Homestar Runner Wiki Forum

New Character Idea
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Author:  Super64DS [ Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  New Character Idea

I have this idea for a new character. Her name is Emona and she is basically a female version of Strong Sad.

I came up with a cartoon where Strong Bad has Strong Sad go see a therapist. He tells him that he did in fact have a friend, contrary to what Strong Bad says. He met Emona at a Cheat Commandos convention. She has a grey The Cheat with black hair and a deeper voice (he still speaks in "Mehs"). They seemed to have a good relationship afterwards, until Strong Bad started posting mean comments about her under Strong Sad's Facebook id.

The next day, Strong Bad gets an email from Emona, telling him how mean Strong Sad was and how she thinks Strong Bad would make a better partner. Strong Sad is filming Strong Bad's reaction with his 8mm (from "Experimental Film") in hopes of exposing Strong Bad. His plan is successful and ultimately, Emona moves in with the Strong Sad.

There should also be an Easter Egg at the end featuring Firebert and Fog (the grey The Cheat mentioned earlier).

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