Homestar Runner Wiki Forum

The Next April Fools Thing
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Author:  Gfdgsgxgzgdrc [ Thu Apr 05, 2018 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  The Next April Fools Thing

Flash · YouTube · Wiki

This forum is getting scarily inactive. The toon's been out for four days and there's no forum topic for it yet! Except for this one.

What did you think? I thought filling in those 100 seconds with an entire full-length sbemail was the best thing they could've done. Although it's kind of disappointing that it doesn't count as a sbemail. Now it's like there's an email missing from the email menu! Oh well. I liked the little girl's ideas.

Author:  Danimo [ Wed Apr 11, 2018 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Next April Fools Thing

I thought it was great! I always appreciate the new content and this toon was especially good.

Author:  TheTinyGiant [ Sat May 19, 2018 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Next April Fools Thing

Yeah, sorry about that, life caught up. Or, rather, it extended its lead.

I am sorry to say this one kinda fell flat (3/5) for me. It was refreshing to have not only a full-length SB Email, but quite an ample length one I think, was just nice to see a large amount of content. However, I'd say it was only reasonably funny. Part of it was that it took a lot of concentration to just keep up with it, there was too much going on, too quickly. But I did get the bit where the characters do what the little girl suggests, fast enough to be able to laugh at the subsequent ones. "Blah!" And sometimes there's just nothing like a good ol repeat. "And it loads for, like, one hunnnndred seconds.... and then... and then... it loads for, like, one hunnnndred seconds...." The "always bees'ing and do'sing and never cheesing and choosing" is pretty catchy. File folder shaped gummies, and file folder-shaped-gummies-shaped flash drives... hmm.

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