Homestar Runner Wiki Forum

What Would Happen If An Unused Character Finally Appeared?
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Author:  XXEmoElephantXx [ Fri Dec 01, 2023 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  What Would Happen If An Unused Character Finally Appeared?

I would love to hear about Homeschool, Champeen, The Hurricane, etc. But for some reason, I wanted to talk about characters that are hardly ever seen in even fanart.

I kind of want to develop Scrandina, because nobody ever pays attention to her. Because I love how her hair is arms and I also have an idea based on the joke of her sounding like Marzipan due to Missy having no range. What if she has no real voice and can actually imitate the other characters exactly and causes trouble doing so? Weird concept to just announce, I know.

I also want to develop that spring girl and that girl who wears a potato sack at some point too.

I know my ideas will probably be retconned with much better ideas if The Brothers Chaps do anything with them. But it will be fun while it lasts.

Author:  XXEmoElephantXx [ Fri Dec 01, 2023 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Would Happen If An Unused Character Finally Appeare

I also wanted to use some characters the Chaps never even bothered to develop, like that carrot person in Bubs and Coach Z's sketches, and those two from Homestar Runner Goes For the Gold sketches. Yep, going REAL obscure.

Author:  Cy4nIsN0tB1u3 [ Thu Jul 04, 2024 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Would Happen If An Unused Character Finally Appeare

XXEmoElephantXx wrote:
I also wanted to use some characters the Chaps never even bothered to develop, like that carrot person in Bubs and Coach Z's sketches, and those two from Homestar Runner Goes For the Gold sketches. Yep, going REAL obscure.

Carrot? :-|

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