Homestar Runner Wiki Forum

Fan Costumes 2016
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Author:  Gfdgsgxgzgdrc [ Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:31 am ]
Post subject:  Fan Costumes 2016

Man, this forum is getting less and less active e'ery day, huh?

Here is the official topic for the new Fan 'Stumes. What did everybody everybody think?

I thought it was gazemazing. Thank you, TBC. I can safely say without hesitation that this is the best Fan Costumes ever like of all time. For my review, I gives it one star out of Homestar's shirt.

Author:  Emrys [ Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fan Costumes 2016

I was resigned that there wasn't going to be one of these this year, so this was great to see on my YouTube feed! I loved it also. Nothing as funny as "I stick a Q on the wall next to the dreamcatchers", but still really fun to watch. A bit puzzled how they seemed to forget that it was hot lady Homestar that disturbed Strong Bad...he always liked hot lady Homsar.

Author:  PlaysetsandToysBuyer [ Fri Dec 02, 2016 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fan Costumes 2016

The wiki finally got a shout out in a cartoon! Hooray! It was a loooong time coming, and I'm glad it happened before the forum died. You guys who actually still maintain the wiki when there is only one new cartoon a year are my heroes.

Author:  RickTommy [ Mon Dec 26, 2016 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fan Costumes 2016

Toon link:

Young Wiki link:

Author:  TheTinyGiant [ Wed Dec 28, 2016 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fan Costumes 2016

I gave it 6/6. One of the best if not the best Fan Costumes there is.


The Coach Z shirt for pants thing reminds me actually of MC Hammer.

First, draw a star. Or... a star. Next... DRAW A FREAKING STAR!
I like to tell people that [arduous task] is very simple. e.g. "You only need one step to lift 500 pounds. Step #1: Lift 500 pounds" It reminded me of that.

Actually, I got the Homestar with sock, and the Anonymous Contributor ones pretty quickly.

These days, I wonder how many people would recognize the costumes. Was fun when Homestar Runner was big enough in 02-03 when, say, my classmates would recognize it. Whenever I bring it up with anyone nowadays, I have met only one person in the last several year who knew what Homestar Runner was.

I think Strong Bad being creeped at Modestly Hot Homsar was more that he saw it as Homsar being a modestly hot gri, rather than MH Homsar being her own entity in her own right? Dunno.

RickTommy wrote:
Young Wiki link:

I see what you did there :)

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