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 Post subject: Spam vault
PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:00 am 
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Joined: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:06 am
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To all mods:

There has been a lot of talk of spam on this forum (something about shoe ads, as well as lots of off-subject stuff), but I see that nothing new has been added to the vault since July.

Don't users deserve to know when someone has been posting spam? For example, what if a few users have a heated discussion that is considered spam, other users deserve to know that those guys might be on edge for a while.

Also, I personally have made legitimate posts relating to the thread they are in, and they have been deleted. Can't you at least move them to the spam vault if you disagree with them, so I have some chance to appeal the decision to remove those posts? If you delete them there is no chance of this, the post is just gone.

Why are you guys going around deleting posts, when you could just as easily be using the Spam Vault for its intended purpose?


 Post subject: Re: Spam vault
PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:42 am 
Pizza Pizza
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Why put shoe ads and the like in the spam vault when they can be deleted? Deleting a heated argument is a way to put out the drama (well, it'll put out the drama better than letting it stay around).

If you can't fix it with a hammer, you have an electrical problem.

 Post subject: Re: Spam vault
PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:31 am 
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Yes, and in addition, if you move an ad to the spam vault, the links still remain, and they can still be crawled by search engines, thus it's still a win for the spammers.


 Post subject: Re: Spam vault
PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 12:22 am 
Pizza Pizza
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We can either delete the ad or edit out the links then move it to the spam vault.
Which do you think is easier?

If you can't fix it with a hammer, you have an electrical problem.

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:26 pm 
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Joined: Thu Oct 01, 2009 2:46 pm
Posts: 222
I have enough with these spammers every time. X-(

nopq981 wrote:

I have a feeling this is the same user over and over again! I think the best way is to track them down by tracing their IP address!

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:52 pm 
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3panda94 wrote:

I have a feeling this is the same user over and over again! I think the best way is to track them down by tracing their IP address!

They likely have proxies, so they probably have more than one IP address. a security upgrade is SERIOUSLY needed... There are a few PHPBB3 mods which present questions on registration. Create a custom database of questions releated to the HRWiki, so someone confused can quickly look them up, and then this should stop most bots. I know a site that does that and they get almost no bot registrations or postings.

Until Windows 7 happened.

 Post subject: Re: Spam vault
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:08 am 
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Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2006 4:05 am
Posts: 474
I wouldn't mind becoming a mod just to smite spam & ban spammers. I'm not against making a highly convoluted registration either.

I suppose we could also do the Capcha-per-post thing, but use a different Capsha than what we have on the discussions thing; it's barely visible 7 you can't tell the capitals from the lower case letters.

Fan since December of '02, yet it took me 4 years to discover this Wiki. ::shame::

 Post subject: Re: Spam vault
PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:12 pm 
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likalaruku wrote:
I wouldn't mind becoming a mod just to smite spam & ban spammers.
There is a lot of responsibility with being a mod. It's more than just banning spammers. It's also making sure that everyone behaves themselves. It is very easy to get power happy when you are a mod. I know I used to be one and I got drunk with power and was prone to abuse my privileges.

likalaruku wrote:
I'm not against making a highly convoluted registration either.
Bots and spammers will still get through no matter how hard you make the registration process.


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