With the baseball bat, I could see Homestar

being Ness as you said.
Strong Bad

has got to be someone from an old-timey wideo grame because of the pixellation. Did anyone else notice his costume sounding an awful lot like Mrs. Commanderson? Come to think of it, aside from Strong Bad as Homestar as Angus Young and the Goblin as Strong Bad as The Bee, is there a rule prohibiting characters from dressing up as each other? Or was that a one-time deal? It sure would be interesting seeing a big character, like Pom Pom, attempting to dress as Coach Z or something. (Strong Sad lookalike contest or Homestar/The Cheat "do over" swap doesn't count, that's not Halloween)
I rather thought Marzipan

might be John Lennon.
The Cheat

looks like some sort of grandma character with curly hair and glasses.
RasterOfMandomness wrote:

Zangief or Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan
That one is interesting. His hair is a bit more afro-like in my opinion, but it does seem like Strong Mad ought to dress as a martial artist sometime.
GreenEggsAndHamlet wrote:

- Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls (which Matt wrote for, I believe)
The idea of one of the characters dressing as something else that either of TBC worked for is interesting, I hope you're right about that one.
My cultural literacy is reeeeally bad... I'm not able to guess, suggest, or recognize costumes, sorry.