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 Post subject: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:23 pm 
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Joined: Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:31 am
Posts: 836
The inevitable spawn of the "Sbemailiarized!" toon and the "Which sbemails were actually hremails?" thread, here in this topic you can write Strong Bad Email-esque buildups and replies to anything related to Homestar Runner! I'd give an example, but...I can't think of one right now. :blush: I hope linking to the "hremails" thread helps.

Making sense is not part of my mission plan, soldier!

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:39 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2009 8:50 pm
Posts: 46
Dounut onto others

Dear SB,
Have you ever been a health inspector
From a person

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:42 am 
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Joined: Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:32 am
Posts: 110
Location: Fighting off Fhqwhgadi rebels
An Important Rap Song

Dear Strong Bad,
What is the worst song you've ever heard?
Crapfully Crappy

"Well Ben, the worst song I've ever heard has to be Crack Stuntman's 'Public Service Announcement' after one of those Cheat Commandos episodes. That thing was horrible!"

-insert toon here-

"I know for a fact that that guy's little performance lost the show at least fifty percent of their viewers. Seriously, what the crap is 'Poo ha ha ha ha ha' supposed to mean? That guy should be fired, then hired again just so they can fire him a second time. Well, I hope that answers your question Ben.

Who put a Bengal tiger in The Kaiser's latrine?

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:54 am 
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Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:47 pm
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Location: UK
The King of Town

Dear Strong Bad,

How about we see a toon without you in it for a change? Your stuff is getting old and tired.

From Mr Spectacular

:sb: : Well, Mr Dorktacular, you are sorely mistaken. My stuff is as not old and not tired as ever. Holy crap! Holy, holy crap! DELETED!

Umm... okay, so maybe that is getting the slightest bit old. But, seriously, you don't want to see what goes on when I'm not around. But since you asked, I'm gonna make you watch it anyway!

--insert toon--

There you go, Speccie. Homestar spends about ten minutes trying to find someone who was standing in front of him at the start of the toon. Now, aren't you glad I'm still here?

Bored of the hiatus? WATCH TARLTARASA VIDEOS!

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:21 am 
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Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:53 pm
Posts: 41
Ever and More

"Email in the ni-ight, answering it toni-ight!"

Hey Hey Strong Nice (reads as "Strong, and very bad!),

Do you have/lead any groups or orders in Free Country, and if so, do you have costumes or perhaps a secret handshake?

Good times,
Johnny, Alaska

"Well, Johnny, as much as I would love to lead one of those, I don't. We do have an order, though, called the Broternal Order of Different Helmets, or B.O.D.H. (reads as both). And the name explains it all, mostly. It's an order where the members wear helmets. Different helmets.
But let me not explain no more, let's cut over to our meeting."


"Ugh. Handshakes and songs, the "best" of Homestar as leader. But that's not the worst part. (shakes head) No, no. You know, the bath he takes with gold coins, (quietly) for some reason after every meeting, (disgusted) is in my bathroom! *jibblies* I'm ever so grateful I get Strong Sad to wash the tub (says as tube) afterwards.
There you got it, Johnni.
Bye now!"

Easter Egg: "the bath he takes" -Easter egg from the toon-

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:25 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:51 pm
Posts: 134
Location: Invading Free Country USA
Jibbles 2

Dear Strong Bad,
You said you hated that painting that Strong Mad has in his closet, but has it ever gone on a rampage,
From That Guy

Well, Some Guy, I have a really scary story to tell you about where the painting goes mad with power: Its name Jibbles 2!
*toon with Homsar easter egg*

Woah Guy, I now an scared of something else, Homsar. Dressed. As A. Typewriter. That Guy even gave the painting the jibbles! Jibbly!

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:16 am 
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Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:48 am
Posts: 137
Location: How did I get all these posts?
SidGarcia wrote:
Good times,
Johnny, Alaska

That's funny, I have a friend here in Alaska named Johnny, and I sent Strong Bad an email signed exactly that.
Summer Short Shorts.
quote wrote:
(singing)The Checkings of emails, they happen everyday.
Dear Strongo Bado,
What if Homestar Runner was a sketch show like SNL?
crapfully yours (read "one more for the pile,")
Egon Spengler.

(Typing)"A clip show version of us eh, busty? thats quite an idea, but kind of sketch show? a sorta, Section-of-each-of-our-lives style one, or a We-do-odd-sequences-that-have-funny-plot-conveyed-in-short-two-minute-passages?
Well, since the first one requires less work and getting others to cooperate, (shouting) The Cheat!"
"Bring me strongbadacorder!"
" camcorder
(Affirmatively) "Meh!"
(Timecard in lappy font) 2-3 hours later
*insert toon*
(typing) "So there you have it Gluon, A Homestar clip show. The Cheat's segment was pretty cool, I kinda wish I had s furry head like that, the winter can be harsh when your face is thin fibers. innawinner
(Paper comes down) Preeeow

30 Nerd points if You guess all three secret pop culture references correctly.


 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:10 am 
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Joined: Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:42 am
Posts: 273
Marshmallow's Last Stand.
Dear Strong Bad.
Have you ever stolen Homestar's star?

Funny you should ask. I was just remembering it.


Umm, we were just playing around. He didn't beat me up. Y'know. Wrestling is fake.

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:37 pm 

Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:46 am
Posts: 149
Little Brudder

Megaman? wrote:
Dear Strong Bad,

I know you managed to make people cry with Little Brudder, but what happened to him?

Crapfully crapfully,

"Well, I remember him getting his own cartoon show. Let's see what he's up to!"


"There you have it, Megaman. The people's *sniff* saddest cartoon character."

I don't mind :sb:, just so long as he stops checking emails.


 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:13 pm 
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Joined: Sat Sep 13, 2008 3:07 pm
Posts: 206
Location: Georgia.
"Dear Strong Bad,

What's this talk of DNA Evidence?

Freaking Crap Crapplly Crap Crap ****,

Daniel Goss

SB: So, you see, Strong Dump has been searchi' around for some clues on some DNA Evidence scheme. Good thing he doesn't know I have it!

-insert "DNA Evidence" cratoon-

SB: So, there you go, Danielle Gross!

-New Paper comes down-"

THE END!!! :mrgreen:

"Holy crap!"

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:10 am 
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Location: Disneyland
The House That Gave Sucky Treats:

STRONG BAD: Who put the "E" in "Email"? I dunno, probably you... you freakin' weirdo!

Dear Strong Bad,
I liked you last Halloween costume where you were a girl.
Can you do that again this year?
Without crap,
Michael, NM

(He reads it as "Michael, Not Michael".)

STRONG BAD: Whoa! It's like you're nobody! Anyway, not Michael, Homestar's (writes as "Dumpface") invited everyone to come to your house to trick or treat! I guess I'll turn the hosting duties over to him, then. Strong Mad's opted to be someone sports related and The Cheat's agreed to be some kinda product placement toon guy. Will I be dressed as a girl, when I come to your house? Oh, you'll find out soon enough... (He gets up and leaves.)

(The toon plays (with Homsar's scene shown automatically). After Homestar leaves, Strong Bad returns to the Tandy, dressed as Carmen Sandiego)

STRONG BAD: (typing) So did you see me, and do you think I was a girl? (stops typing) So until next time, send me some more ideas, so I can make more fun of you. I mean... no, wait, yes, make more fun of you.

(The Paper comes down, with an Easter egg to access the normal group shot at toon's end.)

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

Last edited by CaptainPastHisPrime on Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:48 pm 
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Joined: Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:31 am
Posts: 836
Jibblies 2 (It's not as good as the others, but it's something)

:sb: {evil laughter} It's email time!

Dear Strong Bad,

Last year's Halloween toon was abysmal.  I hope you guys have somthing better planned for this year.


:sb: Don't worry, Gunther. We'll be able to do plenty of awesome things once Strong Mad's ready. I wonder what's taking him so long...

{toon plays with Homsar's scene automatically enabled}

:sb: So, Homestar got stuck in a painting with monsters for all eternity. What could be more awesome than that?

Making sense is not part of my mission plan, soldier!

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:03 pm 
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Posts: 1949
Location: Disneyland
Halloween Fairstival:

STRONG BAD: (singing) It feels like Monday all over again as I check my email!

Dear Strong Bad,
Has The Cheat ever gotten the hiccups? If so, what
did you do to cure them?
Sincerely crap,
Michael H., CA

(He reads the closing as "Just plain "sincerely", Michael Hiccup".)

STRONG BAD: Well, as a matter of fact, Michael Hiccups, The Cheat did in fact get a case of the hiccups once. It happened on Halloween some time ago. I remember that Halloween night like it's about to happen in flashback form...

(Insert the toon here, which plays via a wavy flashback. Homsar's scene is enabled automatically. As Homestar tries to fulfill SB's request to hold his breath for a long time, the flashback effect appears again and we return to SB, in his Joker costume, at the Compy)

STRONG BAD: (typing) So as it turned out, we did not cure The Cheat of his hiccups in any other way except bribery. (stops typing) Anyways, I'm gonna go see how Homestar's doing with that holding of his breath there.

(SB gets up and leaves and The Paper comes down. There is an Easter egg to access the usual end scene of the crowd scene at toon's end)

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

Last edited by CaptainPastHisPrime on Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:35 pm 
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Joined: Fri Dec 26, 2008 6:29 am
Posts: 361
The Wheelchair wrote:
An Important Rap Song

Dear Strong Bad,
What is the worst song you've ever heard?
Crapfully Crappy

"Well Ben, the worst song I've ever heard has to be Crack Stuntman's 'Public Service Announcement' after one of those Cheat Commandos episodes. That thing was horrible!"

-insert toon here-

"I know for a fact that that guy's little performance lost the show at least fifty percent of their viewers. Seriously, what the crap is 'Poo ha ha ha ha ha' supposed to mean? That guy should be fired, then hired again just so they can fire him a second time. Well, I hope that answers your question Ben.

Don't insult Too Many Knives. I did that song for the Talent Show.

I've been gone for a while, but I'm back, & ready to enjoy the site (I ment H* on that last comment).

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:54 pm 

Joined: Sat May 10, 2008 12:24 am
Posts: 227
Location: In the bountiful Blue Laser Thanksgiving action playset
"O Holy Crap"

Intro Song:
Daily checking of e-mails may lead to heartburn, indigestion, and explosive discharge of feces.

Dear Strong Bad,

You make yourself out to be so cool, but inside you're a softy. I dare you to make the most offensive video possible!
San Francisco, CA

Are you acusing me of losing my edge again?!? Haven't we already had this discussion! Strong Bad never turns down a dare!

[insert toon here]

Pretty offensive, huh? Especially if you're of the churh-going persuasion.

[The Paper comes down]

Making appropriate peer to teen choice behaviors since 1990!

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:07 pm 
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Joined: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:59 pm
Posts: 147
I'll do the newest:

Strong Bad: Checkin' up on the email, it wants five more minutes.


OK I'm not waiting that long.

Dear SBad (read like "sbemail"),
That cheat is always doing something different. Can you tell andor (read as one word "andOR") show us what he does in a day?

Crapfully yours (read as "something totally new"),
Johnny MB (read as "my bro")

OK, let's get one thing straight, Jackie, I am not your bro.

Anyway, what THE Cheat does in a day, huh? Let's go see in the form of an extremely catchy song!



The Cheat... where u goin' 2... oh sorry Jerry. I was wrapped up in that song. I'm gonna go do some flaming lay-up drills.


Wow, I didn't think I was that creative.

GENERATION 23: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Check out my blog.
By the way, I'm Thy Not Dennis on the wiki.

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 5:19 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:01 pm
Posts: 54
Bug In Mouth Disease
Strong Bad: (to the tune of the Angry Video Game Nerd theme) I'm the most famous email-checker 'round... My name is not Peet Tound. (quietly) However the crap that is. (brings up email)

"Dear Strong, (read as Strong Comma)

What is you thoughts on this disease involvng swallowing a fly or bug? Buncha crap writ? ("Writ"? Well, I "writ"ly think YOU NEED TO WORK ON YOU PENDMENSHIP!)

-Steve S. (read as Steve Speriod)"

Strong Bad: Well... (sigh) believe it or not, there was this one time I had to deal with HOMESTAR believing in this crap when I was watching a marathon. (to above) Roll it!

(static cut)


(static cut back to Strong Bad)

Strong Bad: The only thing still bothering me about this is how the frig Homestar got a part in "Caleb Rentplayer". I sent them episode ideas every freaking day for 5 years, and they kept sending them back! (angry muttering) I-I gotta go. (offscreen) Hey, Strong Sad! Stay right- No, NO! GET BACK HERE! (runs offscreen)

(The New Paper comes down as dodgeball sounds and yelling is heard)

As it was.

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 2:09 pm 
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Joined: Fri Dec 26, 2008 6:29 am
Posts: 361
Maybe Kick-A-Ball could be Sbemailiarized.

I've been gone for a while, but I'm back, & ready to enjoy the site (I ment H* on that last comment).

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:34 pm 
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Joined: Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:46 am
Posts: 67
Neoxon312 wrote:
Maybe Kick-A-Ball could be Sbemailiarized.

I'll try it:

[Strong Bad types 'email_song.exe' and hits enter]

[Lappy (the pink compter with a face) appears and begins to sing, "Is e-mail song. Strong Bad, you make things go pick up now."]

Strong Bad: Er.. you... got it... Lappy? (says this while typing sb_email.exe0

[Strong Bad opens e-mail]

Salutations Strong Bad, (reads "Sa-lu-ta-tee-oh-ness")

Me and my friend were just wonderring, (Strong bad rolls the r's, like a Spanish word) has Homestar ever cheated before?
Your dawgs,
Gregory and Paul

Strong Bad: [types] Gregory! Who let you in the house?! And Paul, did you make doo-doo on the rug again?!

[clears the screen]

Well actually, I think I have exactly what you are looking for. Just last week, me and Homestar were playing this game of kickball, but there were many more kicks than you might think...

[toon plays]

So... that may not have been exactly what you are looking for. But bear in mind that Homsar was the cameraman, so... I would take everything you saw with a grain of salt. Anything could have happened that day....[/types]

Alright guys. I've gotta go have a father and son chat with Strong Sad about what he did. Kids these days... they'll even turn on their own parents.

[Strong Bad stands up and exits to the right. The Paper comes down, and Strong Sad yelling in pain can be heard while Strong Bad is laughing.]


Last edited by Charmy on Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:37 pm 
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Joined: Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:03 pm
Posts: 231
Location: Probably jumping off a cliff somewhere.
I think it would make more sense if he siad Homsar was the cameraman, seeing as how he likes Senor Cardgage and Homsar wasn't seen in the toon either.

What are you doing? There'll be no destroying me today!

Favorite quote from latest toon: What latest toon?

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:41 pm 
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Joined: Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:46 am
Posts: 67
Monkeytender wrote:
I think it would make more sense if he siad Homsar was the cameraman, seeing as how he likes Senor Cardgage and Homsar wasn't seen in the toon either.

Alright, I guess you're right.


 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:18 pm 
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Joined: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:59 pm
Posts: 147
Once again, I'll attempt to Sbemailiarize the latest toon.

Strong Bad: Email, email, movin' it up, movin' it up.

Yo! Strong Bad!
That guy who does the voice of Gunhaver. Why is he so obsessed with giving pandas (pronounced as "pand as") guns? It's not like they need all that firepower anyway.
Jackson MO (pronounced as "moe")

Well, is your name Jackson or Mo? I don't get it. I'ma call you Dryke.

So, Dryke, that Crack Stuntman is always obsessed with that. Let's see their "official" advertisement.

--insert toon--

So as you can see Dryke, they really do need all the firepower they can get. But I'm not sure that it's really totally legal. But it's not my problem.

Again, didn't think I was that creative.

GENERATION 23: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Check out my blog.
By the way, I'm Thy Not Dennis on the wiki.

Last edited by T3H_CH3K7_888 on Wed May 06, 2009 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2009 9:14 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:01 pm
Posts: 54
Hremail 2000/Hremail 7

Strong Bad: (to the tune of Safety Dance) Ba da da dada dada da da! Ba da da dada dada email. (brings up the email)

"Dear Strong Bad: (Dear Strong Badcolon; hey I'm not him o.k? That guy never got past the first issue! (the Stong Badcolon issue is seen) Just sad.)

Answer My question:

Does Homestar still do hremails? I was going to ask somthin (pronounced SOMtin) else, but I forgot.

Meep. (...o.k.)"

Strong Bad: Well hold on for a second.


(we see Strong Bad repeatedly slaming his head into the table)

(we then see The Cheat holding up a sign reading "Here's your answer.")


Strong Bad: (after calming down) Well.... 2000... I am sure suprised. (to the floor) You, Homestar?

(cut to reveal Strong Bad kicking a bound and gagged Homstar)


(quick cut to The Lappy, where another email popped up.

Strong Bad: (noticing this) Huh? Another one? Let's see...

"I just remembered my orginial question:
How'd you get your first computer?

-Meep. (AGAIN?!?!)

Strong Bad: Well, to answer another one of your questions would take DAYS to explain how I got my Tandy. ...but, instead, here's what YOU probably thinked happened.

{second toon}

Strong Bad: I mean, COME ON! Melonade, hremails, and me not knowing about the internet? That's just stupid. (quietly) Betcha $5 bucks Homestar made that on up on the spot.

Homestar: (muffled, offscreen) It's true.

Strong Bad: See ya later! (walks off, humming Safety Dance)

(The New Paper comes down and ends up covering the sceen)

As it was.

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:04 am 
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Joined: Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:31 am
Posts: 836
Baddest of the Bands

:sb: (to the tune of Queen's "We Will Rock You") We will check your email! ...Or something!

Dear Strong Bad,

I love your songs.  I have trouble getting "Everybody to the Limit" out of my head.  Do you think you would make a good rock star? 

El Paso, TX

:sb: I'm sure I would someday, Paso, but for now I'll have to settle with my new Limozeen game. Check it out!

(episode plays as normal)

Intro courtesy of CaptainPastHisPrime. I removed a "we will" to keep the syllable count appropriate.

Making sense is not part of my mission plan, soldier!

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2009 5:21 pm 
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Joined: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:53 pm
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I'll have a go at the latest:
Lappy: Hi, I'm a lappy.
Strong Bad: And I'm an SB. And this is an e-mail.
(brings up e-mail)
Dear Strong Bad
Have you ever considered changing your name?

Strong Bad: Well Kyle, as a matter of fact I have thought about changing my name. I'd get one of those really awesome nicknames that you can say real quick. I'd be known as The Ledge. Awesome huh? In fact, I'm-a go try that out. (gets up and leaves)

*Toon Plays*

Strong Bad: Okay, so maybe The Ledge needs a little work. Cow lamp and Tape leg? Where does Homestar get these things from? That reminds me, I ought to make Tapeleg 3. Later.

(Gets up and leaves. The Paper comes down.)

TurboJ Productions
Current Animation: AIR

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2009 6:52 pm 
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Location: Disneyland
Senorial Day:

STRONG BAD: (singing to the "ACTION FIGURE" jingle) Email-mail, email, email-m-m-m-mail!

Dear Strong Bad,
Have you ever helped out with anything on Memorial Day?
Sincerely yours,
Matty, Orlando, FL

(Strong Bad reads "Matty, Orlando, FL" as "Matty-Batty from Our Lady o' Fire and Lightning")

STRONG BAD: No, Matty-Batty, I nor anyone else has ever helped out with anything on Memorial Day. We have, however, helped out for Senorial Day! It's something that both cool guy Senor Cardgage and flipper-armed Bubs have taken excessive advantage of to get money out. And I have helped out with Senor, while Homestar helped out with Bubs! In fact, I think they're about to show the different commercials on them right now!

(Strong Bad makes the Chairscoot noise as he hurries to the basement. There, he turns on the TV and the Senorial Day toon plays on the TV, with Strong Bad alternating back and forth with the remote control to show off the back-and-forth movement in the real toon. Then when the toon ends...)

STRONG BAD: Man! I've said it before and I'll say it again. Senor Cardgage is so cool a guy!

(He returns to the Lappy and continues typing on the mysteriously-cleared screen)

STRONG BAD: So there you have it; Senor Cardgage and I have done a great commercial for Senorial Day! Certainly better than Bubs and Homestar's pathetic attempt to advertise Senorial Day. Except... Senor never did hit me on the slant like he promised. And he stole my football. Maybe he's not so cool after all.

(The Paper comes down. The Strong Sad Easter egg is relocated here)

"Mekka-lekka-hi-mekka-The Cheat, throw a TV on 'im...ho."
--Strong Bad, about Homestar

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2009 1:26 am 
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Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:42 pm
Posts: 20
Teen Girl Squad 15

:sb: Email is the worst, Email is the best, Email is the think that you gotta check for nests.
Wassup Strong Bad?
I was just wondering when the new Teen Girl Squad is coming out. It seems like it's been forever! Come on man! Make a new one!
Your pal, Cameron, PA.

(reads "your pal(not even close))
:sb: Whaddya mean a new teen girl squad! They need to be reincarnated by the Egyptian gods one more time! And reincarnating the souls of teen girl's isn't the easiest thing in the world, Camaroon. But I guess it has been awhile. I'll go ask Anubis if he can speed it up a bit.

:sb: There, Camarenia. The new teen girl squad. Now it'll be another 3 years 'till a new one, 'cause you made the process sped up! Either that, or Strong Sad will have to buy more paper soon. Now, I gotta go and see how Graw Mad is doing with his "Up to Scale" Clay Dinosaur.
*walks out, new paper comes down.

I have no idea what to write here, so stop reading.
What? You still here? Get away!! Don't make me turn into the snake from Beetlejuice. <.<
You've got 10 seconds to leave, or I SING.
Fine, your choice..I'll sing. Ahem. "Were no strangers to love....."
Yellow burns.

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:25 am 
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Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:39 am
Posts: 36
Best Caper Ever.
:sb: "Strong Bad is a wrestleman, he's the email-checkingest guy in the--OH!! Was that out loud? Brrrrrr!"

"Dear Strong Bad,
What was the bwst thing you ever done with the Cheat? I've seen lots of flunked catastrophes from you and the Cheat failing to produce a decent caper. I want to laugh! Show me something awesome, or I'll kick your tight-panted bottom all over the room!

Crappity-crappily-crappificatedly yours,

:sb: would, at the crapline, just say, "No. Nuh-uh. NOT yours." And, attempting to pronounce the name, "T three h, you eight three--Oh, man! Your email was so gramatically correct until then! And besides that bwOOst! Like, seriously. I don't think the Cheat and I would do any "bwOOst" thing. But, seriously. The Cheat and I have had plenty of great capers. Like the mustard/melonade incident. And that one time the Cheat peed in Homestar's melonade and he ended up stranded on an ice flow."
*Cut to toon*
:sb: "Yeah, we had no clue how that happened. Maybe the Cheat was dehydrated that day, or something. But, yeah. That was our best caper ever."
:hr: bursts in, saying--OOPS! Maybe I went just a little too far with all this script. Sorry 'bout my painfully long post. :blush:

Spin my buzzer!

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:17 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:01 pm
Posts: 54
Two Part Episode: Part 1

(we see Strong Bad in his basement, typing in "strongbad_email.exe" on his Lappy)

Strong Bad: This better be short. I got something in a minute. (the email is brought up)

"Dear Stobgdfbh Bad (Pronounced: Some-stupid-linquistics-crap-Bad)

Has that flashlight guy EVer been on Cheat Commandos?

-zxcvbgjjm 12 (Pronounced: Even-MORE_linquistics-crap number 12; Now with less sense!)"

Strong Bad: I just hope you meant "Flashfight" man, or I/he/the guys who write this show* will hurt you, because he does NOT. WANT TO BE. INSULTED. (although I mispronounce his name occasionaly, too) Well to naswer that question-

(cut to a frontal view of the couch, where Homestar is sitting next to him)

Strong Bad: -let's watch part one of the first ever two part Cheat Commandos episode! (CCDos theme plays after this is said)

Homestar: (to the tune of the theme's last line) Which is starting right nooooooooow!

(cut to the tv)

Announcer: Now, the first part of the Cheat Commandos two parter. Starting (quickly) right now.

{toon with "T" easter egg enabled}

Strong Bad: (to audience) So, there you go floaks! How Flashfight made his first appearance and how the Cheat Commandos will never open a succesful resturant. See ya next time!

(The New Paper comes down)

Homestar: (5 seconds after The New Paper came down) I think they'll open a Blubbo's next. You think so; I think so.

*Depending on the viewing, like in Marzipan's character video and Sbemail: fan club

As it was.

 Post subject: Re: Sbemailiarize Some Toons!
PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 4:47 am 

Joined: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:50 am
Posts: 285
Location: Canada Eh.
Puppet Jam

Dear Strong Bad,

Have you ever sung with any famous people other than yourself,

From Not The Poopsmith,

:sb: Nope, I haven't sung with any celebs Not Poopsmith. Homestar has however did some jam sessions with in my opinion, the #8 band I know, "They Might be Giants". Let's look at his work. (Cut to all Puppet Jams played consecutively)
:sb: Tropical Lazor Beams? What the crap type of song is that? And they do not want to take out the President's Daughter's Brain! That session with "Homeslice" is why they are not #7. Bye.


Your going to have to
share a bafroom
with a kid from Alabama that kinda sucks...
The financial aid office
is closed on Tuesdays
and steer clear of the beef stroganov at the dining hall.

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