shame... I use to have a reason to come to this message board. whenever I made a HomestarRunner fan toon I’d post it here, see what people think and get animation tips. cant do that any more. apparently the moderators think it was to much work to keep up with a heavy traffic area (Off Topic). Fine have it your way (Burger King) close down the only fun part of this forum. seems like only a year ago I could come here and enjoy the Excellent Art work of the Homestar Runner Fans (Who I’d say most of em' or at least a bunch of them are Animators, I know I am.

) Look I know my post doesn’t matter. this will get dismissed and others will direct me to other topics similar to this one. Fact of the Matter is Boooo! Boo to you HomeStar Wiki Forum Moderators, you took all the Fun away. don’t get me wrong the wiki is great! its any info about any Homestar thing ever... except for the shallow pool of underground great fanimations that has built up over the years...
I’ve said what I had to say, besides replying to this very topic I will no longer post here. I know, my post count is very low but I am just as experienced in message boards especially Homestar ones.. ( was my ideas put to work. its no longer working because of insufficient funds... we all know how that is...
Also Recognize the Fact that Having a HomeStarRunner Fan Art Section isn’t going off the HomeStarRunner Topic.
Thanks Tenerence Love