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Hey Homestar! (Halloween '15)
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Author:  GreenEggsAndHamlet [ Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Hey Homestar! (Halloween '15)

Might as well start discussion on this now, since I haven't seen a topic for this anywhere yet. Who do you think everyone is dressed as this year?

:sm: Looks a bit like he could be the Tick, but the antennae look different so I' thinking maybe not
:cheat: I'm thinking a Snork maybe?
:bubs: He's got a hat, a jacket, and what looks like a drum mallet or a microphone. No idea
:coachz: A beret and hair, maybe a soul patch as well? I can't tell really
:hr: Looks blockier than usual, has an odd collar/tie, and his face is shaped pointier... also no clue
:sb: Tremors of course, but one can only guess for the real deal
:marzi: Basic hair/collar that could very well be pretty much any hair metal artist
:kot: could be the Hash-Slinging Slasher? That thing that it looks like either he or Strong Sad is holding could be a spatula, although I have no clue what the square head and melting(?) bottom could be... maybe he's covered in a paper bag?
:sad: Again, no clue based on his hat and jacket
:pom: Absolutely no clue
:poop: His arm placement looks like he's covering his crotch, although I don't know who that could be
:homsar: Mysterious as ever

Any other guesses on anybody else?

Author:  ghomestar [ Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hey Homestar! (Halloween '15)

I don't think it's the hash slinging slasher. Spongebob references don't seem like the brothers chaps thing. But, who knows? The wiki says theres a spongebob reference in the lil brudder episode (not the email) so, yeah. ENDING!

Author:  CaptainPastHisPrime [ Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hey Homestar! (Halloween '15)

The only things I can guess are that Strong Mad is The Tick and The Cheat is Goofy (I'm guessing that the bone shape on his head is a hat).

Author:  likalaruku [ Fri Oct 23, 2015 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hey Homestar! (Halloween '15)

No clue. I'm getting some Doc Brown vibes from :poop: while :sb: looks like a tree stump & :pom: could be a Ninja Turtle, & :sm: looks like a TV set. :sad: Kinda looks like he could be holding a kitchen mandolin & wearing a chef hat, :homsar: could have a do-rag, pile of poop, or a Divo hat, :marzi: high colar makes me think of Dracula, :hr: seems to have on a wig & bow tie, & :cheat: seems to have bone shaped hair & a big beard. :coachz: has on beret. :bubs: I wanted to guess Raymond Reddington from The Blacklist, but he never carried around a plunger. :kot: & :senor: are absent.

Author:  ghomestar [ Fri Oct 23, 2015 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hey Homestar! (Halloween '15)

That tree stump is The King of Town, Strong Bad's the monster thing under all of them. And Senor Cardgage has never been in a Halloween episode before.

Author:  CaptainPastHisPrime [ Fri Oct 23, 2015 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hey Homestar! (Halloween '15)

likalaruku wrote:
No clue. I'm getting some Doc Brown vibes from :poop: while :sb: looks like a tree stump & :pom: could be a Ninja Turtle, & :sm: looks like a TV set. :sad: Kinda looks like he could be holding a kitchen mandolin & wearing a chef hat, :homsar: could have a do-rag, pile of poop, or a Divo hat, :marzi: high colar makes me think of Dracula, :hr: seems to have on a wig & bow tie, & :cheat: seems to have bone shaped hair & a big beard. :coachz: has on beret. :bubs: I wanted to guess Raymond Reddington from The Blacklist, but he never carried around a plunger. :kot: & :senor: are absent.

Strong Sad already dressed as a member of Devo (in 2005), and the Poopsmith already dressed as Doc Brown (in 2007).

This is just a random guess, but maybe Bubs is Malcolm McDowell as seen in "A Clockwork Orange". And maybe Homestar is Pee-wee Herman. That'd be cool if that was the case, since Strong Bad once dressed as Jambi the Genie.

Author:  PlaysetsandToysBuyer [ Wed Oct 28, 2015 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hey Homestar! (Halloween '15)

I'm not very good at these guessing games, but I got a strong TiVo box vibe from :sm: . Would that be too modern of a reference for them?

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