It appears that having a huge signature is all the rage. Considering that takes up more than half a page on my laptop (1024x768) we are now implementing a few rules on signatures.
1) Your sig may be no more than 65Kb in total size. If it is bigger than that it takes too long for our dial-up users.
2) If you are using text in your sig, limit it to 5 total lines of text. This means 5 lines of the default size. If you modify the text size, take that into consideration. (5 lines translates to roughly 100 pixels in height on my computer)
3) Your sigs dimensions may be no larger than 500 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall. This includes both images and text. For example: if you want to have both a picture and a line of text, the total height needs to be less than 100 pixels.
Here is an example that illustrates the acceptable dimensions:

While I am at it, I suppose it's worth bringing up avatars. Just because you can link to an off-site avatar, doesn't mean you are exempt from the size limitations. Keep your avatars less than 100x100pixels in dimension and
20Kb 10Kb in size.
These aren't suggestions, these are rules. If you don't comply we will remove your ability to post an avatar. If you continue to ignore us we will lock/ban your accounts.
We are sorry that we have to treat you this way, but with over 1500 users we can't send out personal emails/pms to everyone.