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PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2005 3:00 pm 
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The first thing I saw on was "The Cheat music video". Some guy from a Super Mario Bros forum had a link to it and I watched it. I didn't get it at ALL.

It wasn't until a while later, like this past January, that I started getting into it. This kid in my class (who will remain unnamed) was watching "techno" and I reconized The Cheat and Strong Bad (sorta kinda), though I couldn't remember where I'd seen them from. The kid showed me "japanese cartoon" and "dragon", and that's when I remembered. I've liked them ever since.



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PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2005 6:33 pm 

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Yea I Got The Homestar Homsar Thing Wrong To And I Thought Homestar And Marzipan Were Bro And Sis

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:30 am 

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When I first saw the sight, I didn't like any of the characters eccept Homestar. I just loved the way he talked. And, I also thought that all of them were little kids eccept Homestar and Marzipan for some reason, like the rest of the characters were thier childrens :eek: scary thought

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:30 am 
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My friends were all talking about it one day and I aked them what they were talking about. They did a terrible Homestar impersination and said "Homestaw" which I took as "".

My friend also showed me the Games first (old games). BAD IDEA! I thought the games were terrible, so I didn't go back to it for a long time.

( << )<~~~ WANTS

 Post subject: Re:Wrong First Impressions
PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:31 am 
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Well, I used the think the :cheat: was a jewel or something that SB kept on trying to steal. And I thought SBE-mails were like E-cards or something. And I thought there was a Strong Glad.

They says I be baddestest at engrish but they is WRONGEST!!!

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:19 am 
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Yes, the "new topic" button is right next to the "post reply" button... try not to get them mixed up in future...

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 6:15 pm 
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For a while, I thought Homestar and Strong Bad lived together as roommates. I also didn't know that SS and SM were SB's brother's, so I couldn't understand why SS was picked on by them so much.

The user formely known as The Sturge!

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 6:18 pm 
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I might have posted this somewhere else, but the sbemail "sisters" was the first thing I saw.

You can imagine my reaction. I didn't come back to the site for several months.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 6:19 pm 

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The Sturge! wrote:
For a while, I thought Homestar and Strong Bad lived together as roommates. I also didn't know that SS and SM were SB's brother's, so I couldn't understand why SS was picked on by them so much.

Do you really think that they wouldn't pick on him if he wasn't their brother? :)

Well, the first time I was at this site I thought that the King of Town is related to Coach Z. Don't ask, I don't understand why I thought of that...

Actually, screw this. I'm out.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 6:22 pm 
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Obomaru wrote:
The Sturge! wrote:
For a while, I thought Homestar and Strong Bad lived together as roommates. I also didn't know that SS and SM were SB's brother's, so I couldn't understand why SS was picked on by them so much.

Do you really think that they wouldn't pick on him if he wasn't their brother? :)

Yeah, but I didn't know that back then. :p
I always thought they just kinda targeted him for no real reason, but when I found out they were all brothers, it kinda gave them a reason to do it. Not a good reason, but still a reason.

The user formely known as The Sturge!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:35 pm 
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My first impression? Well, there were a few things I had two times after seeing about 4 cartoons, or something like that, so i thought the mentioned them a lot. I think they were melonade, cold ones, and the double deuce. Turns out they're not used that much, I jsut coincedentally found cartoons with them in them first.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:49 pm 

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I used to think that Strong Bad and Stinkoman were the same character, like Strong Bad could turn into Stinkoman and back or something.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:04 pm 
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Did you also used to think that 1-up and Homestar were the same person? And Pom pom and Pan pan?


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:16 pm 
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Shopiom wrote:
Did you also used to think that 1-up and Homestar were the same person? And Pom pom and Pan pan?

By the time he saw them, he probably realized that they aren't the same person.

 Post subject: Re: Wrong First Impressions
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:35 am 
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when i first saw it (be prepared for utter stupidity), i thought stro bro was the main character, i thought pom pom had been KILLED OFF -face palm-, and i thought that senor cardgage was really sb's dad.


 Post subject: Re: Wrong First Impressions
PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:52 pm 
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I thought Stinkoman was Strong Mad, and Homestar was The Cheat!

 Post subject: Re: Wrong First Impressions
PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:10 pm 
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When I got SBCG4AP, I didnt have any idea about the website so while I was playing I thought " what the heck is going on!? :eek: "
I thought homestar was fat, didnt know why strong bad didnt have a shirt on, and thought videlectrix was a real gaming company! I played all the way through and still didnt have any idea what it was, until I discoverd the website and then it all made sense... kinda.

You got the munch. The crisp and the crunch.
Livin' in the gutter with Grandma... When Coach puts you in,—
You gotta go for the win. Y2K turned out all riiiight! SBLOUNSKCHED!
You can do it! SBLOUNSKCHED! Crunchy chew it!
Who's got the money?!?

 Post subject: Re: Wrong First Impressions
PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:38 pm 
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When I first read the wiki transcript for homsar, I thought his name was pronounced "Home-sar".


 Post subject: Re: Wrong First Impressions
PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:13 pm 
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I watched a Let's Play of SBCG4AP before I came to the website, and I already knew about the Homestar Runner characters even before that, so it all seemed normal. However, I never knew Strong Bad has no shirt for a while. Apparently, my mind filtered images with SB in them and put a red shirt on him. It wasn't untill the sbemail Strong Bad talked about how to be as him for halloween I saw there was no shirt upon him.

 Post subject: Re: Wrong First Impressions
PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:56 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:47 pm
Posts: 81
The second ever toon I watched was the sbemail Stunt Double, and as such, I thought :marzi: 's name was actually Cutesy Buttons.

All work and no play makes homestar a dull boy.
All work and no play makes homestar a dull boy.
All work and no play makes homestar a dull boy.
All work and no play makes homestar a dull boy.
All work and no play makes homestar a dull boy.

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:32 am 

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DumDeDum wrote:
kellan6 wrote:
•Rainer• wrote:
And I used to pronounce Homsar as Homestar without the t ("Home-sar").

Same here

that's weird... i NEVER did that, mainly 'cause when homsar first appeard strongbad DID pronounce it HOM-SAR

so.. why would we pronouse it HOME-SAR??

it makes no sence to me.

I never did that because the 5th sbemail I saw was homsar.

I only saw First Time Here? about a week after I discovered the site. :p

 Post subject: Re: Wrong First Impressions
PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:36 am 
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Well, that was almost 10 years ago, but I can still remember impressions that were broken.

*Homestar & Marzipan hardly turned out to be a loving couple. I think Marzipan is dating him because she finds him to be the least unexceptable guy in town to be around.

*Marzipan is not a very good Hippie. I get the impression that she looks down on everyone in Free Country, like Strong Bad does.

*Strong Bad turned out to be not much of a bad guy. He's jsut a nostogic technophile geek who likes practical jokes.

*Homestar isn't faking dumb. Once a sport hero everyone came to get advice from, & a guy who seemed to play dumb just to ruffle someone;s feathers, he has become the guy who is easily duped, always confused, & that no one takes seriously.

*Homestar & Pompom are not best friends. Pompom treats him like an annoying little tagalong that no one invited.

*Marzipan & KOT are not related. The Chaps retconed their initial idea of them being father & daughter.

*Herald/Hornblower is not a girl. The KOT's herald looks like a girl, but Marzipan says she's the only girl in town.

Fan since December of '02, yet it took me 4 years to discover this Wiki. ::shame::

 Post subject: Re: Wrong First Impressions
PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:39 pm 

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likalaruku wrote:
*Herald/Hornblower is not a girl. The KOT's herald looks like a girl, but Marzipan says she's the only girl in town.

Um, what about Pom Pom's girls? Or one of the sad kids? I think what she meant was that she's the only female out of the main characters.

All work and no play makes homestar a dull boy.
All work and no play makes homestar a dull boy.
All work and no play makes homestar a dull boy.
All work and no play makes homestar a dull boy.
All work and no play makes homestar a dull boy.

 Post subject: Re: Wrong First Impressions
PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:01 pm 
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Okay. So first I thought the Cheat was a piece of cheese. However, that didn't last long.
I also thought that Strong Bad had a mask and the eh-em, "mask" he was wearing could come off completely. Yes, I am aware that Strong Bad tried to rip his own dang flesh off in "the chair", and he has parents.
And get this: I thought that Strong Bad *gasp* was FRIENDS with Coach Z!

 Post subject: Re: Wrong First Impressions
PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:14 pm 
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likalaruku wrote:
Well, that was almost 10 years ago, but I can still remember impressions that were broken.

*Homestar & Marzipan hardly turned out to be a loving couple. I think Marzipan is dating him because she finds him to be the least unexceptable guy in town to be around.

*Marzipan is not a very good Hippie. I get the impression that she looks down on everyone in Free Country, like Strong Bad does.

*Strong Bad turned out to be not much of a bad guy. He's jsut a nostogic technophile geek who likes practical jokes.

*Homestar isn't faking dumb. Once a sport hero everyone came to get advice from, & a guy who seemed to play dumb just to ruffle someone;s feathers, he has become the guy who is easily duped, always confused, & that no one takes seriously.

*Homestar & Pompom are not best friends. Pompom treats him like an annoying little tagalong that no one invited.

*Marzipan & KOT are not related. The Chaps retconed their initial idea of them being father & daughter.

*Herald/Hornblower is not a girl. The KOT's herald looks like a girl, but Marzipan says she's the only girl in town.

Well, Homestar and Marzipan seem to have an on-and-off relationship. I think Marzipan accepts people for who they are if they're nice to her. Besides, she really doesn't have many friends. She just may get tired of Homestar for his stupidity. I mean, Homestar does act mean to her without knowing it, which seems to get Marzipan pretty annoyed.

Strong Bad is, yes, not a bad guy, but is a prank-pulling joker with a cool attitude and stealthy personality.

Marzipan and KOT could be related. I mean, they have the same body shape. Anybody? jellity?grapity?

:hr: & :pom: are somewhat friends. But, like most characters, Homestar will easily annoy them with his stupidity. Pom Pom tries to keep homestar from embarrassing him and they will always team up. Unlike most, Pom Pom understands if Homestar says something mean by mistake, and the two, from the start, are good at running and martial arts. Even if he dosen't know, Homestar will always keep that iconic stride of his.

And, Marzipan is definitely a hippie. Any episode with her in it will prove it.

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:20 pm 
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Joshua wrote:
Shim-Sham-Sam wrote:
I kept on looking for the emails with Strong Bad getting drunk from the soy sauce, the Grape Nuts Robot, tape-leg2, Pom Pom vs. Coach Z knife fight, the holy crap old email

LOL. I did the same thing.

Then I decided I was do email #1, than #2, 10 emails a day until I did every single one. I was disappointed and confused when I reached "personal favorites" without finding those emails.

I also did that. It would of been great if full-length clips of those were put into one sbemail!
It would be long though.

 Post subject: Re: Wrong First Impressions
PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:32 pm 
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:hr: and :marzi: on second thought, probably hate each other now :p

Last edited by TwiceStyle on Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Wrong First Impressions
PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:38 pm 
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also, when I saw "homsar", I thought that he had made appearances before and that Vinnie C. actually wanted to kill one of the main characters. I had no idea it was a misspelling until I saw the wiki.

 Post subject: Re: Wrong First Impressions
PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:53 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:19 am
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I though Homsar was related to Homestar. Kinda obvious, though.

 Post subject: Re: Wrong First Impressions
PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:25 am 
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jakovu wrote:
I though Homsar was related to Homestar. Kinda obvious, though.

even if they're not, I still think they are. It works out better.

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