Homestar Runner Wiki Forum

Halloween 2018 Teaser
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Author:  GreenEggsAndHamlet [ Fri Oct 19, 2018 4:13 am ]
Post subject:  Halloween 2018 Teaser

Twelve silhouettes indeed... I saw some people saying it looked like :coachz: and :pom: were doing a joint costume. Maybe they're Missy Elliott? ( ... issy-e.jpg) I don't entirely know how that would work... Maybe it's a misdirection, and Pom Pom is missing, and that's just Coach Z in one of those inflatable suits or something
Others that I have guesses for (mostly taken from Twitter as well):
:bubs: as Stan S. Stanman, from Monkey Island
:poop: as a Sea Monkey
:sad: as Snap, Crackle, or Pop
Now, as far as everyone else goes...
:homsar: has long-ish, curly hair, that's about it
:sb: is anyone's guess, as always
:cheat: has two extra spikes on either side of his snout thing, as well as a different top spike and a sleeve-type-thing on one of his arms. Also no idea
:hr: is wearing some type of cap and appears to be holding a cane
:marzi: has long, straight hair, a baseball hat, and a guitar. Lots of options here, but I have no idea what they could be
:kot: has some type of helmet/round hair/head, and the bottom of his body appears to be facing frontwards or something
And at first I thought :sm: just had really big eyebrows or something, but if you look closely, you can see his regular eyebrows where they usually are - maybe he's wearing a feather boa of some kind? I don't know who he'd be though

Well, those are my guesses/observations

Author:  ZootyCutie [ Fri Oct 19, 2018 11:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween 2018 Teaser

I saw someone on Reddit pose that Homestar is Dirk the Daring from the Dragon's Lair games. He certainly has the head shape with that helmet for it, and that could be a sword.

EDIT: Looking at the shaping of it The Cheat possibly Orko?

Author:  Charlie Jr. [ Mon Oct 22, 2018 6:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween 2018 Teaser

I think Strong Sad is dressed as Tummi of the Gummi Bears. If you zoom in on the flash file, you’ll see the ears and feather. Zooming in is a good way to find something out.

Author:  TheTinyGiant [ Mon Dec 10, 2018 1:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween 2018 Teaser

GreenEggsAndHamlet wrote:
Twelve silhouettes indeed... I saw some people saying it looked like Coach Z and Pom Pom were doing a joint costume. Maybe they're Missy Elliott? ( ... issy-e.jpg)

Good guess, you were spot on!!

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