Twelve silhouettes indeed... I saw some people saying it looked like


were doing a joint costume. Maybe they're Missy Elliott? ( ... issy-e.jpg) I don't entirely know how that would work... Maybe it's a misdirection, and Pom Pom is missing, and that's just Coach Z in one of those inflatable suits or something
Others that I have guesses for (mostly taken from Twitter as well):

as Stan S. Stanman, from Monkey Island

as a Sea Monkey

as Snap, Crackle, or Pop
Now, as far as everyone else goes...

has long-ish, curly hair, that's about it

is anyone's guess, as always

has two extra spikes on either side of his snout thing, as well as a different top spike and a sleeve-type-thing on one of his arms. Also no idea

is wearing some type of cap and appears to be holding a cane

has long, straight hair, a baseball hat, and a guitar. Lots of options here, but I have no idea what they could be

has some type of helmet/round hair/head, and the bottom of his body appears to be facing frontwards or something
And at first I thought

just had really big eyebrows or something, but if you look closely, you can see his regular eyebrows where they usually are - maybe he's wearing a feather boa of some kind? I don't know who he'd be though
Well, those are my guesses/observations