Gfdgsgxgzgdrc wrote:
How did I not realize there was already a forum topic? Sorry. Just merge or delete that one.
No probalo, Gfdgs. For all I care you might as well edit your post to have what you had in your other topic.
GreenEggsAndHamlet wrote:
I;m with you on not getting a ton of laughs from it
In all honesty it's pretty hard to get a laugh out of me these days, it's more about making me smile. I guess I was trying to say that while I didn't laugh that much at this toon, I enjoyed it a lot, even more than some others that do make me laugh more. A 5/5 rating from me is actually kind of hard to get.
The end screen did not seem unusual to me. But in my typical culturally illiterate fashion, I was able to recognize only one costume. Par for me is three or four.
I didn't expect to drop by this topic so soon, but I could not help myself from editing option 4/5 to have the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in it. After all, Marzipan does sort of give Homestar that look.
Oh, and to add the wiki link.
Very subtle- did anyone realize that when Homestar kissed his bat instead of Marzipan that the bat may be a very subtle jab at Marzipan's shape:

"Her head is... more like a baseball bat." (SBEmail 70- big white face)
Of course it's possible that the joke was duping Homestar into kissing something else while she backs out, and the bat was the obvious object to use. TBC may not have been thinking about how Marzy's head is shaped like a bat.
Completely off topic. I don't know how many people know this, but if you want to quickly quote someone, click inside your text field, then click "quote" for the other person's post, and it will appear in your reply formatted as a quote complete with author name.