main menu intro:
{Open to a plain dark red background.}
KIDS: {background music, continues throughout intro} Everybody! Everybody! Everybody! Everybody!
{now thers a new music "everybody everybody guitar music remix", An outline of all main characters (and Homsar) standing together in a group is drawn. The word "everybody" is written in cursive both above and below the outline. The outline becomes a solid white silhouette, and quickly moves closer to the viewer until the screen is completely covered with white. Cut to a red floor with stars, which Homestar's silhouette starts running across. He runs past silhouettes of Marzipan, The Cheat, Strong Mad, Strong Bad, The Poopsmith, Pom Pom, Coach Z, Strong Sad, Bubs, and The King of Town, sonic, sam & max, heavy, tycho & gabe, and homsar each a different color. Cut to a closeup of the silhouette of the main characters, which quickly moves away from the viewer. The background is now yellow. The words "Everything Else, Vol. 4" appear in the center of the screen and soon fly out of view, the screen fade out, The silhouette becomes outlined in black, and then becomes fully colored. The group slowly moves closer to the viewer as the word "main menu" appears below them in cursive A felt-style main menu screen fades in with Homestar standing in front of a Red background similar to the one in the Intro. The choices appear: Big Toons and big emails, shorts, shout factory DVD, Other Holidays, TELLTALE DVD, Museum, and Bonus stuff. "Everything Else Vol. 4" falls into its place above Homestar After a while, Homestar apperes and will begin talking.}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: You're taking too long! I'm gonna try some of these delicious menu items. {He sucks up all of the menu options except for "other holidays" and "telltale DVD". He chomps on them, gags, then coughs them back up.} Eww, the bonus stuff's a little stringy. And I think the Big Toons and Big Emails have turned.
Section Menus
Each of the individual sections' menus, like the main menu, have a felt theme to it and are of felt versions of the various locales in the Homestar Runner body of work:
{Strong Bad sits at his computer, which is now, of course, the Compé. The Compé's logo fades in while the computer sighs and a shine appears in the background. The logo then retracts itself and fades out, at which point the screen is replaced with a desktop. The wallpaper is a blurry, slightly pixelated shot of grass. There is a single icon on the top-left corner of the desktop: a pixelated image of Strong Bad's head in an envelope, titled "sbemail.exe". A pixelated cursor is seen on the screen.}
STRONG BAD: Hey! Who taped a full-color photo to my computer screen? {rubs the screen} It won't come off!
{Cut to wider shot. The Cheat is standing next to Strong Bad.}
THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}
STRONG BAD: What? {turns towards and points to the Compé} Those are actual graphics? {turns back to The Cheat} And I can change it to be whatever I want? {Turns back towards the Compé} {singing} Oh, best thing ever! Best thing ever! {quickly and mumbled} This is the best thing ever!
{Strong Bad moves the mouse and right clicks the screen. A contextual menu appears with the items "Options", "Sounds", "Icons", and "Change Desktop". He clicks the "Change Desktop" option, and the grass wallpaper is replaced by an image of Strong Bad dancing in The Basement. It is a close-up of Strong Bad's butt, which has a lens flare on it.}
STRONG BAD: {rapping} To check my email, all gotta do is click. All that old typin' made my boxing gloves sick. {Double clicks on a "sbemail.exe" icon. An email pops-up, the main menu is all of these list of email and toons.}
'SHORTS: On Break (easter egg toon only)
{A black screen with "GAME START!" appears. The mascots and foods run around on platforms and ladders, referencing the old video game 'Burger Time', while Mike and Matt hum the theme music. Eventually, Mike stops humming. "GAME OVER" flashes on screen.}
MATT: Go longer.
{Mike starts and stops again}
MATT: No, I mean you stopped longer.
{the cricked noise}
MATT: uh... i mean here are some shorts
{cut to scrolling shooter games {not a games, an shorts}
'SHOUT FACTORY DVD: The Thing That Wouldn't Stop It
{cut to geek in a lab}
computer: who?
{cut to sam and max intro}
SAM AND MAX (sam and max)
{the tv chaching the channel to 01 on a main menu, is the list of sam and max, sonic, super mario, and AFV}
'other holidays: Xeriouxly Forxe
{Homestar Runner is running across The Field. The singers sing along, as with the Intro.}
SINGERS: Everybody! Everybody!
{The scene starts to skip.}
SINGERS: Eh-! Eh-! Eh-!
{The scene skips faster before a rock version of the Intro takes over. The aspect ratio expands from standard to widescreen. During the rock intro, it shows slides of the characters. In turn, lightning turns the characters into their Xeriouxly Forxe forms.}
SINGER: Everybody! E-e-e-everybody!
Everybody! E-e-e-everybody!
Everybody! E-e-e-everybody!
Revamped for the nineties!
So much more exciting!
Pointy elbows and lots of lightning!
Edgy and angry, so zesty and tangy!
There's new demographics
When nobody asked for it!
Everybody! E-e-e-everybody!
Right now!
{The sides of the screen come together with an explosion. All twelve main characters in Xeriouxly Forxe style appear around the title "HSR Xeriouxly Forxe".}
H. STAR: {struggling, through gritted teeth} Xeriouxly Forxe! {turning around} Did I say that right?
S. BAD: {also through gritted teeth} Xhut up and juxt xay your linex! {mumbling, in Strong Bad's normal voice} Aah, it's really hard to talk like xhix.
{cut to checking some emails, oringinaly from 20X6 on h's wiki fan stuff}
H. STAR: xheck-a-lekka-mekka-xhecka-email-i mean HOLIXAY today!!! {brings up holiday listl}
'telltale DVD: Poker Night at the Inventory - Trailer
{cut to the table on telltale games logo, they throw the chips 2 times, max throw the gun and his freelance police card, strongbad throws the Dangeresque too? glasses, the heavy put the sasha when the camera move up to tycho max heavy and strongbad
Heavy: HA!
{the logo apperes "telltale games shorts', oringinaly of porker night at the inventory trailer}
{cut the the bluster blaster}
Bluster Blaster: I HAVE'NT WASTED ALL NIGHT! {zoom in to bluster blaster screen, the screen have telltale games shorts list}
'museum: Marshmallow's Last Stand
HOMESTAR RUNNER: These are some great marshmallows, eh, Pom Pom? ...Why don't you look over there, for no reason.
{Pom Pom bubbles and looks away as Homestar sucks up Pom Pom's marshmallow. He chews it up and takes a bite of his own}
{fade out on the old Telebision}
{camera turns left of the animated list that appears when one rolls over the bottom of some old toons}
bonus stuff: sonic colors gameplay trailer
{cut to sonic colors gameplay trailer}
{when the trailer stop at 0:19}
{cut to the Dr. Eggman's Interstellar Amusement Park Map, thats the bonus stuff main menu list}
Big toons and Big emails:
email thunder
Alternate (sbemail v2.0)
Soap Box Doiby v2.0
teen girl squads with 15 issue's
the first time here? (easter egg)
on break
Where My Hat Is At?
Loading Screens
Coach Z's 110%
Ever And More!
Peasant's Quest Movie Trailer
Peasant's Quest Movie full parts {only on blu-ray}
Animated Adventures of Puppet Homestar
Compy Catalog
Loading Screens
One Two, One Two {only on blu-ray and pc/mac}
4 Gregs
other holidays:
Xeriouxly Forxe
Punkin Show
Fan Costumes '09 {only on blu-ray}
Doomy Tales of the Macabre
Decomposing Pumpkins
April Fool 09
A Death-Defying Decemberween
Hooked on Decemberween {only on pc/mac, blu-ray, ps3, xbox 360, and wii (hacks on wii only)}
Twenty THANXty Six
Costume Commercial
Sickly Sam's Big Outing {only on
Jibblies 2
telltale halloween short shorts {only on pc/mac, and Zoom box}
Under Constructionn {only on blu-ray}
sam and max animation full series
Super mario world full series
the super mario bros super show full sereis
the adventures of super mario bros 2 full series
Sonic underground full sereis
the adventures of sonic the hedgehog full series
Telltale games short:
Sam and max full shorts
Sam and Max season 2 alertnate ending 101# trailer
Strong Bad Gameways {only on wii (hacks on wii only)}
SBCG4AP Advertisement
behind the bad part 1, 2, and 3
Porker night at the inventory trailer
Porker night Gameways {only on pc/mac, is not finish yet}
Old Flash Stuff {only on pc/mac, blu-ray, and wii (hacks on wii only)}
Where My Hat Is At?
Original Book
Bonus stuff:
Sonic colors (click on the tropical land) {only on blu-ray, and wii (wii on hacks only)}
list of sonic colors:'
all of trailers
all of cutscenes
all of ?shorts?
and all of tips maybe? :confused:
trailers (click on that

list of trailers:
sonic fan film teaser trailer
sonic fan film Eddie Lebron's messageGames: click on game land {only on blu-ray, pc/mac and wii (hacks on wii only}
sonic the hedgehog 4 episode l and episode ll demo
porker night at the inventory Demo
SCG4AP tutorial
team fortress 2 demo
rides (click on Asteroid Coaster)
sonic spinball commercial
sonic 3d the ride
Matt and friends go to Universal and ride the Simpsons Ride (warring at the end when maggie hits it down and when krusty the clown apperes turn the volume down a little bit)
The Bowels of Trogdor (not for real)
Homestar tours (not for real)
sega world trailer
behind the scenes (click on Starlight Carnival)
Making of Email 100
Sample of Style
Sample of Style Too
Sample of Style Too: Some Outtakes
sonic X: (click on Planet Wisp)
Eye Spy
Agent of Mischief
The Light in the Darkness
video game trailers (click on Aquarium Park)
SCG4AP trailers
epic mickey trailer
team fortress 2 the engineer update trailer
penny arcade adventure (video game) teaser trailer
sam and max season 3 trailer
spongebob truth or square (video game) trailer
sonic the hedgehog 4 episode 1 launch trailer
the food shorts (click on Sweet Mountain)
team fortress 2 Meet the Sandvich trailer
SCG4AP Food-Related Love
Grumblecakes (video)
SBLOUNSKCHED! commercial
Everybody to the Limit (just look at the end)
kind of cool
The Baloneyman
KEEP OUT!!! (click on Terminal Velocity that says "KEEP OUT")
star wars the clone wars online game trailer
homestar runner movie teaser trailer
fairy odd parents movie grown up timmy teaser trailerr
SCG4AP season 2 teaser trailer
alvin and the chipmunks 3 teaser trailer
kung fu panda 2 teaser trailer
main menu (click on Special Stage that goes back to the main menu)
Easter eggs:
click on homestar's face to watch pom, pom, is true
click on the Compé logo to watch 160 Seconds
click on the yak the whips to watch Sonics Coloured Shorts
(more to come soon)