I didn't even know about this until it showed up on the site. I don't regularly watch the Youtube channel.
On the whole the HR stuff doesn't make me laugh like I used to; I watch it more because it's "fun" than "funny". Part of it is that I'm kind of jaded, it's hard to make me laugh. The other part of it is that beyond 2007, the humor got too advanced, once I found I literally had my eyes closed trying to listen and focus amidst how fast-paced it was. Too many inside references, too quickly, too much to process. To me, between SB email 50 and SB email 120 is the "golden age". I'm just an old geezer reminiscing though

and I still occasionally go back and watch stuff, old and new alike. Homestar Runner fan for life!
As for this toon, I enjoyed it, I'd give it 4 out of 5. I thought it was funny how Dijjery-Doo's tusks would make that clacking sound every time he talked. Also liked the ridiculousness of the games... running = roller skating, swimming = assisted water locomotion. Kind of like the 10-step footrace. Crazy that the story was (apparently) forgotten all that time.
likalaruku wrote:
Well, at least ONE thing was good about 2016.
I've been seeing in message board and youtube comments and stuff, it seems that 2016 gets a lot of bad rap. Why is that? I didn't have a great year, but that is more to do with me personally. Sure we (in the USA) had a bad Presidential election year where we lose no matter who wins ("It's like even when we win, he wins"). And a lot of high-profile people died (Muhammad Ali, Prince, Carrie Fisher). But I don't feel like it was profoundly worse than any other year. Is there a "2016 sucked" bandwagon that prople are jumping on?
Not to forget, we got April Fool's. I quite enjoyed that one.