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 Post subject: Re: Disk's Writing Contest (stuff due June 20th)
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:45 am 
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We're waiting Disk, your two hundred other forum projects can wait, this one is the most important.


 Post subject: Re: Disk's Writing Contest (stuff due June 20th)
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:42 am 
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Joined: Thu May 12, 2005 11:25 pm
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It's not the Forum projects, it's the IMPULSE BUYING OF NINTENDO CONSOLES OFF OF EBAY!

Turns out that I need more money to buy more Nintendo consoles, so I'll have to judge this contest so I can continue work on Midnight Hunters.


EDIT: I'm going to explain what I thought of when I read over each of your entries. I'm not going to describe things too much, but it should be enough to give you a general idea of my opinions of your work. At the end, I will state who the winner of this contest is.

No Toppings: I really enjoyed how you made your pieces flow. You used a varied amount of vocabulary that blended well with your excellent use of grammar and sentence structure. Reading both of your submitted pieces allowed me to think somewhat deeper than I normally would.

STupendous: I enjoyed your interruptions from the story with words such as "VROOM" and "SLAM", but it may have been overused and underused on several occasions. Your plot was pretty good, though you had a few grammar mistakes. You seemed to improve as you continued on with your chapters, though, which is really good.

Ace: I wuv you. <3

Cup of Coffee: The Abrupt End, while a little iffy in the grammar department, was a really interesting concept to use--I'm a fan and international champion of Russian Roulette. The Fight That the World Didn't Remember seemed to be interesting, though it is obviously not finished.

Word Up: You only got the prologue to your story out, but it was fairly decent.

Rusty: Good story, though nobody besides me will ever see it again. D:

I would like to announce that while the competition was close with some of you, No Toppings is the winner of this contest. I will be PMing him later with details that he gets to help me with for Midnight Hunters.

So yes, congratulations to you all. I'm sorry that I kept this hanging out there for so long, but I guess that that's the way I function. I may or may not make little banner trophy thingies for this. Stay tuned for more Midnight Hunters news in the future.


 Post subject: Re: Disk's Writing Contest (winner "haphazardly" announced)
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:04 am 
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nahh, NT did a real nice job. Congrats! (he's not even here to see this lol)

DS_Kid wrote:
I will try and get some form of a signature banner for the top three winners made in the coming days.

Do I get one?


 Post subject: Re: Disk's Writing Contest (winner "haphazardly" announced)
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:14 am 
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I'll try to make sure that everybody gets one. I'm not sure what design to give it, though...suggestions?

I did PM No Toppings about his prize for the contest since he appears to have last visited this place a few days ago, but if he doesn't reply back to me, I'll try to corner him through AIM. If he doesn't reply at all within a week, the top prize will be awarded to somebody else.


 Post subject: Re: Disk's Writing Contest (winner "haphazardly" announced)
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:40 pm 
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Coolness, congrats NT.

Mainly I just did my story thingy because I was bored and I thought up a sort of plot. So...yeah, I wasn't expecting to win or anything ;)


 Post subject: Re: Disk's Writing Contest (winner "haphazardly" announced)
PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 3:05 am 
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Yay, I getz mention!


 Post subject: Re: Disk's Writing Contest (winner "haphazardly" announced)
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:16 am 
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I'm here. Sorry, I'm a might unobservant of these things.

Um, thanks all for being supportive! When I checked back, what, a week a go I totally thought Ace had me there.

Glad to see people up and writing, the world seems lacking in such intelligent recreation as of late.

I'll be here doing a quiet victory dance, should you need me.

Sister, now that we're grieving
Our fingers will falter
Our lungs will be leaking
All over each other and without even speaking
We'll know that it's over and smile and go greeting
Whatever comes next

 Post subject: Re: Disk's Writing Contest (winner "haphazardly" announced)
PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:59 am 
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Location: Puttin the voodoo in the stew, I'm tellin you
My story did actually take quite a bit more thought than it looks like


 Post subject: Re: Disk's Writing Contest (winner "haphazardly" announced)
PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:09 pm 
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I call shenanigans on account of a freon leak prevented me from writing my story in time =0

Nah nah, no worries, great job everypeoples!


 Post subject: Re: Disk's Writing Contest (winner "haphazardly" announced)
PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:44 pm 
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Disk wrote:
I'll try to make sure that everybody gets one.

Sweet, do I get one?

 Post subject: Re: Disk's Writing Contest (winner "haphazardly" announced)
PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:50 pm 
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You're a nobody, so no. ;)


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