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 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:04 am 
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Mariofan1000 wrote:
We could make it a style of a sbemail dvd.

And how would the rest of the DVD be themed? Because the SBEmail DVDs just have two kinds of themes: one for the emails (on SB's computer) set in the computer room and the other for the bonus section (on the Trogdor arcade machine) in the basement.

Each of the EE DVDs are themed to something. The first one has an elegant portrait theme, the second one a felt theme, and the third an early 1980s video game theme.

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:12 am 
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Maybe this DVD could have a theme park theme! Even though they would probably just do "Mount RidesPlace USA" for theme park-themed menus, I would prefer a Disneyland parody with a floral portrait of Homestar in the main menu, and each sub-menu modeled after different lands and rides. Here's an intro I thought up:
:announcer: Homestar Runner, you just completed yet another goofily-named competition! What do you plan to do now?
:hr: I'm going
:hr: I'm going to Everything Else Volume 4!
I'll write an FBI warning later if I feel like it.

Making sense is not part of my mission plan, soldier!

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:15 am 
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Bad Bad Guy wrote:
I'll write an FBI warning later if I feel like it.

I have two ideas for an FBI warning:

Strong Sad walks up and looks over the text and then turns to the camera and says: "In layman's terms, each day something is copied from an original source, that original source dies a little more." That line, of course, is a reference to his "catch phrase", seen in "Who Said What Now?" and "Halloween Potion-ma-jig".

The text is blue (like on the fifth disc of SBEmails). Homsar then shuffles up to the screen upside-down, suspended from the ceiling. He then "screams" three times. Every time he screams, he and the text spin around, like on his character video. After each screen, he and the text are shown at different angles. Finally, after his third scream, Homsar is now right-side-up and the text upside-down. He then says, "The blueberry billboard forbids you to duplicate!" On "duplicate", his bowler hat splits in two and then rapidly multiply until the hats cover the entire screen.

Now, my idea for a theme parody Saturday morning cartoon TV shows of the 1970s and '80s (and be "aired" on Strong Badia's own TV station, Action Cool 5), with each of the section menus being themed to different shows. For example, they could use shows that already exist, like "The Homestar Runner Mysfit-steries" (which parodies those Hanna-Barbera shows of the 1970s involving a group of teens and a creature with them solving mysteries (i.e., Scooby-Doo, Jabberjaw)) and "Saturday Mornideo Games" (which parodies shows involving multiple video games (i.e., Saturday Supercade, Captain N: The Game Master)). One show they could make especially for the DVD is the one called "Strong Badd Video" (I misspelled it on purpose so as for it to further parody what it is intended to parody: "Kidd Video", which aired in the mid 1980s on NBC).

"The Homestar Runner Mysfit-steries" characters, by the way, would be accompanied (on the menu) by accompanied by a new character called Cheaty-Dee, which is just a "teen" version of The Cheat.

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:13 pm 
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CaptainPastHisPrime wrote:
Mariofan1000 wrote:
We could make it a style of a sbemail dvd.

And how would the rest of the DVD be themed? Because the SBEmail DVDs just have two kinds of themes: one for the emails (on SB's computer) set in the computer room and the other for the bonus section (on the Trogdor arcade machine) in the basement.

Each of the EE DVDs are themed to something. The first one has an elegant portrait theme, the second one a felt theme, and the third an early 1980s video game theme.

How about this:

Any option other than bonus:

(Cut to Strong Bad in the computer room with the lappy)

(Strong Bad has his head lying on the lappy's keyboard)


(Strong Bad starts hitting his head of the keyboard.each time he does it a option appears on the lappy.After all the options appear he stops)


(Cut to the lappy.No one is near.Homestar runs in and sits down.Only his reflection is seen when he sits down at the lappy)

Homestar:Uh oh.Strong Bad is late.I better put these options down!

(he types and the options come up)

(After a while)

Homestar:Your taking to long.I'm gonna pour mountain dew all over Strong Bad's computer.

(Homestar walks away and mountain dew comes down over the lappy)

Strong Bad:(off screen)Uh oh!I'm late!I better get there quickly befor-uh oh.Homestar!Stop it!


(Mountain dew stops pouring over the lappy)


Last edited by Mariofan1000 on Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:27 pm 
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Continuing my theme...
FBI Warning: Bubs enters wearing a fake mustache and smoking a cigar.
:bubs: As long as there's suckers left in the world, Homestar Runner will never be completed!

Wait too long on the main menu, and you are treated to a parody of the promenade that exits the "It's a Small World" clock tower every 15 minutes. Instead of the time, the panel in the middle opens up to read, "PICK SOMETHING!" The best thing I thought of for the sundial face would be Strong Sad's severed head.

Bonus menu features an electrical parade.

Making sense is not part of my mission plan, soldier!

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:02 pm 
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Bad Bad Guy wrote:
Continuing my theme...
FBI Warning: Bubs enters wearing a fake mustache and smoking a cigar.
:bubs: As long as there's suckers left in the world, Homestar Runner will never be completed!

Wait too long on the main menu, and you are treated to a parody of the promenade that exits the "It's a Small World" clock tower every 15 minutes. Instead of the time, the panel in the middle opens up to read, "PICK SOMETHING!" The best thing I thought of for the sundial face would be Strong Sad's severed head.

Bonus menu features an electrical parade.

Strong Sad's head for the clock face would be hilarious!

For the "Electrical Parade", one of the floats could be a Pom Pom float (with the real Pom Pom nearby). Another could be Bubs' Concession Stand (but in reality, it's actually the real stand covered in lights and, like in "Fall Float Parade", is being carried by Strong Mad, whose singlet is also lit up).

Anyway, I think for the DVD contents, I've decided that maybe we should feature the Behind The Bad series after all (along with the Hremails). Here's how the list would be thus far:

(The shorts will be placed here, too, since there are so many of them)
  • Blubb-O's Commercial
  • Limozeen Live!
  • The Homestar Runner Gets Something Stuck In His Craw
  • Play Date
  • Somber Vacation
  • The Baloneyman
  • The Next Epi-snowed
  • Coach Z's 110%
  • Best Caper Ever

  • Jibblies 2
  • Fan Costumes '07
  • Toikey TV
  • Happy Dethemberween
  • Trogday 08
  • Sloshybowl
  • Sickly Sam's Big Outing
  • Rotten Eggs
  • Costume Commercial
  • Most In the Graveyard
  • Fan Costumes '08
  • Twenty THANXty Six
  • A Death-Defying Decemberween

Other Features
(Like the last EE DVD, this section is divided into smaller sections, rather than arranged chronologically)
  • Marshie vs. Little Girl
  • Dangeresque: Puppet Squad
  • Rap Song
  • Trudgemank
  • Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 15.2
  • Teen Girl Squad Issue 14

  • Behind The Bad, Chapter 1: The New Hire
  • Behind The Bad, Chapter 2: The Heist
  • Behind The Bad, Chapter 3: The Last Straw
  • Hremail 62
  • Hremail 2000

  • These Peoples Try To Fade Me (the very same music video which was found only on Podstar Runner and the Strong Bad Sings CD)
  • 20X6 vs. 1936, Too (a "sequel" to "20X6 vs. 1936", this time featuring 1-Up winding up in the Old-Timey world and meeting Old-Timey Strong Bad)
  • Here's How We Choose 'em (a humorous but true look at how The Brothers Chaps pick and choose the Halloween costumes for the characters to wear in the toons)

Easter Eggs
  • Limozeen vs. Sloshy quickie (where Limozeen, in their spaceship, fires on Sloshy's ship) (on the Toons menu)
  • Non-Sequitur Championship (on the Toons menu)
  • "If I Don't Get Video Games" music video (on the Holidays menu)
  • Puppets, Little Girls & Outtakes (different outtakes from "Homestar vs. Other Little Girl", "Homestar vs. Very, Very Little Girl" and "Marshie vs. Little Girl") (on the Other Features menu)

Now that we know what toons will be featured, what should happen from here with the themes for the respective menus? I think they should be of different Homestar parodies of Disney attractions. The only one that I can think of is for the Holidays menu, which would be a parody of the Haunted Mansion. The ride would be a ride-through version of "That a Ghost", the Old-Timey Halloween toon. Also, I hope that Disney does not object about these changes. Finally, what would your bonuses be?

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:43 am 
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Joined: Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:31 am
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Some parodies I thought of:

Toons: Sleeping Beauty Castle: Surrounded by spinning...somethings...Homestar kisses an unconscious Marzipan and causes her to change colors.
Holidays: The Haunted Mansion: Roculum appears inside a crystal ball and laments about the fact no one ever comes in there.
Other Features: Space Mountain: Rockets containing characters from various sub-universes (including the PBTC sub-universe) fly past and occasionally explode.
Mini-Series: Pirates of the Caribbean: Strong Bad dunks the King of Town into a well as the Poopsmith watches from a window.

Making sense is not part of my mission plan, soldier!

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:02 am 
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Bad Bad Guy wrote:
Some parodies I thought of:

Toons: Sleeping Beauty Castle: Surrounded by spinning...somethings...Homestar kisses an unconscious Marzipan and causes her to change colors.
Holidays: The Haunted Mansion: Roculum appears inside a crystal ball and laments about the fact no one ever comes in there.
Other Features: Space Mountain: Rockets containing characters from various sub-universes (including the PBTC sub-universe) fly past and occasionally explode.
Mini-Series: Pirates of the Caribbean: Strong Bad dunks the King of Town into a well as the Poopsmith watches from a window.

Actually, I was thinking of maybe having the castle be the King of Town's castle and the spinners be those spinning Eh! Steves, like TBC suggested in the commentary for THEME PARK. The castle (and the land) would be called "Sweet Cuppin Cakes Land", just like what was thought of for THEME PARK.

Also, maybe the Rocoulm would be in the crystal ball in the "That a Ghost" ride. Maybe have Strong Mad and The Cheat ride through this ride.

For "Mini-Series, how about something like maybe a shot of a ride called, "Peasantry Mountain", which would spoof Splash Mountain, with logs coming down the waterfall, which falls from the top of the Trog-Cave, where Trogdor can be seen briefly inside.

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:25 am 
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So Eh! Steves would be spinning around Homestar and Marzipan? If you haven't already figured it out, the "spinning..somethings" are supposed to be like the "Waltz of the Spinning Wheels" scene. They don't really spin around Phillip and Aurora, but I couldn't think of any other way to work a parody in.

Making sense is not part of my mission plan, soldier!

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:31 am 
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Bad Bad Guy wrote:
So Eh! Steves would be spinning around Homestar and Marzipan? If you haven't already figured it out, the "spinning..somethings" are supposed to be like the "Waltz of the Spinning Wheels" scene. They don't really spin around Phillip and Aurora, but I couldn't think of any other way to work a parody in.

I thought we were parodying Disney parks, not Disney movies.

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:48 pm 
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Yeah, we are. The "Waltz of the Spinning Wheels" is not a scene from Sleeping Beauty. It's one of the dioramas inside the Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland.

Making sense is not part of my mission plan, soldier!

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:19 pm 
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Bad Bad Guy wrote:
Yeah, we are. The "Waltz of the Spinning Wheels" is not a scene from Sleeping Beauty. It's one of the dioramas inside the Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland.

Oh, the dioramas. Well, see, I wouldn't know much about that because I've never been up in there before (which is saying something considering that I've been to Disneyland countless times).

Anyway, do you have any ideas for bonuses? Do you like my bonus ideas?

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:06 am 
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The only bonus I'm willing to add is the "Homestar Gets Something Stuck In His Craw" alternate take featuring Pom Pom.

You mind if I ask what you thought was wrong with my Pirates of the Caribbean parody? Would it help if I made the Poopsmith the guy with the shaky rubber knees instead of the maiden in the window? Another parody I thought of involves Strong Bad, Strong Mad, and The Cheat trapped inside a jail cell, attempting to steal the keys from Trivia Time.

Also, I'm thinking the spinning wheels in the Castle Walkthrough parody should stay the same to make the Sleeping Beauty reference easier to get.

Making sense is not part of my mission plan, soldier!

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:50 am 
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Bad Bad Guy wrote:
You mind if I ask what you thought was wrong with my Pirates of the Caribbean parody? Would it help if I made the Poopsmith the guy with the shaky rubber knees instead of the maiden in the window? Another parody I thought of involves Strong Bad, Strong Mad, and The Cheat trapped inside a jail cell, attempting to steal the keys from Trivia Time.

Well, there's nothing wrong with either option, it's just that I had an idea for a parody of Splash Mountain and the only way to do it was to have it replace something else. And unfortunately, your Pirates of the Caribbean was it.

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:40 am 
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CaptainPastHisPrime wrote:
Oh, the dioramas. Well, see, I wouldn't know much about that because I've never been up in there before (which is saying something considering that I've been to Disneyland countless times).

That's easy to understand since the more appealing version of the Walkthrough was closed from 1977-2007 with scenes of old dolls in its place. In more relevant news, do you have any idea what to name any of these parodies? I can only come up with one: Sleeping Broomgirl Castle.

Making sense is not part of my mission plan, soldier!

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:34 pm 
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Bad Bad Guy wrote:
That's easy to understand since the more appealing version of the Walkthrough was closed from 1977-2007 with scenes of old dolls in its place. In more relevant news, do you have any idea what to name any of these parodies? I can only come up with one: Sleeping Broomgirl Castle.

Well, for the Haunted Mansion parody, how about: The Ghastly House Tour (like I said, it would be a dark ride version of "That a Ghost"). And for the Splash Mountain parody, how about this one: Peasantry Mountain (it would be a flume ride version of the game Peasant's Quest, culminating in a big waterfall beyond the exit out of the TrogCave).

That's about all I can think of for now.

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:08 pm 
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Since some floats in the Electrical Parade will be similar to floats from Fall Float Parade, we might as well call it "Electrical Float Parade". And instead of the floral Homestar, I think the main menu should have the King of Town's castle and a bronze statue of Homestar (with a fake mustache and wig) and The Cheat (with fake mouse ears) posed like Walt Disney's and Mickey Mouse's "Partners" statue.

Making sense is not part of my mission plan, soldier!

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:38 pm 
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Bad Bad Guy wrote:
Since some floats in the Electrical Parade will be similar to floats from Fall Float Parade, we might as well call it "Electrical Float Parade". And instead of the floral Homestar, I think the main menu should have the King of Town's castle and a bronze statue of Homestar (with a fake mustache and wig) and The Cheat (with fake mouse ears) posed like Walt Disney's and Mickey Mouse's "Partners" statue.

Well, I like these ideas and all, but I don't think we want to go overboard with the parodies, in case we get in trouble with Disney.

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 12:19 am 
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Since this DVD isn't real, we won't get in trouble with Disney. Am I right?

Making sense is not part of my mission plan, soldier!

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:04 am 
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Bad Bad Guy wrote:
Since this DVD isn't real, we won't get in trouble with Disney. Am I right?

Somebody, am I right?

My mission is to destroy all baby show characters, and stop them from taking over the world.

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:44 am 
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Coach z's cool wrote:
Bad Bad Guy wrote:
Since this DVD isn't real, we won't get in trouble with Disney. Am I right?

Somebody, am I right?

Maybe you are right, but there is the possibility that this might the theme for when they do release the DVD.

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:51 am 
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CaptainPastHisPrime wrote:
Maybe you are right, but there is the possibility that this might the theme for when they do release the DVD.

Doesn't seem likely. It's an interesting idea, but TBC probably don't visit the forum. I know they visit the wiki, but they probably only use it to remember something from a toon.

My mission is to destroy all baby show characters, and stop them from taking over the world.

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:54 am 
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Coach z's cool wrote:
CaptainPastHisPrime wrote:
Maybe you are right, but there is the possibility that this might the theme for when they do release the DVD.

Doesn't seem likely. It's an interesting idea, but TBC probably don't visit the forum. I know they visit the wiki, but they probably only use it to remember something from a toon.

Well, I didn't say that this kind of theme was probable, just possible.

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:48 am 
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I have a commentary idea for trudgemank:


Matt:Holy crap.


Matt:What are they saying?

Mike:I have no idea.

Matt:We-we made this,and we still can't understand the words?

Mike:Yeah.Pretty much.

Matt:Yeah.I think Peacey P was mentioned in a teen girl squad-

Mike:And podstar runner.

Matt:Yeah.The podcast intro for 2008 had a album cover-

Mike:That was in an easter egg in that teen girl squad.

Matt:Yeah.I still can't make out the words though.


Strong Bad:Sorry I'm late.

Matt:Strong Bad!We were already recording!


Strong Bad:What's this toon about?

Matt:You never watched it?

Strong Bad:Yup.

Matt:Look at The Cheat there.He's sad because no one watched his-

Strong Bad:His anamating crap?

Mike:Yeah.Pretty much.


 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:22 pm 
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Mariofan1000 wrote:
I have a commentary idea for trudgemank:

Yeah, that sounds good, except also a bit bland; they're repeating certain things over and over again.

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:22 pm 
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CaptainPastHisPrime wrote:
a bit bland; they're repeating certain things over and over again.

The toon's like that as well.

Making sense is not part of my mission plan, soldier!

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:32 pm 
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Bad Bad Guy wrote:
CaptainPastHisPrime wrote:
a bit bland; they're repeating certain things over and over again.

The toon's like that as well.

Yes, but they don't make reference to anything else, save for Strong Bad's remark on The Cheat's lousy animation, which he has criticized on more than one occasion, as well as Peacey P's previous appearance in a Teen Girl Squad toon.

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:15 pm 
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FBI warning:Stays at blue screen.

(Strong Bad walks in)

Strong Bad:Does anybody ever read this?

How do you like it?


 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:32 am 
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Mariofan1000 wrote:
FBI warning:Stays at blue screen.

(Strong Bad walks in)

Strong Bad:Does anybody ever read this?

How do you like it?

I think they should do something with Homsar. The text is shown as always blue (like the FBI warning scene for SBEmails Disc 5). Then Homsar shuffles up to the text upside-down on the ceiling from the upper-right corner of the screen (think "Halloween Fairstival").


With each scream, he and the whole screen spin around (he spins one direction, the background the other). After each scream and spin, he and the screen are at different angles (think Homsar's character video). After the third scream and spin, Homsar is now right-side-up and the text upside-down.

HOMSAR: The blueberry billboard forbids you to duplicate!

As he says, "duplicate", his bowler hat splits in two, then four, then rapidly continues to multiply until they fill up the entire screen, after which the screen, covered with bowler hats, fades out to start the DVD.

How about that?

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

 Post subject: Re: Everything Else, Vol. 4 DVD
PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:05 am 
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Posts: 175
Yeah but the warnings are usually quicker than that.Who knows how long it could take?


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