for a long time. Someone re-introduced me to, and I remembered it well. The latest sbemail was ISP. This time I actually started watching a lot of the tunes, and I picked up on a few real-world refernces as well as noticing some easter eggs. I fell in love.
I used to visit homestarrunner almost every day for a while, and I realised that I had watched absolutely every cartoon more than once by early 2007. One day I ran a search for homestar runner from a school computer and discovered hundreds of fan sites. I randomly seacrhed through them for several days after this, and eventually found the wiki.

I used to think the wiki forum was just for discussing each sbemail or toon (because there was a link at the bottom of each wiki article). One day I found something I wanted to respond to, and a new era began. I actually thought I was registering to join the wiki itself when I joined the forum, but I later found that the forum was more interesting.
Then, when I finished school shortly after this, I needed something to fill my day. The forum was the answer. And so I have been here ever since.

There are other sites I go to sometimes, but this is where I spend most of my internet time, this is my home.
I love you guys....
*runs away crying*


 Post subject: Re: The Faceless Evil Time Line
PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 1:16 pm 
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TheFacelessEvil wrote:
STupendous7 wrote:
There was writing in 1990?

*SOBS* :((

Don't worry, we always do that to my Dad.


 Post subject: Re: Post Your Autobiography of the Wiki/Forum/Internet/whatever
PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 4:54 pm 
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TheFacelessEvil wrote:
Acekirby wrote:
Not everyone here is even out of middle school.

The object of my post was to be quick and easy to get. If you sat around for even a second and thought about it, the effect was lost. B^U

The object of YOU is to be quick and easy to get. ;)

You know me all too well. :mrgreen:


 Post subject: Re: Post Your Autobiography of the Wiki/Forum/Internet/whatever
PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 6:43 pm 
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The Homestar portion of my internet life hasn't lasted very long, so I'll start with SpongeBob.

When I discovered SpongeBob for the first time, I was only moderately interested. It wasn't until I started purchasing the DVDs that I really got hooked. That was when the world of the internet opened up for me.
Of course I'd used it before, but only for smallscalestuff like Neopets. In fact, I'm still not sure how I came about finding my first forum. But I think I just typed SpongeBob into a search engine like Google, and through that came across United SpongeBob, a forum about SpongeBob funnily enough.
The admin of that forum then led me to SBMania, another more popular SB-focused place. I really started to shine over there (except in the cases that I was such an immature n00b *facepalm*) - it not only led me to people who really understood me for what they knew of me (which was little and still is), but also to my first, you guessed it, fan Image.
Through this in turn I got to - the site that literally changed the way I look at everything. I discovered EVERYTHING up there (to do with fan-fics anyway); I became a fan-girl of so many back then. One thing led to another, and I also got led to DeviantArt, a site which today remains the #1 focus of my internet life (besides FFNet and mail2web). Over there I hold the site record for the most Squilliam Fancyson related fan-art.

Strangely, it was United SpongeBob that first introduced me to Homestar Runner. There was this kid over there who was absolutely obsessed with the guy. I won't name names in fear of her being here, but needless to say she made life a tad difficult for the admins. In fact, I can't even remember what made me check out the website back in May. But once up there, I got led to a wider group of deviants on DA (including whatever Musachan and Chakramchucker call themselves over here), a forum called Papa Cardgage's Puddin Patch, and then in turn to here.

That ain't even the half of it, but I'll stop here.

"Twelve-Times-A-Day-Man? You can't just start making up terrible new characters!" [Strong Bad] said, wearing a bonnet and giving Homestar a deep tissue massage.

 Post subject: Re: Post Your Autobiography of the Wiki/Forum/Internet/whatever
PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:12 pm 

Joined: Tue May 24, 2005 4:58 pm
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Coach Z Fangirl wrote:
Strangely, it was United SpongeBob that first introduced me to Homestar Runner. There was this kid over there who was absolutely obsessed with the guy. I won't name names in fear of her being here, but needless to say she made life a tad difficult for the admins.


So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain. Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell?

 Post subject: Re: Post Your Autobiography of the Wiki/Forum/Internet/whatever
PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:25 pm 
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Female Clan?


 Post subject: Re: Post Your Autobiography of the Wiki/Forum/Internet/whatever
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:35 am 

Joined: Tue May 24, 2005 4:58 pm
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Location: Imagining all the people living life in peace.
The Noid wrote:
Female Clan?

No, stupid.

So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain. Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell?

 Post subject: Re: Post Your Autobiography of the Wiki/Forum/Internet/whatever
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:46 am 
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well i'm sorry mr. einooerson but every single one of my posts can live up to your high standards GEEZ

but the "gave admins a hard time" and "obsessed" part made me think CLAN


 Post subject: Re: Post Your Autobiography of the Wiki/Forum/Internet/whatever
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:05 am 

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It's White_and_Nerdy.

 Post subject: Re: Post Your Autobiography of the Wiki/Forum/Internet/whatever
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:07 am 
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lol SpongeBob

I remember back when I was a KB User and moderate forum poster some dude started a SpongeBob Wiki that I got all up ons about. I did many things including transcripts BUT THAT DAMN DIRTY APE, ED, BECAME A SYSOP INSTEAD OF ME GRRRRR

Anyway that thing died in like two months, still not sure why.


 Post subject: Re: Post Your Autobiography of the Wiki/Forum/Internet/whatever
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:12 am 
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Ninti wrote:
It's White_and_Nerdy.

Oh I forgot about her.


 Post subject: Re: Post Your Autobiography of the Wiki/Forum/Internet/whatever
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:12 am 
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 Post subject: Re: Post Your Autobiography of the Wiki/Forum/Internet/whatever
PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:57 am 
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I guess the internet happened to me around when I got into video games, around 1997 or 1998. I would use this magical device to look up cheat codes and strategies for my games on cheatplanet or whatever that site is that isn't Gamefaqs. (What a fool I was) Then I kinda stopped.

Around 5th grade, 2003, I played crappy internet games with my friends in school on sites like CN and Addicting Games.

Then my first true deep "interspace" adventure occurred, which was my discovering of Legendary Frog. Some friend of mine told me about, and I thought it was hilarious. Soon, another friend was over at my house and I showed him LF. He thought it was funny, and it reminded him of something he wanted to show me. He pulled up this weird site with some dragon named "Trogdor." After that I proceeded to watch everything on the site. In a few months I showed my cousin the site. He's a lot like me, but about a year older. He fell in love with it as well.

Some day later, I was bored, and searched Homestar on Google. I came across the Homestar Runner Wiki, which I thought was very cool, but it would be months later until I found the forum. It was October 29, 2005 then. When I did, I looked through some of the stuff, and decided to join. That was literally the first post on any forum that I had ever made, and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, which is why my first post was this: :cheatgrin: . I believe I was first welcomed by Ju Ju Master.

I joined just around the same time as Clan, a fact which I would not learn until much later. I gave Clan the benefit of the doubt at first, being the nice new guy that I was, but he soon began to try my patience and just became flat out annoying.

I remember that since I began, the forum was riding a continuous wave of awesome, even though Clan was there. I feel that he united the forum in a way, brought us all together fighting for the common good. Also, I eventually convinced my cousin to join, older members may remember his incredibly brief life here as Dante the Weatherman. I would also like to bring up Womic, my twenty or so issues webcomic. I started out crappy, and got some pretty harsh criticism, but I improved and my critics, Bugkiss and Mr. KISS, became my two biggest fans. (or just fans in general)

But soon the walls began to crumble. Cool people started leaving. Friends started fighting each other. I stuck with the forum through all of this, though, because it still was such a cool place to hang out with people who were a lot like me. It's not like I don't have a real life, however, I do.

After all of the chaos and drama subsided, however, the forum settled into a time of boringness. I then stopped frequenting here, and just checked up on it once in a while. This was partially because last school year was a very hectic and trying one, and I didn't have much free time, stopping only to post in the Brawl topic.

Just a few days ago, however, I dropped by here and was like, "Whoa, now I remember why I love this place." And so now I'm back to stay.

I really have a lot to thank the forum for. I doubt I would be the person I am today without influence, and I'm not joking. You guys introduced me to TMBG, and webcomics as well. All the things that I love today, F@nboy$, Order of the Stick, DA, Anachronism, PvP, RvB, Fanfiction, Kingdom of Loathing, and Yu-gi-oh the Abridged series are all thanks to this place. I'm not crazily devoted to this place, but I have a lot of things to thank this place for.

Also, thank you to anyone who decided to sit through and read this, you all get internet cookies, which by the way are DELICIOUS.

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 Post subject: Re: Post Your Autobiography of the Wiki/Forum/Internet/whatever
PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 1:12 pm 
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My Internet life started on Neopets. Then it went to Homestar and then kind of both at the same time. One day I Googled Homestar Runner and found the wiki. Read articles on stuff I never knew, then found the forums. Lurked for a month or a few around the time Ace joined up, then joined in July of 2005. Aside from Neopets, this was my first Internet social site, so naturally I was the living, breathing embodiment of "stupid 9 year old flamer who doesn't understand how to type and posts giant walls of text and eventually almost gets banned".

After a flame war involving Harry Potter or something I left and migrated to the Fanstuff, where they force-fed me the Guidlines. It is there where I learned grammar skills, but I still typed like this.So that if you were reading my messages.I'd have a high, annoying voice in your head. Time went on, Clan came here, I made some forumfics, flamed some more people (I think anyways, that might have been before I left...), learned grammar more better, and now I'm a bored kid with a Batman shirt on here today.


 Post subject: Re: Post Your Autobiography of the Wiki/Forum/Internet/whatever
PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:24 pm 
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I remember a lot of that

Me and Jitka stomped you when you first came 'round here :p


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