Homestar Runner Wiki Forum

Opposite versions of characters
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Author:  Cheatina [ Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Opposite versions of characters

likalaruku wrote:
:pom: An easily understandable woman who doesn't use phones & wouldn't dream of brushing other people off.

What do you mean by "brushing other people off"?
...Tell me it's not another one of those " :pom: stopped being :hr: 's BFF" things again. I am so sick of that. Never did he stop. They still hang out together. :pom: gets annoyed with :hr: sometimes, but that doesn't automatically mean they're not friends. Plus :hr: 's sheer stupidity makes EVERYONE get annoyed with him. Just keep that in mind, please. :-|

Author:  Marzichan [ Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opposite versions of characters

likalaruku wrote:
:cheat: Friendly girl Cheat who hates cheaters. not sleeping in BBQs & crisper drawers, & no interest in animation or techno music.

Ch8ina would be intelligible!

Author:  Cheatina [ Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opposite versions of characters

...What? :-|

Author:  likalaruku [ Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Opposite versions of characters

Cheatina wrote:
likalaruku wrote:
:pom: An easily understandable woman who doesn't use phones & wouldn't dream of brushing other people off.

What do you mean by "brushing other people off"?
...Tell me it's not another one of those " :pom: stopped being :hr: 's BFF" things again. I am so sick of that. Never did he stop. They still hang out together. :pom: gets annoyed with :hr: sometimes, but that doesn't automatically mean they're not friends. Plus :hr: 's sheer stupidity makes EVERYONE get annoyed with him. Just keep that in mind, please. :-|

Pom Pom comes off as "suddenly antisocial" to me, not literally, but in the sense that he doesn't want to speak face-to-face because it interferes with phone time. He hung out with Strong Bad & The Cheat for awhile & got bored with them too. Plus Pom Pom hasn't "hung out" with Homestar in years.

Author:  Marzichan [ Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opposite versions of characters

Author:  Cheatina [ Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opposite versions of characters

^ Uh...what? :-|

Author:  lu9 [ Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opposite versions of characters

CaptainPastHisPrime wrote:
I have to ask, because I've been thinking: in an opposite/negative dimension of Homestar Runner, how would the characters there behave? The only things that I would know about this are that each of the characters would have to be "mirror" versions of the actual characters and that due to rules/laws regarding the negative world, these are what the characters' names would be:

:hr: Ratsemoh Rennur
:sb: Gnorts Dab
:cheat: Eht Taehc
:sm: Gnorts Dam
:sad: Gnorts Das
:pom: Mop Mop
:marzi: Napizram
:coachz: Hcaoc Z (pronounced "eez")
:bubs: Sbub
:kot: Gnik fo Nwot
:poop: Htimspoop
:homsar: Rasmoh
:senor: Rones Egagdrac

So how would the negative versions of the Homestar characters be "mirror" versions of the actual characters?

First. Nobody would be stupid. lol.
Ratsemoh rennur, He would be Intelligent, brillant, but everybody will hate him, because he's worst athlete. About gnorts dab will be "Homestar Runner Friendly" and not mean, and he don't say crap, he say flowers (lol). Eht Taehc will be able to speak, and he don't cheats, he make everything nice, and all his teeth will be gold but one.
Sbub would work on mc donalds instead of a conces5ion stand. And his mouth is not just teeth.
hcaoc Z will say everything right like Job. And he will hate Rap.
Gnorts Dam will be The Cheat's Enemy, And he's not giant. And not mad.
Gnorts Das will be super Happy, and Really really Bad!
Mop Mop is not Homestar's Friend. And he is not made of gelatine and he speaks.
gnik fo nwot will be poor, not fat, and boring. lol.
Htimspoop will bring more poop to Poopsmith and King of Town, so Poopsmith have more job to do...
rasmoh will not be stupid and will stand correctly.
rones egagdrac... i dunno.

Author:  Marzichan [ Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opposite versions of characters

lu9 wrote:
CaptainPastHisPrime wrote:
I have to ask, because I've been thinking: in an opposite/negative dimension of Homestar Runner, how would the characters there behave? The only things that I would know about this are that each of the characters would have to be "mirror" versions of the actual characters and that due to rules/laws regarding the negative world, these are what the characters' names would be:

:hr: Ratsemoh Rennur
:sb: Gnorts Dab
:cheat: Eht Taehc
:sm: Gnorts Dam
:sad: Gnorts Das
:pom: Mop Mop
:marzi: Napizram
:coachz: Hcaoc Z (pronounced "eez")
:bubs: Sbub
:kot: Gnik fo Nwot
:poop: Htimspoop
:homsar: Rasmoh
:senor: Rones Egagdrac

So how would the negative versions of the Homestar characters be "mirror" versions of the actual characters?

First. Nobody would be stupid. lol.
Ratsemoh rennur, He would be Intelligent, brillant, but everybody will hate him, because he's worst athlete. About gnorts dab will be "Homestar Runner Friendly" and not mean, and he don't say crap, he say flowers (lol). Eht Taehc will be able to speak, and he don't cheats, he make everything nice, and all his teeth will be gold but one.
Sbub would work on mc donalds instead of a conces5ion stand. And his mouth is not just teeth.
hcaoc Z will say everything right like Job. And he will hate Rap.
Gnorts Dam will be The Cheat's Enemy, And he's not giant. And not mad.
Gnorts Das will be super Happy, and Really really Bad!
Mop Mop is not Homestar's Friend. And he is not made of gelatine and he speaks.
gnik fo nwot will be poor, not fat, and boring. lol.
Htimspoop will bring more poop to Poopsmith and King of Town, so Poopsmith have more job to do...
rasmoh will not be stupid and will stand correctly.
rones egagdrac... i dunno.

You forgot Napizram!

Author:  Gfdgsgxgzgdrc [ Sat Jan 07, 2012 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opposite versions of characters

Awaymoon Walker ( :hr: ) - Hates Smarties and Mop Mop, And he also is very VERY smart and answers Schremails
Weak good ( :sb: ) - He is nice to everyone (especially weak mad, sarhom and schoolmoon walker) well, everyone except the winner (and he never answers any emails.)
Mop Mop ( :pom: )- He never makes "bubbly" sounds and is also very dumb, clueless, and confused and SUPER VERY SO MUCH gullible.
Smarties ( :marzi: )- wears a green dress and is shaped like a baseball. she doesnt have hair
Barber ( :bubs: )- an orange head an blue body and has completely identical eyes, and has no money.
Athlete A ( :coachz: )- doesnt have a hat and is a good athlete.
The Winner ( :cheat: )- never cheats at games (but always wins)
Weak Sad ( :sm: )- small, short, has no eyebrows (but lots of hair)
Weak Mad ( :sad: ) - skinny
A Knight for city ( :kot: )- VERY SKINNY and never eats anything, and wears a helmet and owns a tiny cottage
A Dirtkicker ( :poop: )- kicks dirt and never wears gloves/mittens and smells SO SO SUPER SQUEAKY CLEAN!!! and he also talks and talks...and talks...and talks...and talks...and talks...
Sarhom ( :homsar: )- the smartest person in the history of the universe and wears a wig
Gamecash .Jr ( :senor: )- the least creepy person and wears no glasses and hates candy
Dortrog ( :trogdor: )- a dinosaur that breathes ice (Freezinate)
Sloppy (Marshie)- a chocolate bar that never advertised in his life
Schoolhome loser (Homeschool Winner)- um...what?
Taxi Driver (Limozeen)- a boring dull band
Cracky (Sloshy)- a rock band and its weak good's favorite band
Boring Movies (Cool Tapes)- a boring dull band that never cared about endangered species or things like that

Author:  lu9 [ Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Opposite versions of characters

lol Subliminal message FTW:
Awaymoon Walker
omg moonwalker!!
Opposite Homestar is Michael Jackson!
but i have am idea for :coachz:
Sofa A
Bus Z

Author:  Gfdgsgxgzgdrc [ Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opposite versions of characters

Wait a minute...what if it was a opposite of the REAL WORLD?

G. = The least-awesome. He has a short pronouncable name. His picture is Sbub.

Author:  XXEmoElephantXx [ Thu Nov 30, 2017 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Opposite versions of characters

I feel like Gnorts Dab wouldn't just be nice to Gnorts Das, he would be overprotective too.

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