Chekt wrote:
Pfft…this was stupid…
Then the joke flew right over your head. If you didn't get the joke, it's not their fault. 'tis yours.
Chekt wrote:
Anyways, what drugs are they on? Seriously!
It never fails to actually get on my nerves when something weird, creative or funny happens on TV or a cartoon, and for a lack of anything intellgent to say, everyone has to say "They must be on drugs".
It's a serious pet peeve of mine, because the total general population of the world, seems fond of making this very ignorant commentary.
You know... not everyone is so uncreative that they have to be on illegal substances to come up with something random or weird. Just becuase someone comes up with an idea that not a lot of other people would think up, or something original that most other people wouldn't think to come up with, is somehow formulated through a hallocination? I mean... What IS people's facination and obsession with drugs, and the mindless, repeated assumption that random entertainment = narcotics?
It kind of really gets on my nerves. Everyone says EVERYONE is on drugs when they see something like this. People say that the makers of Sealab 2021, ATHF, and Space Ghost are on drugs. People say that the creator of BoBoBo-BoBoBoBo is on drugs. People say that ANYTHING that is funny or non-sequiter related is automatically "drug related". People say the same ignorant things about CHARACTERS, even.
People say that Osaka from the anime Azumanga Daioh is on drugs because she's humorously spaced out. Nothing ever seriously suggests this, yet everyone says it. Usually any character with a specificlly unusual personailty gets this comment and anything creative of unusual thought up by someone else gets a comment like this.
Is Homestar a pot-head because he's not very bright? No. Does Strong Bad come up with bizarre fantasies becuase he's on crack? Of course not. So why would people so stupidly start making statements suggesting that Matt and Mike are on drugs because they make a toon about a drive-through whale?
Were they on LSD when they came up with Virus? Of course not. But If I had said something like that, people would think I'm an idiot. Yet, someone says something as ignorant as "what kind of drugs are they on?" and no one gets annoyed by that? I do.
99.99% of the time there is absolutely no connection between random humor and narcotics. People make a bizarre and way-out-there assumption linking two unrelated things and act like it's a clever observation or something. It isn't.
TBC certainly don't look like junkies to me, and i'm failry sure that they would be insulted by this assumption. For two reasons: It devalues their creativity with such a statement. And paints a negative picture of them, personally when people say dumb things like that.
I really think it would be best for the entire IQ of the world, if people everywhere would PLEASE stop saying that everything that is on a higher creative level then they are capapble of understanding had to have been created while on "drugs"? Please?