racerx_is_alive wrote:
Already Been Posted'd.
Yes, It has been posted before (as I noted in the first line of my post). I simply thought a topic dedicated to it (rather than offhand notices in other threads, which was all I saw before) would consolodate requests and specifications.
IJ wrote:
If you guys create some emoticons for our forum, great; just don't assume that if you create them we'll upload them.
I figured it'd be a process of meeting a need (or want) on behalf of the community, not a maverick art festival with unreasonable expectations. We'll make "release candidates" until we have a .pak the admins like, if the admins are willing to have that level of involvement.
IJ wrote:
- Appearance - It has to look good. That means no jaggies, good use of transparency, and recognizability. We have to be able to tell at a glance which character it is.
- Size - Our The Cheat emoticon is edging on too big, as is Strong Mad. If it's bigger than those, it's too big. You should aim for smaller. The Strong Sad and Strong Bad emoticons are pretty much the ideal size.
- No animations - I help out on another forum that has animated emoticons. They're cute.. for about 2 minutes, and then you just want to strangle the artist until they die.
SS is 23x23 pixels, hence my initial suggestion of 24x24. There are 4 animations in the current setup, all standard phpbb fare. While I'm not a big fan of animation-for-the-sake-of-animation, would a small amount (as in

) be acceptable on a few of them? One of the other pitfalls of animation is that if someone clicks on most kinds of links, the animation stops... so an animated emoticon has to be meaningful in all frames.
IJ wrote:
I recommend against trying to draw one from scratch. You're a lot better off taking a screenshot ...
I am less of an artist and more of an engineer. Cropping and resizing is a good practice except for things like subtle lines (e.g. PS's hair), though resizing and tracing may be a viable alternative.
IJ wrote:
I like the

and the

, but

is not so great, while

should just be a face as I initially posted. I'm kinda surprised that :goblin: and :copter: got their own emoticons since they're so peripheral, but now that people have used them we don't want to just remove them. When I realized that :20x6: was supposed to be the 20x6 H*R, it made more sense, and I like it. I also think

could be improved upon. No offence to the hard-working real artist(s) such as Tom who put time into them!
IJ wrote:
The Poopsmith is a tough one. I know Tom spent a lot of time on a Poopsmith smiley, but in the end it never worked out (his hair tends to disappear when resized).
Another one I'd like to see is the H*R logo itself. I can try a PS as well, we shall see.