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 Post subject: Order in which each main character likes the others
PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:16 am 

Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:45 am
Posts: 117
Location: Australia
Strong Bad:

1. The Cheat
2. Strong Mad
3. Bubs
4. Pom Pom
5. Coach Z
6. The Poopsmith
7. Marzipan
8. Homestar
9. Homsar
10. The King of Town
11. Strong Sad

 Post subject: Re: Order in which each main character likes the others
PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 1:43 am 
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Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 12:49 am
Posts: 11
Location: NH
Oh that's tough... To play fair I'd say my list is pretty much like yours but I love Strong Sad so he's at #3. Pom Pom is funny in his way but I think he's last on my list. Homestar and Strong Bad battle first place.

"You are in the Colony of Slippermen".

 Post subject: Re: Order in which each main character likes the others
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:35 pm 
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Joined: Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:34 am
Posts: 318
For Strong Bad I would say the list would be...

1. The Cheat
2. Strong Mad
3. Bubs
4. Pom Pom
5. Homestar
6. Marzipan
7. Strong Sad
8. The Poopsmith
9. Coach Z
10. Homsar
11. King of Town

Of all the characters he's shown the least tolerance for the King of Town, which is why he is at the bottom of the list. Strong Bad seems to at least respect Strong Sad's intelligence and I really don't think he could truly hate him.

Oh STEVEN! I think this may finally be it you guys! After 200 hundred emails I'm finally gonna get to make out with da-da-da DEAR HOMESTAR?!

 Post subject: Re: Order in which each main character likes the others
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:14 pm 
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Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:21 pm
Posts: 22
For Strong Bad I say

1. the cheat
2. strong mad
3. Bubs
4. Pom Pom
5. The poopsmith
6. Coach Z
7. Homestar
8. Strong Sad
9. Marzipan
10. Homsar
11. King of town.

My list is kinda different, so I'll explain. The top 4 i think we can pretty much all agree on, I almost flipped pom pom and bubs, but he probably likes bubs more. I put the poopsmith at 5, not because he likes the poopsmith, but because he seems mostly neutral to him. He's grossed out sure, but he's never really showed any blatent hostillity. The next chunk is characters he generally doesnt like. I think he dislikes coach z the least, again creeped out, but he has rarely shown blatent agression. Homestar and Strong sad comes next because in both cases he goes between blatent and utter hatred to periods of apparent friendship (albeit brief).
The last three he just hates. Thats all there is to it

 Post subject: Re: Order in which each main character likes the others
PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:10 pm 

Joined: Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:26 pm
Posts: 212
Location: On the wiiiiiiiiiings of an emaaaaaail!
For :sb: : (again LOL)

1. :sb: (This dude is so conceited, of course he'd put himself first!)
2. :cheat:
3. :sm:
4. :bubs:
5. :poop:
6. :pom:
7. :kot: (Gets really bad right here)
8. :coachz:
9. :sad:
10. :marzi:
11. :homsar:
12. :hr:

All I know is that :hr: would have to be last, and :cheat: , :sm: , and :bubs: would all have to be high ("looking old", anyone?)

You're a girl.
Or maybe a wagon.
Filled up with pancakes.

 Post subject: Re: Order in which each main character likes the others
PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:14 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:19 am
Posts: 42
Probably the reason everybody is doing Strong Bad is because he's really the only one who's had a significant amount of interaction with each of the other main characters.

 Post subject: Re: Order in which each main character likes the others
PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:37 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:47 pm
Posts: 81
And now, for someone completely different.

1. Pom Pom
2. Marzipan
3. Coach Z
4. Bubs
5. Strong Bad
6. Homsar
7. The Poopsmith
8. The King Of Town
9. Strong Sad
10. Strong Mad
11. The Cheat

All work and no play makes homestar a dull boy.
All work and no play makes homestar a dull boy.
All work and no play makes homestar a dull boy.
All work and no play makes homestar a dull boy.
All work and no play makes homestar a dull boy.

 Post subject: Re: Order in which each main character likes the others
PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:05 pm 

Joined: Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:26 pm
Posts: 212
Location: On the wiiiiiiiiiings of an emaaaaaail!
I would've done that, but really :hr: likes everybody, so it would have been hard to figure out.

You're a girl.
Or maybe a wagon.
Filled up with pancakes.

 Post subject: Re: Order in which each main character likes the others
PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:46 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:17 am
Posts: 15
1. Marzipan
2. Strong Bad
3. The Cheat
4. Homsar
5. Coach Z
6. Strong Mad
7. Bubz
8. Strong Sad
9. Pom Pom
10. The King of Town

Old Timey Homestar
1.Old timey Marzipan
2. Old timey Bubz
3.Old timey Strong Sad
4.Old timey Strong Bad
5. Old timey the cheat

My name is fhqwgads.

Last edited by yourmother on Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Order in which each main character likes the others
PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:46 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:17 am
Posts: 15
1. Marzipan
2. Strong Bad
3. The Cheat
4. Homsar
5. Coach Z
6. Strong Mad
7. Bubz
8. Strong Sad
9. Pom Pom
10. The King of Town
Old Timey Homestar
1.Old timey Marzipan
2. Old timey Bubz
3.Old timey Strong Sad
4.Old timey Strong Bad
5. Old timey the cheat

My name is fhqwgads.

 Post subject: Re: Order in which each main character likes the others
PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:02 am 
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Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2006 4:05 am
Posts: 474
For Strong Bad:

:cheat: (Only guy he can really talk to/minion).
:senor: (cool weird guy)
:bubs: (Guy who sells him anything he could want)
:sm: (Minion who does his bidding, but can beat him up)
:poop: (Got nothing against the guy)
:hr: (Doesn't hate him nearly as much as he pretends, not as fun to pick on because of his obliviousness, has uses as an unwitting wingman in practical jokes against others)
:sad: (They're still bros, no matter how different they are, & SB would never show him his soft side).
:pom: (Pretends to like PP because he's "cool," but also resents being treated like he's not cool enough to hang with PP).
:homsar: (Confusing weird guy).
:coachz: (Creepy weird guy with hygiene issues).
:kot: (Bully magnet + authority figue).
:marzi: (If Snidely Whiplash considered Nell his arch nemesis & just got his jollies confusing & duping Dudley, it would be like that).

For Homestar:

:cheatgrin: (One cool guy).
:sb: (So desperate to be his best friend. When he gets mad at him, he can never remember why).
:bubs: (Guy who can sell him anything).
:marzi: (Annoying nagging girlfriend who's always mad at him).
:coachz: (Can talk to him about anything, but doesn't really want to hang out with him).
:pom: (Former best friend who is too cool to be seen with him).
:kot: (Nothing particularly against him).
:sad: (Nothing particularly against him).
:sm: (Barely ever sees the guy).
:poop: (Would like him to stay far far away).
:homsar: (A bit exasperating to deal with, too confusing even for him).

Now Homestar & Marzipan are "dating" but outside of the really early toons, I get the impression that Homestar has grown to resent Marzipan the way a teen boy resents his mom, Marzipan sees Homestar as "sucks, but better than the rest" & "would immediately dump him for something better," & that neither of them really respect eachother.

'm guessing :bubs: favorite people are :coachz: :marzi: :sb: :hr:

Fan since December of '02, yet it took me 4 years to discover this Wiki. ::shame::

 Post subject: Re: Order in which each main character likes the others
PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:34 am 

Joined: Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:07 am
Posts: 24
People seem to only do Strong Bad And Homestar I’ll try something different but don’t take my word for it I haven’t seen the show in a while so it may not be accurate

Strong Sad:

:homsar: Best friend
:hr: annoyance but still a friend
:marzi: close friends but don’t talk to her about Halloween Parties
:cheat: mostly get along when Strong Bad isn’t involved
:sm: if SS stays on his good side they get along
:sb: He still loves his older brother no matter what he does but he does kind of dislike him back
:pom: they’re friends and the only conflict I remember was Pom Pom attacking him in the “jorb” episode and people tend to do that in sports... And in that one episode Strong Sad tried to kill him but he killed almost everyone
:coachz: creeped out by him, but they’re still friends
:kot: is okay with him
:bubs: hardly interact, mostly negative relationship but nothing too big
:poop: I don’t remember them interacting, though it’s assumed Sad didn’t like The Poopsmith in their childhood
:senor: Gave him nightmares as a kid

I love every character in the series. I also have a few sucky OCs, but doesn't everyone?

 Post subject: Re: Order in which each main character likes the others
PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:16 am 
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Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:26 am
Posts: 246
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:sb: He thinks he's great.
:cheatgrin: Strong Bad's lackey, and probably his best friend. Strong Bad doesn't treat him very well, though. He kicks him all the time.
:sm: The only other character Strong Bad legitimately likes. Although they don't always get along so great.
:senor: Strong Bad idolizes Senor Cardgage, but gets creeped out by him sometimes.
:pom: Strong Bad hangs out with Pom Pom and thinks he's cool, but he doesn't like him the best.
:bubs: Strong Bad is neutral towards Bubs.
:coachz: Strong Bad generally seems to dislike Coach Z, but they get along occasionally, making rap videos and such.
:marzi: Again, disliked by Strong Bad, but they get along at times. Not as much as Coach Z, though.
:hr: Strong Bad hates Homestar. But they also hang out a lot and have some conversations, which Strong Bad usually doesn't do with other people he hates. This shows that he tolerates Homestar.
:kot: Strong Bad rarely gets along with the King of Town.
:poop: Even less with the Poopsmith.
:homsar: And even less with Homsar.
:sad: Who Strong Bad hates the most, subjecting him to frequent pummelings, belly-buttonings, and death-wishenings.

:pom: Homestar's best friend. Need I say more?
:sb: Homestar thinks Strong Bad is his friend. He goes to his house a lot, too.
:marzi: Homestar's girlfriend, but he doesn't respect her all that much. "Hey stupid, I brought you this stuff!"
:coachz: They have friendly conversations and give each other advice. But Homestar seems to think Coach Z is at least slightly creepy and depressing.
:bubs: They seem friendly toward each other.
:sad: He is generally quite friendly toward Strong Sad (them being in the Wet Knee Gumption Club, for instance), but also unfriendly (interrupting him, ignoring him, not believing he exists).
:cheat: He generally tries to get along with The Cheat.
:kot: He likes the King of Town, and they help each other out sometimes.
:sm: Homestar rarely shows signs of liking Strong Mad, but he clearly doesn't mind him.
:poop: He doesn't mind the Poopsmith, and thinks he's a good guy.
:hr: He frequently thinks he's a different person, and he insults and fights himself sometimes as a result.
:homsar: They rarely interact, but Homestar doesn't seem to like him much ("Oh, the secret guy"). But he tolerates him, and has even called him Homestar once.
:senor: Homestar has hardly shown any kindness toward poor Cardgage, only telling him he smells like pea soup.


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