Homestar Runner Wiki Forum

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 Post subject: The Disktionary: Provider of Infinite Forum Knowledge (v3.0)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:14 am 
User avatar

Joined: Thu May 12, 2005 11:25 pm
Posts: 4127
Location: Tangled up on a Twister mat
Sorry about the multiple posts required for this, it had to be done because of board limitations.

The Disktionary is the revived version of the Teff Dictionary, created by H*R Wiki Forum user The Experimental Film years ago. While the Teff Dictionary was informative, it slowly stopped updating, and it began to go out of date. With the deletion of topics in the Off Subject, Getting to Know You, and Arts and Crafts sections on August 16, 2007 (see: The Purge), I decided to bring this back with the help of Google Cache. Since that time, the whole thing has received a massive upgrade. As a reference, you can view the text file of the original dictionary near the end of this.

The Disktionary is, for the most part, run by all of you. You may suggest whatever you want for this, though I would really appreciate it if you provide as much information on the subject you're suggesting. Please note that I may not add all of the information that you suggest to me, though I will try and incorporate as large of a portion as I can to it.

I hope that the Disktionary and the hours upon hours of time I've put into updating it can be used by many on this Forum. All-in-all, it's pretty much the most information-packed topic you're bound to read here, and I thank you for taking the time to look over it.
- DS_Kid

So, without further hesitation...



To help find a specific section of the Disktionary faster, please use the search feature of your web browser (usually Ctrl + F for Windows users), and type the phrase within the parenthesis into the search box (i.e. Sec1).

  • Table of Contents (TOC1)
    You're in it!
  • The State of the Forum (Sec1)
    Basic, bi-weekly information about the Forum.
  • Forum Terms (Sec3)
    Basic terms for phpBB message boards and beyond.
  • Forum Sections (Sec4):
    Explanations of the different sections of the Homestar Runner Wiki Forum.
  • Forumopolis Phrases (Sec5):
    Popular phrases created and/or used by the members of the Forum.
  • User Directory (Sec6):
    A directory of current users; updated whenever!
  • User Directory Continued (Sec7):
    So big that it needed another post.
  • User Birthday Guide (Sec8):
    The birthdays of notable or active Forum users.
  • Timeline of the Forum (Sec9):
    Notable events throughout the Forum's history.
  • Hall of Notable Users (Sec0):
    A list of the most notable users.
  • Fads (SecA):
    The fads of the forum.
  • Important Events (SecB):
    Important events/holidays that the Forum does.
  • Other Cool Places (SecC):
    Other websites that you should check out that are related to Homestar Runner, the Wiki, or the Forum.
  • Teff Dictionary: Related Links (SecD):
    Links relating to the the Teff Dictionary or Disktionary.
  • Edit Log (SecE):
    A log of all of the major edits to the Disktionary since its revival.

You may also jump to a specific post:

Special thanks goes out to the following:
  • Inverse Tiger: He stickied the topic and helped me out with a few of the original sections.
  • Ju Ju Master: He helped me out with a few of the sections of the Disktionary and was great at supporting me through making v1.0.
  • Teff: He made the original version of this (you can find a link to a backup of it near the bottom). He said this was awesome, so that's cool.
  • The entire active Forum populace for every single contribution they've made.


The State of the Forum provides users with basic, bi-weekly information about the Forum.

  • The information provided in this section covers weekly information concerning the Forum.
  • Please do not hesitate to help me out with information in this section.
  • Forum totals are collected bi-weekly at 8 PM EST Monday and Friday.
  • If I cannot collect data when it is required, I will attempt to ask one of the users to count the totals at the time.
  • I will eventually attempt to add graphs to this section once there is enough information.

List of Administrators and Moderators:

Active Moderators:
  • Acekirby (Mod Group A Parliament-Funkadelic)
  • Ju Ju Master (Mod Group A Parliament-Funkadelic)
  • Lunar Jesty (Mod Group 1 Parliament-Funkadelic)
  • ed 'lim' smilde (Mod Group 1 Parliament-Funkadelic)
  • Capt. Ido Nos (Mod Group 1 Parliament-Funkadelic)
  • Beyond the Grave (Parliament-Funkadelic)
  • Shwoo (Parliament-Funkadelic)
  • BazookaJoe (Store)
  • furrykef (Religion and Politics)

Inactive Moderators:
  • Dark Grapefruit (retired; still an active poster)
  • Didymus (retired; focusing on finances and such)
  • IantheGecko (retired; still an active poster)
  • InterruptorJones (posts on occasion; still a mod)
  • Inverse Tiger (retired; an active poster for the summer)
  • ModestlyHotGirl (retired; vanished)
  • PianoManGidley (retired; has posted sporadically in recent times)
  • porplemontage (retired; went to pursue other projects such as his own website)

Active Administrators:
  • It's dot com
  • ramrod
  • StrongRad
  • Stu (has become more active in recent times)

Inactive Administrators:
  • AgentSeethroo (moved on to real life things; it's just about impossible to come in contact with him)
  • JoeyDay (mainly focusing on Fellowsites, the hosting company behind this Forum; creator of the Homestar Runner Wiki)
  • Tom (usually works behind-the-scenes on the Forum)

Forum Totals:

June 23, 2008:
  • Total Posts: x (+x)
  • Total Topics: x (+x)
  • Total Users: x (+x)
  • Average User Rating: x (x)
  • Forum Insanity Level: x

Last edited by DS_Kid on Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:33 pm, edited 44 times in total.

 Post subject: Disktionary II (Forum Terms, Forum Sections)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:18 am 
User avatar

Joined: Thu May 12, 2005 11:25 pm
Posts: 4127
Location: Tangled up on a Twister mat

Forum Terms are terms that have been used frequently on the Forum at one point or another.

  • This section deals with basic terms that may benefit newer users with functions of the Forum.
  • For information regarding basic terms of phpBB Forums, see the Forum Image FAQ.


The HRWiki catch-phrase; the top dog; the big cheese. Coined by AgentSeethroo. Literally, the noise of screaming and vomiting from fear. This phrase occurred mainly after the following dialogue:
There's nobody [verb]-ing that [noun]!

AAAARRRRRGGGGLLLBLBLLBLBL!!! -ing will then occur.

Oh, and yes, that's how you spell it. Special Points +3

Related Links:


While not created specifically at the Forum, there are several key acronyms that are brought up from time-to-time whose meanings may not be perfectly understood.
    WTF: What The "F"
    GTFO: Get The "F" Out
    GTFI: Get The "F" In
    FTW: For The Win
    FTL: For The Lose (Loss)
    LOL: Laugh[ing] Out Loud
    IIRC: If I Remember Correctly
    IMHO: In My [Honest] Opinion
    IRL: [In] Real Life
    CGI: Computer-Generated Imagery
    FMV: Full-Motion Video
    B&: Banned
    gb2w: Get Back To Work
    tl;dr: Too long; didn't read.
    LMAO: Laugh My "Arse" Off
    LMBO: Laugh My Butt Off (for the gentlemen)

Administrators / Moderators

Administrators and moderators (sometimes combined to be called "Modmins") are the authority of the Forum. They help in conflicts, and can perform numerous actions to the Forum to make it a cleaner and better place. To distinguish themselves from other users, they have "titles" (or "ranks")--a small blurb of text--above their avatars. When the Forum was on phpBB2 software, their username colors within topics were the same color as other users'. With the upgrade to phpBB3 on January 5, 2007, their username colors became the same color within topics as everywhere else on Forums (red or green).

Moderators are the lower authority for the Forum. Unlike administrators, moderators can only moderate specific boards to keep the work load down on them. While they have authority throughout the entire forum, they can lock topics, merge similar topics, move topics to different forums, and edit users' posts in their assigned forums. The moderators were given more authority in December of 2007, when they were assigned to one of two different Mod Groups (whose names were planned to change periodically).

On February 17, 2008, the moderators were all assigned to one global moderator group by the name of Parliament-Funkadelic (friggin' finally...). This announcement came with the epic locking of Random Thoughts and the posts of only moderators in it...that is, until ramrod screwed it all up. Beyond the Grave was promoted to a moderator shortly after the establishment of this new moderator group. On March 4, 2008, Shwoo was promoted to being a moderator (friggin' finally...).

Administrators are the higher authority for the forum. They can do everything that moderators can do, along with access the Administration Panel, a place that lets them edit the entire makeup of the Forum. Certain administrators also have FTP access for the Forum.

Related Links:
Admin Team

Announcements / Stickies:

Announcements are vital information regarding forums, and appear at the very top of every section (the icon next to them looks like Image). Announcements are generally used for the rules of this Forum, though they can also be used for important events.

Stickies are important topics for the section they are posted under (the icon next to them looks like Image).


Alpacas are a source of evil to the Forum. On March 13, 2008, three alpacas were discovered in the HR Wiki Forum server room that were apparently the cause to the Forum becoming "screwed up" (a word filter had actually been established to change "Homestar Runner" to "Strongstar Runbadder"). Admins Joey Day and StrongRad attempted to chase them out with a broom, but the nasty critters retaliated by spitting back at them.

In response to this, the administrative duo decided to attempt to flood the server room with hoses, which would in-turn flood the servers themselves and put out the firewall. The alpacas refused to be defeated though, as they drank up all of the water. What's worse was that the breed of alpacas were endangered species, and Joey Day had forgotten to sign a 404 Permit, so another solution had to be found yet again. StrongRad finally sent in Lee Marvin. He took care of everything.

In late April, it was discovered that ramrod was behind the appearance of the alpacas, as they were stuffed into numerous boxes that were blocking the doorway to the Forum. He was later sentenced to being shot for his wrongdoings. This action was never carried out. >: (

Related Links:
What in the world is an alpaca!?
StrongRad's announcement about the alpaca problem.
Lee Marvin took care of them.
The boxes contained alpacas.

Anti-Moron Feature

The anti-moron feature is a nickname given to a new feature of the Forum with the upgrade to phpBB3. Its purpose is to notify you about any replies that were submitted to the Forum during the time you were making a post. Instead of the post submitting to the topic, you'll be brought back to your posting screen with a list of new replies to the topic.

This feature was originally seen as annoying, but eventually grew on users to be useful during intense conversations.


Auto-pruning is a function of phpBB software that existed on the Forum back in the Summer of 2005. Because the Forum Games section was bursting with posts (it had the highest number of posts for any Forum section at the time), the administrators decided to enable this feature to delete any topics not posted in for two weeks. The first response to this was confusion--the users of the forum had no idea why their older posts in the section were deleted. When the administrators explained what had happened, the users became upset. After a couple months of negativity towards the feature, it was disabled and has yet to return.

Avatar/Signature Combo

A similarly-themed avatar and signature used by a user at the same time. The Noid is notable for using Eisenhower, Obama, and Joker avatar/sig combos, with the avatar showing a zoomed out view of the people, and the signature showing an insanely zoomed in view of the person's eyes. Many of the avatar/signature combos are designed to creep out users.

Average User Rating of the Forum:

The Average User Rating of the Forum is the average score that the users have all given the Forum. While there is a thread dedicated to it in Suggestions, it has its issues of users voting and never coming back to the thread. To counteract this, MikeMcG is implementing an Average User Rating and voting feature into his Greasemonkey script for the Forum.

Related Links
Your overall opinion of the Forum and its insanity.

Bagged Milk:

Bagged milk is what it exactly sounds like: milk in a bag. Used regularly on the Forum for a short period of time; still brought up from time-to-time. Canada apparently uses this type of milk a lot.


The word "vampire" when said by an extremely frightened person.

Related Links:
First Appearance


Describing being banned from the Wiki and/or Forum. Coined by Naked_Lunch, derived from Trogdor at

Related Links:
First Appearance


Complaining n' such. BAAAW!

BB Code:

BB Code is a markup language used on many message boards. It is simple to learn and use, and can change the way your posts are interpreted through the use of bolding, italicizing, underlining, coloring, and resizing text. With BB Code, you can also post links, add images, and more.


Referred to user ModestlyHotGirl's boyfriend, Jeff.

Related Links:
First Appearance

Brokeback Futon:

Coined by StrongRad, made known by himself, InterruptorJones and Beyond the Grave. It's pretty much what it sounds like: a futon upon which two or more males sleep. Great.


Coined by AgentSeethroo. Refers to ModestlyHotGirl and Dark Grapefruit, Canadian moderators. Canadians in-general are special in the Forum, as Canada is cooler than America.

Related Links:
First Appearance
Dark Grapefruit

Double Post:

A double post are two posts by the same user that are back-to-back, meaning that there are no replies by other users between them. Double posts that are less than three hours apart in a thread are against the rules. You have the ability to edit a post as much as you want, so any additional information you'd like to add to a topic can easily be edited into posts if nobody else has posted after you.

Conga Rats:

Coined by ModestlyHotGirl. An award given out to users during iSketch games. Conga Rats are "Congrats", but they're also conga-ing rats.


A suffix added to pretty much anything to show an action. Derived from Teen Girl Squad on the Homestar Runner website.
Examples: "LOCK'd!", "SIMULPOST'd!", "KILL'd!", "[anything else]'d!"

Related Links:
Teen Girl Squad


Coined by Douglas, an award bequeathed upon exceptional people or comics. Awarded to Acekirby for Forum'D! (a comic), and Didymus for his novel.


Drama is the general term used to describe many of the hardships the Forum users face towards one-another. While drama is common in many message boards, the HR Wiki Forum is known to have many notable cases of it. It normally occurs for the silliest of reasons.

Dwight D. Eisenhower:

Some famous dude who I don't wish to study up on. The Noid used him in his first avatar/sig combo, which was enough to freak out some users, including JoeyDay (the creator of this place). At one point in time, The Noid quoted the entire Wikipedia article for Dwight D. Eisenhower to explain who he was. For the sake of keeping the material in this thing a quick breeze to read through, I will not quote it.

Related Links:
Wikipedia knows who Dwight D. Eisenhower is.
JoeyDay is freaked out by the signature.


An emoticon, otherwise known as a "smiley", is an image used to display a specific emotion. The H*R Wiki Forum uses a combination of the standard phpBB 2.0 emoticons, several edited icons from the phpBB set, and numerous Homestar Runner-based ones.

The Forum emoticons as of June 2008

On May 24, 2006, the Senor Cardgage emoticon was added by the administration team. On May 28, 2006, InterruptorJones announced and later released his Custom Greasemonkey Emoticon script for the Forum. Sometime in the later half of 2007, the Stinkoman emoticon was added.


A "facepalm" is pretty much an acted out version of the word "Ugh..." It involves placing one's hand over their face in disbelief for somebody saying something either incredibly obvious or stupid for the moment. Usually used with an image, but sometimes just shown as *facepalm*. Facepalms were used quite extensively for a period of time, sometimes aggravating the admins and mods. Their use has since become a tiny bit less common.

Folding Chair of Thwacky [+3]

An instrument of punishment used by user Didymus. It is a folding chair that Didymus smacked people with after they did something unacceptable. Sometimes the suffix [+3] was added in because A) the unacceptable action was really lame, and/or B ) RPGs are sometimes fun.

Forum Insanity Level:

The Forum Insanity Level is a scale developed by MikeMcG and DS_Kid to measure the amount of drama and overall "insanity" currently going on for the Forum. Any user is allowed to vote in it, but not voting every few days will result in your vote entering a "cool down" phase where it'd going down the scale towards "Calm". We recommend voting at least twice a week to have more accurate results.

Just click on the Insanity Level you think the Forum is currently at to vote. You may re-vote as much as you'd like:

The Current Insanity Level of the Forum Is:

MikeMcG is currently developing a Greasemonkey script that will incorporate the Forum Insanity Level in it.

Related Links:
Your overall opinion of the Forum and its insanity.


Forumopolis is the name given to the city that the users of the Forum apparently live in. It first appeared in one of Jitka's locations, and it's now commonplace. It is usually used to describe a nation or city in just about every Forumfic or Forum Comic, though its popularity is on a constant decline.

Forum RPG:

Forum RPG was a role-playing computer game created by Douglas back in September of 2005 with RPG Maker. It was a fairly detailed game, even if it didn't use any custom-made graphic assets. The game put you in the role of several of the Forum's more popular users at the time, include Ace and Teff.

An hour or so into the game, there was an error in the placement of one of the game's bridges that prevented the user from continuing forward in the level. Douglas never fixed the error or completed the game due to the game's file being too large to fit through an email attachment.

Related Links:
The earliest mention of the game.

Friends / Foes

In phpBB3, users can choose to mark members as friends or foes under each user's profile or in the User Control Panel. Users marked as "friends" can be selected from a user list to be contacted via Private Message easier. Users marked as "foes" will have all of their posts hidden from you, and their Private Messages will be blocked from your Inbox.


Gabbly is chatting interface much like IRC, except that it is built into the webpage that you're viewing (in the case of this Forum, the Forum's main page). It required the web browser Mozilla Firefox in order to run properly, and is barely used nowadays.

Go to Page:

In phpBB3, users are able to select which page number in a large thread they'd like to go to. Before, in phpBB2, users would have to click through each page manually to get to one near the center of the thread, causing frustration. ed 'lim' smilde created a Firefox Modification long ago that could let you select any page in a thread, but it does not function in phpBB3.

Greasemonkey Scripts:

If you have Firefox, then you should definitely have the Greasemonkey Add-On. Greasemonkey allows you to upload custom user scripts to extend certain parts of Firefox. Here are notable Greasemonkey scripts meant for the Forum or something related to it:

  • MikeMcG's Forum Insanity and Rating Script (tentative): This script, once complete, will allow users to view and vote for the Insanity Level and User Rating for the Forum from the comfort of the posting page.
  • Philip's Homestar All-in-One Script: This script will allow you to extend your Homestar-viewing experience immensely. The script allows you to watch Homestar toons in fullscreen, toggle where you would like to go in the toon with a seek bar, play and pause the toon, view Wiki links to the toons, etc.
  • The Dynamic Forum Emoticon Script: This script will allow you to add and upload your own, custom emoticons to the Forum for easy access and use.

HRWiki Forum Bible:

The HRWiki Forum Bible was a creation by Acekirby that covered all major topics of the Forum at the time, including the Baby Strongbad fad, the SCARMY, AAAARRRRRGGGGLLLBLBLLBLBL!!!, and the Yar vs. Yarr debate. While it was deleted in The Purge, it was revived by user Strongfan only to be met with negativity (Ace wouldn't have the ability to edit it with new information since Strongfan recreated it). Acekirby may or may not make another version of the Bible in the future.

Related Links:
The HRWiki Forum Bible brought back after The Purge

ikiteffkirbyjitkawhatsit and fuhbuh too

The name given to the Forum's group of fourteen year olds during 2005. Altogether, the group contained iKipapa, The Experimental Film, Acekirby, Jitka, and Firebird. I don't think the "Whatsit" stood for anybody.


Invisitext is text that appears invisible in a post until it is either highlighted or quoted by a user. The process to doing this is quite simple:
If you are making an odd-numbered post in a thread:
[color=#ececec]<insert Invisitext here>[/color]

If you are making an even-numbered post in a thread:
[color=#dce1e5]<insert Invisitext here>[/color]

Please note that overusing Invisitext, or using it in places where more important information is required, can be frowned upon. Otherwise, you're A-OK.


The IRC is a chat channel on the main Homestar Runner Wiki that was once used for Forum-related events. (Chat channel parties were sometimes held on Mondays and Fridays at specific times, and were usually stated along the top of the Wiki's main page). The IRC was also used during The Purge and at the end of specific Forum Awards for discussions and award ceremonies.

From late 2006 to early 2008, the IRC had phased out of existence in the eyes of most Forum users, and for a brief period of time, was replaced by another chatting program called Gabbly. On June 5, 2008, the Forum attempted to "take back" the IRC room #hrwiki out of nostalgia. However, the chat room had completely different standards when compared to how they were used during chat parties in 2005 and 2006. "Flooding" (replying frequently) was considered a violation of the chat room rules, which eventually spawned the briefly-used chat room phrase "TALK SLOWER!" (and its variations).

A compromise of using the chat room #hrwiki-forum was eventually met, but as of June 2008, it has still not been linked to in the page. The #hrwiki-forum chat room quickly lost popularity after a chat room was created for Serious, Inc.


iSketch was a popular Flash-based internet game played by members from 2005 to 2007, though it then became very unpopular. It is Pictionary, but online! This game was actually quite fun, and took many hours of peoples' lives away. It was revived on March 22, 2008 by ten or so bored people, and it has yet to be revived again. Maybe people should care about this little ol' game more.

Related Links:

Kidlet Forest:

Coined by Queenie-C. Refers to an island forest, where male minors are sent when they lech (see below) an older female. Sometimes called "enchanted kidlet forest". A couple "Lech Licenses" were handed out early in its existence that allowed for certain minors to lech.

Related Links:
First Appearance

Kidlette Forest:

Coined by The Experimental Film. Refers to another forest where female minors are sent for leching.


LACROSSE should definitely be the primary sport of the Forum. Sure, you may want Little Billy-Sue to play baseball or hopscotch, but lacrosse is infinitely better. Two members play this marvelous sport on the Forum: Disk and Ace. Disk will probably not be playing lacrosse regularly anymore due to being lazy.

It should definitely be noted that not only did this come from SI (Serious, Inc.), but that it also has strict guidelines for its usage. Just about every time the word "lacrosse" is mentioned, it should be posted like this:

Of course, if you post like that too many times, we may have to kick you in the teeth.

Related Links:
First appearance that nobody cares about
First use of formatting
Ninti hurts herself D:
Disk showing how to be epic with lacrosse


Coined by InterruptorJones. "To lech" means "to compliment someone on their hotness". The "bases" are commonly used while describing leching. The pronunciation is sometimes debated between "lek" (to rhyme with "heck") or "letch" (to rhyme with "fetch"). The emoticon sometimes used with this is Image.

Related Links:
First Appearance


To lurk means to only browse through message board content and never regularly post. Lurkers are people who lurk.

"Lurk moar" is a common internet phrase that means to read up on an internet-related subject that you may not be aware of.


The ability to merge posts can be done by both administrators and moderators. If a topic has been brought up in the past on the Forum, the posts within it will sometimes be combined with the older, larger topic. Merged posts are sorted by their posting time in the new thread.


A term used to describe both the admins and mods at the same time. They're kinda combined together...admins...mods...mod-mins...see?


Back in 2005, Dark Grapefruit had an obsession with pants. Whenever a new user would join, their pants had a 99.9% chance of being taken.

Phantom Pages:

Phantom pages were pages made up of no posts, usually caused by the deletion or moving of a post into or out of a thread. They were all too common back in the old days (especially in the Random Thoughts thread), and began to get annoying after awhile. Since the upgrade to phpBB3, they have not been acknowledged.


phpBB2 was a message board system created by the phpBB Group in 2001. phpBB2 was also used by the Homestar Runner Wiki Forum from May 9, 2004 (its creation) to January 5, 2007. An image of phpBB2 as run by the Forum can be found here (LARGE IMAGE).


phpBB3 is a message board system created by the phpBB Group in 2007, and is currently used by the Homestar Runner Wiki Forum (January 5, 2008 - ). A rundown of the update process to phpBB3 for this Forum, as well as numerous images on the event, can be found here. (LANGUAGE WARNING)

Private Message (PM):

A Private Message is a message that can only be read by the user who it is sent to--it is the email system of message boards. Messages can be of any length below 60,000 characters, and can be about nearly any subject. Private Message space is limited, though. Users may only have:
  • 50 messages in their Inbox.
  • 50 messages in their Outbox (messages that have been sent out but have not been read)
  • 50 messages in their Sentbox (messages that have been sent out and read)
  • 50 saved messages.
In phpBB2, users could only store 25 messages in their Sentbox. It was an unintentional change to bring the number up to 50.

Quote Pyramids

Quote pyramids refer to an issue that occurred on the phpBB2 software that the Forum used to run on. When you embedded a large amount of [quote] tags within each other for a post, the Forum's tables and styles would basically stop functioning for everything below the quote. (If anybody has an image of this occurring on phpBB2 software, please show it to me).

The first instance of this unintentionally occurred in an old version of the "ACT LIEK A N00B" thread in Forum Games back around early 2006. Users continuously quoted each message above them until the Forum "broke". Much later down the line--around mid-2007--admins and mods would replace any developing quote pyramids with an image of a pyramid.

Thanks to phpBB3 software, no more than three quotes may be embedded within each other, defeating any chance of a quote pyramid breaking the layout of the Forum again.

Ramrod's Hair

Back in 2005, Ramrod apparently had tons of hair--like--miles worth of it. Dark Grapefruit liked living in this hair until he shaved it off. Sadness ensued.


Ranks (or more commonly known as "Titles") are little blurbs of text that are above a user's avatar. On this Forum, you may only receive a rank or title in a special situation. Examples of these situations include, but are not limited to, becoming an administrator or moderator, being a retired administrator or moderator, or having it given you as a "gift".

Ranks are given as "gifts" during special events or occasions. For example, the user iand93 received the title "Secret Santa Rank!" after the 2nd Annual H*R Wiki Forum Secret Santa Exchange. Another example is when COLA helped out with the April Fools '08 event with the admins and mods.

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts, originally called "Random Thoughts or Ideas", was introduced to the Forum by Hi Guys on April 4, 2006. In a nutshell, it is the heart of all activity on the Forum, generating ideas that are normally too limited in perspective to be turned into actual threads (though some threads, such as one about guitar discussion, were formed from it). Just about anything goes in the thread, as topics of discussion can be about nearly everything.

Many issues have formed throughout Random Thoughts. Drama used to occur often in the thread, and it has been locked several times to allow users to cool down. In the past, many users wanted the thread to be permanently locked to allow new threads to be made more often and to limit down on drama. As a way to let more creative threads to be made, the mods locked Random Thoughts from June 3, 2008 to June 10, 2008. It succeeded.

Sometime around late 2007, subtitles to "Random Thoughts" were added to the thread title and changed every few days. This has continued to this day.


Derived from ROFL (Rolling On the Floor Laughing); what ROFL sounds like spelled out.


A Rotator is a series of avatars or signatures that change after a different page is viewed or when the page is refreshed. These are good for the users who would like to have more than one avatar or signature at a time, or who cannot fit an animated avatar or signature to the rule requirements. Please note that all avatars and signatures in the rotators must be within the rule limits.

With the upgrade to phpBB3, rotating avatars have encountered a glitch that will automatically resize all images in the rotator to the largest image's size. This can be fixed by resizing all of the avatars to the same dimension.

Related Links:
How to Get a Rotating Avatar or Signature


Coined by DanBo. StrongCanada's personal army, included most of the active forumgoers. There were three major divisions of it: the SCARMY (obviously), the SCAR Naval, and the SCAIR Force. This was the original army, all of the others were copies of it.

Related Links:

Serious, Inc.

Serious, Inc. on the Homestar Runner Wiki Forums was a group that was formed when drama began erupting in the 2007 Wiki Forum Awards. While drama occurs in all of the more-recent Forum Awards over nominations and votes, this one was special.

Serious, Inc. later became the name to Jello B's website, formerly known as the HRWFWF (Homestar Runner Wiki Forum Wiki Forum).

Related Links:
The 2007 Forum Serious Awards
Serious, Inc. (RATED R, KIDDOS!)

Sign Pics

Sign Pics were a popular concept introduced to the Forum in 2005. Users were encouraged to post pictures of themselves holding up pieces of paper with messages written on them, either starting a conversation with them, or just giving random shout-outs to users or things. Their popularity declined by around 2007, and the thread has yet to be revived post-Purge.


Coined by Didymus. Refers to simultaneous posting of the same general post. With the upgrade to phpBB3, the "Anti-Moron feature" was added to help prevent simulposting (see its entry for more details).


Coined by Queenie-C, proper name: The HRWiki Sisterhood. A group of female users, including every single woman/girl on the Forum. They were pretty powerful back in the day.

Shadow Topics:

Shadow topics are threads that have been moved to a new section, yet stay in its original section with the word "Moved" next to them. Moderators have the option of turning this feature on or off. The main reason for shadow topics is to let users know that a thread has moved to a new section, and that it has not randomly disappeared.


To split a topic means to separate some of its posts to different topics. This can sometimes be used for separate discussions that appear within topics.


Coined by Chekt; first used with its true definition by Acekirby. Strawberries is an alternative word to "having sexual intercourse." It can also be used to describe something good or sexy.

Related Links:
The post that started it all.
First post with only "strawberries" in it.

Stu's Backyard:

Stu's Backyard was once a very common location for HR Wiki Forum residents. It is apparently very large on the internet (many locations have shown it to hold numerous things), though nonexistant in real life (Stu's secret hideout is in an apartment). The fad of a location involving this has died down over time.

Summer of '05

The Summer of 2005 on the HR Wiki Forum has been said to be the greatest time period before any "e-Drama" occurred. Cool members were apparent. People were happy. I was happy. Your neighbors were happy. There were no bomb threats. No murders. Nothing but absolute happiness. Though there were a few trolls...

The Summer of 2006 was also pretty neat. Anything past that was lame though. Admit it. ADMIT IT! Users are hoping that the Summer of 2008 revives the Forum to its once-great glory.


"Tell What U Think!" was a fad started by Choc-o-Lardiac Arrest and popularized by InterruptorJones, StrongRad, and Acekirby nearly a year afterward (though COLA did not like relating his original thread with the fad). Many people posted avatars, banners, locations, etc., that said "TELL WHAT U THINK!" in one way or another. As Dark Grapefruit described long ago, it's this Forum's version of All Your Base--neither have a distinct definition, but they both caught on quickly. It started in March of 2006, and was quite popular for several months.

The only way to have truly said it was "TELL WHAT U THINK!" Any other spelling was wrong and resulted in being thrown off a skyscraper.

Related Links:
Harry Potter Books debate: TELL WHAT U THINK!
"Tell What U Think!"

The Dress:

The Dress is the name of an image that Ramrod posted back in 2005 of him in a dress. It was made as part of a bet by ThatCinnamonRolls (I think that was the user, anybody want to correct me?). The posting of this image freaked many users out, and was brought up repeatedly in the future months and years. Ramrod eventually got annoyed over it being brought up so many times.

Related Links:
The Image... (LARGE IMAGE)

The Popular Search Engine Google:

Coined by Tom. Refers to Google, a popular search engine. Didymus had strict standards on how to color it (Google, foo'). Elected President of the HRWiki Forum long ago.

Related Links:
The Popular Search Engine Google

The Purge

The day the music forum "died". On August 17, 2007, user Jello B hacked into moderator Modestly Hot Girl's account and deleted all of the topics in the Getting to Know You and Arts and Crafts sections, along with numerous topics in Off Subject Discussion. The Forum was filled with epic confusion and fear during this time, and the servers slowed to a halt for several hours. People jumped into AIM and the IRC to discuss the issue.

Popular topics that were deleted included Random Thoughts or Ideas, How ya' Feelin'?, The Banner and Avatar Force, and Guitar Hero Discussion. Since this event, most older forum threads have been revived and Jello B has been permanently banned.

The aftermath of this event is known as the Great Forum Depression.

Related Links:
First Appearance
WHAT THE CRAP HAPPENED?? - Didymus Explains


Coined by AgentSeethroo. Meaning: a non sequitur used to steer straying threads back on topic. Started the craze of quoting people in signatures when Dark Grapefruit used it. Saying nothing except "Toastpaint" in one post is generally frowned upon, and may be considered spam. The emoticon sometimes used for toastpaint is Image.

Related Links:
First Appearance


"Top of the Page Dance". Traditionally, it's the exclamation placed at the end of the 31st post and every 30th post thereafter (for the math challenged, every first post of a new page). Commonly followed by an Eek Dance ( ::eekdance:: ), though modern times have brought along numerous other humorous dancing animations. User futuramaooy brought it here from a Futurama message board called PEEL (Planet Express Employee Lounge).

Related Links:
PEEL, the Forum it came from.

Troll; Trolling

Trolling means to post on a message board to cause trouble. For instance, a user may make negative posts to other users or try to steer the topic at hand in a different direction. A troll is a user who trolls. Interesting.

User Control Panel:

Also known as the UCP. This is a new feature to phpBB3 that allows users to customize their interface to their liking (though it was modified heavily from a specific function in phpBB2). From here, users can PM others, add or remove friends/foes, edit their time/date options, edit their avatars/signatures, etc; there's a whole bunch to check out in there.


Usergroups, while more frequently discussed on other message boards, is simply on this Forum to signify the level of authority on this Forum. Administrators, moderators, moderator groups, and regular users each have their own groups. When phpBB3 was established for the first time on the Forum, COLA decided to add himself to the administrator group, resulting in the admins disabling the Forum for nearly an hour.

On June 21, 2008, when the color of usernames was changed for users by Stu, each user's color was assigned to a hidden usergroup. Deep Blue was also an available username color to a usergroup.

Everyone should have joined Deep Blue.


A username is your own, personal name for the Forum. It can be anything you'd like, as long as it's rule-friendly. On January 8, 2006, usernames could no longer be changed once they were registered. Before then, usernames were sometimes changed on a regular basis to celebrate holidays or related events. With the new rule in place, it became much easier to know who each user was without their name changing regularly.

On June 21, 2008, Stu gave anybody who wanted one a colored username to try and get some silly point across. They were removed the next day by ramrod.


When something is way beyond roffle. Coined by StrongCanada and StrongRad.

Related Links:
First Non-Chat Appearance

Wikipedia Knows:

Coined by InterruptorJones. Refers to the Wikipedia having all the answers. It doesn't.

Related Links:

Word Filter:

The word filter of the Forum censors most of the naughty words with other words. Exceptions from this filter are "damn" and "hell".

The ten words that are filtered here.

Related Links:
Somewhat-current list of filtered words

Related Links:
The Homestar Runner Wiki
H*R Wiki Forum FAQ
H*R Wiki Forum Rules


The sound effect that pirates make often. Coined by The Experimental Film. He used to believe that it should be a secondary Wiki catchphrase. Originally derived from pirate-speak and 8-Bit Theater. There used to be debates over which spelling (Yar or Yarr) was correct.

Related Links:
8-Bit Theater
Google Fights' Opinion on the Matter.


The sound effect that pirates make often. Coined by ramrod. He used it more than Teff used "Yar", so it's become far more well-known. There used to be debates over which spelling (Yar or Yarr) was correct.

Related Links:
Google Fights' Opinion on the Matter.

"You know we have a Wiki, right?":

Coined by JoeyDay. Used when a person asks a question that is easily found on the Homestar Runner Wiki. If used, it is always appreciated if you link to the page being discussed instead of a link to the Wiki main page.

Related Links:
Homestar Runner Wiki
You do know we have a wiki, right?

Last edited by DS_Kid on Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:54 pm, edited 37 times in total.

 Post subject: Disktionary III (Forumopolis Phrases)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:22 am 
User avatar

Joined: Thu May 12, 2005 11:25 pm
Posts: 4127
Location: Tangled up on a Twister mat

Last edited by DS_Kid on Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:11 pm, edited 34 times in total.

 Post subject: Disktionary IV (User Directory)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:25 am 
User avatar

Joined: Thu May 12, 2005 11:25 pm
Posts: 4127
Location: Tangled up on a Twister mat

*********User Directory (Sec6)********

If you would like to locate a specific user or their nickname quickly, then please use Ctrl. + F on your keyboard and type in the info you're looking for. If you cannot seem to locate it here, then please make mention of it in this thread so I can update it accordingly.

  • List is comprised of the more notable members of the Forum
  • If you are not on this list and consider yourself a regular poster in Off Subject sections, please either PM me or post in this topic.
  • Please note that I may run out of space in this post (there's a 60,000 character limit), so some info may be smudged/deleted.
  • Your user information may be deleted after a specific period of time. It may or may not be revived.
  • All entry names contain links to the user's profile.
  • Entry name color = Regular User, Moderator, Administrator
  • Status: Banned, Retired, Unbanned


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: N/A
Real Location: N/A
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: America
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active

Five Random Facts


Nicknames (In-Use): Abu, Abby
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: Dennis Paul Higgs
Real Location: Rio Vista, California
Height: 5' 0''
Additional Information:
  • Apparently goes to a school that is really "trashy"
  • Owned stock in NASDAQ at the age of 13
Status: Active
Five Random Facts
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Ace
Nicknames (Retired): Ack, acekirby13, Acefat Lardkirby
Real Name: Shane
Real Location: MA
Height: 5' 11''
Additional Information:
  • Did the drawings for the most popular Forum Comic (Forum'd!) going on during the 2005 year.
  • Used to be a dynamic duo with Teff
  • Has a permanent pass to Kidlet Forest
  • Actually likes The Legend of Zelda series over the Kirby series
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Seethroo
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Universally decided to be the most awesome member of the Forum...ever.
  • Used to work for the US Airforce
  • Is a ninja; also a robot during Robot Assimilation Day
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): Alby, 'berto
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Forumers considered him a divine being
  • He is a divine being
Status: Retired
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Alec, Alex
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Users believe that he took things way too seriously
  • Eventually left after a lot of negative comments
Status: Retired


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Philadelphia, PA
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Ath
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Once made a comic (Bufforumery)
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Presumably Australia
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Xenia, OH
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): Joe (not to be confused with the other Joe)
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Mods only the Store section
  • Mostly on the Homestar Runner Wiki
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Retired
Five Random Facts


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
Additional Information:
  • Break dances as part of the Elktrik Krew
  • Used to bold main words in his posts
Status: Active
Wiki Link

Beyond the Grave

Nicknames (In-Use): BTG
Nicknames (Retired): Gravey, Bettag
Real Name: Chris
Real Location:
Height: 6' 2''
Additional Information:
  • Has run the Summer 2007 and Winter 2008 Forum Awards
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Biscuit, Biscuitman, Biscuitguy
Nicknames (Retired): Bisquette
Real Name: Fred
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Is usually out of synch with most of the forum, ie. comes online when everyone else is offline.
Status: Active
Five Random Facts [1], [2], [3]


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Doesn't take too kindly to having the first letter of his username emphasized
  • Assumed to be The Great Clapper, but no confirmation was ever made
Status: Active
Five Random Facts


Nicknames (In-Use): Bug
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Likes LEGOs
  • Has made several Forumfics and comics in the past
Status: Retired
Five Random Facts[1], [2]


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: Brian
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Tried to get a Wii Development Kit
Status: Active
Five Random Facts

Capt. Ido Nos

Nicknames (In-Use): Capt., Ido Nos, Oreos
Nicknames (Retired): Idaho Nose
Real Name:
Real Location: Spring Field, VA
Height: 6' 3''
Additional Information:
  • Disk is on an epic quest to find him
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Carabow
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Is currently engaged
Status: Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): The Joe, Joe, Casimir III the Great, Casimir III
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Status: Banned (April 2008)

Checkot Fige

Nicknames (In-Use): Checkot
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Canada
Height: 5' 0''
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Houston, TX
Height: 6' 3''
Additional Information:
  • Used to be called "the chekt"
  • Retired out of boredom of the place
Status: Retired
Five Random Facts[1], [2], [3]
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): CL
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: Ingrid
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • She basically hates school
  • Is a teenager with RAGING hormones!
Status: Active
Five Random Facts
Wiki Link

Choc-o-Lardiac Arrest

Nicknames (In-Use): Cola, COLA
Nicknames (Retired): Choco
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Is creating an album known as Cake. It is set to be awesome.
Status: Active
Five Random Facts
Wiki Link

Clan rHrN

Nicknames (In-Use): Clan
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Considered to be the most annoying user on the Forum who wasn't banned for months
  • Admins seemed to back him up a lot for some reason
  • Started the Forum having more drama then usual on it
  • Seethroo banned him, and we were happy
Status: Banned (Spring 2006)
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): CD (not to be confused with "Clever Danielle")
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Off-and-on author of comics and stories.
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): Slaw
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: Tyler
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active

Color Printer

Nicknames (In-Use): CP
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Used to have a Forum program called "Insane Phrases Generator" which would plug in random words from this Forum to make a sentence
  • Brought it back recently
Status: Active
Five Random Facts
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Dacheet
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Height: 5' 1''
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active

Dark Grapefruit

Nicknames (In-Use): DG
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Has a brother that used to go to this Forum (his username was oddly "Susan")
  • Used to be a mod
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Five Random Facts[1], [2]
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Didy, Diddy
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Used to be a mod
  • Is a devout Lutheran
  • Known to like Star Wars a lot
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): DizzyZap
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Doug, Douggie
Nicknames (Retired): Douggles
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Has written several Forumfics
  • Once made an RPG for the Forum; it was impossible to cross a bridge at one part of it, making it impossible to finish; was deleted a long time ago
  • Has made a Forum cartoon known as "Cartoon'd!", and is planning on making another cartoon in the future.
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): Droidy
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Mankato, MN
Height: 6' 3''
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Five Random Facts
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Disk, Disk Drive
Nicknames (Retired): Diskid, DSK
Real Name:
Real Location: Fairfax, VA
Height: 5' 1''
Additional Information:
  • Revived the Teff Dictionary
  • Started the DS Fleet
  • Has written numerous Forumfics
  • First user on the Forum to own Nintendo Wii
Status: Active
Five Random Facts
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Duece, Deuce
Nicknames (Retired): Dooce, Duck Secks
Real Name: Victor Espeland
Real Location: Glen Ellyn, IL
Height: 5' 8''
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Five Random Facts
Wiki Link

ed 'lim' smilde

Nicknames (In-Use): ed
Nicknames (Retired): edddd(etc.)
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Brought back the phpBB Auxiliary Emoticon Mod
Status: Active
Wiki Link

Ein Dose

Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Inactive

Einoo T. Spork

Nicknames (In-Use): Einoo
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: Benjamin David Deleted
Real Location: Tucson, AZ
Height: 5' 3''
Additional Information:
  • Sometimes portrayed as a spork with glasses wearing a red shirt and blue jeans
  • Had a tiny Forum relationship with Marshmallow Roast back in the Summer of '05
  • Most of his friends are girls; pimp, perhaps?
Status: Active
Wiki Link

Encountering Gremlins

Nicknames (In-Use): Egg
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): Ent
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): Extremejon, Jon
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Posts many random, yet hilarious, images/comics
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): Funk
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: Craig
Real Location: UK
Additional Information:
  • Obsessed with Teen Titans when he first joined
  • Chooses to hang out on 4Chan now
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Is good with Spanish
  • Is a furry?
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: Steven R. F.
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Was an admin during 2004
  • Left after the belief that the Forum ruined the Wiki
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Likes Halo n' stuff
Status: Active

High Skool Artist

Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Height: 5' 8''
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Five Random Facts


Nicknames (In-Use): HHFOV
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: Sam Raptis
Real Location: Cincinnati, OH
Height: 5' 4''
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Five Random Facts [1], [2]
Wiki Link

Homerun Starer

Nicknames (In-Use): Homerun
Nicknames (Retired): Stij (used mostly on other forums)
Real Name:
Real Location: Columbus, OH
Height: 5' 11''
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Five Random Facts
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): iand, ian (not to be confused with IantheGecko)
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: Ian Dauenhauer
Real Location: Lynnwood, WA
Height: 5' 5''
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Five Random Facts [1], [2]
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Ian
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Aurora, CO
Height: 5' 9''
Additional Information:
  • Is an open furry
  • Loves the Blue Man Group
  • Has a cool fedora
Status: Inactive
Five Random Facts
Wiki Link

I Choose You Cheatachu

Nicknames (In-Use): Cheatachu (not to be confused with old user "1-up Cheatachu")
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): iKi
Nicknames (Retired): The iPod Guru
Real Name: Brian
Real Location: San Diego, CA
Height: 6' 1''
Additional Information:
  • Likes iPod products
  • Has a Jewfro
Status: Active
Five Random Facts[1], [2], [3], [4]
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): ickywax
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Enjoys making Youtube Poops
Status: Inactive

il Cartographer

Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Made a perfect intro post. +25 cool points.
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): IJ
Nicknames (Retired): Jones
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Inactive

Inverse Tiger

Nicknames (In-Use): IT, Inverse
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Charlottesville, VA
Height: 5' 6''
Additional Information:
  • He's cool
  • Left the Forum awhile ago as a way to get away from the internet
Status: Retired
Five Random Facts

It's dot com

Nicknames (In-Use): Dot com
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Brought the Forum to phpBB3
  • Does programming stuffs for the Wiki and Forum
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Janene
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Wife of JoeyDay, meaning that she's cooler than you
  • Was an admin for awhile
Status: Inactive

Jello B.

Nicknames (In-Use): Jello
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Likes to program, use The GIMP, use Flash, etc.
  • Caused The Purge
  • Has attempted to come back several times, but the admins keep banning him ASAP
  • Created the forum Serious, Inc.
Status: Status: Banned (August 2007)


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Once got his Nintendo DS signed by some band
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): Jitka
Nicknames (Retired): JohntheTinyCowboy (OH GOD WHY DID HE CHANGE HIS USERNAME FROM THIS!?!?!), John
Real Name: John Gasper
Real Location: Scranton, Pennsylvania
Additional Information:
  • He's awesome...and tiny...and a cowboy
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): Joey
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Runs Fellowsites, a website-hosting place
  • Started the HR Wiki and Forum
  • He's a really cool guy
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Josh
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): Homeslice
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: James, Jaime
Real Location:
Height: 5' 11''
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active

Ju Ju Master

Nicknames (In-Use): Ju Ju
Nicknames (Retired): Jew Jew Master
Real Name: Tim
Real Location: Massachusetts
Height: 5' 7''
Additional Information:
  • Used to be obsessed with making games
Status: Active

Just a username

Nicknames (In-Use): JAU, Jau
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: Andrew
Real Location: Melbourne, Australia
Additional Information:
  • Obsessed with RPGs
  • Has the tendiency to steal things.
  • Considers himself to be a Ninja Pirate Cowboy.
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): KK, Kween
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Elizabethtown, KY
Additional Information:
  • Is a queen
Status: Inactive
Wiki Link

Kevin DuBrow

Nicknames (In-Use): Kevin
Nicknames (Retired): Eyebrow, the Kentucky Eyebrow
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Outspoken UK fan
  • Recently returned after 1 1/2 year absence
Status: Active

Kristanni X

Nicknames (In-Use): Kristanni
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Perth, West Australia
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active

Nicknames (In-Use): Lahi
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Got on a lot of users' bad sides
  • When banned, he created a new account ("lahi") and made 104 posts in a matter of hours before being banned again.
  • His most notable posts: 25 or so copy+paste threads named "ramrod is pathetic"
Status: Banned (May 16, 2008)


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Created a timeline for the Forum
Status: Inactive

Lu Bu

Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Richmond, Kentucky
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Inactive

Lunar Jesty

Nicknames (In-Use): Lunar, Jesty
Nicknames (Retired): LJ (LiveJournal bought this one out)
Real Name:
Real Location: East Greenwich, RI
Additional Information:
  • Was a mod back at the beginning of the Forum's life, though he retired and returned later on.
Status: Active
Wiki Link

Last edited by DS_Kid on Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:46 am, edited 49 times in total.

 Post subject: Disktionary V (User Directory Continued)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:26 am 
User avatar

Joined: Thu May 12, 2005 11:25 pm
Posts: 4127
Location: Tangled up on a Twister mat

****User Directory Continued (Sec7)***

So big that it needed another post.

  • List is comprised of the more notable members
  • If you are not on this list and consider yourself a regular poster in Off Subject sections, please either PM me or post in this topic.
  • Please note that I may run out of space in this post (there's a 60,000 character limit), so some info may be smudged/deleted.
  • User nicknames may have been coined by specific people, though this information is currently not shown here.
  • Your user information may be deleted after a specific period of time. It may or may not be revived.
  • All entry names contain links to the user's profile.
  • Entry name color = Regular User, Moderator, Administrator
  • Status: Banned, Retired, Inactive, or Active
  • Some links related to the HRWF Wiki are rated PG 13+.

Magna Carta

Nicknames (In-Use): Magna
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Las Vegas, NV
Height: 5' 0''
Additional Information:
  • Basically likes only classical music
  • Is a music composer
  • Likes to debate and such
Status: Inactive
Wiki Link

Marshmallow Roast

Nicknames (In-Use): Myrrh
Nicknames (Retired): MR
Real Name:
Real Location: Pequannock, NJ
Height: 5' 4''
Additional Information:
  • Made many of the earliest Forumfics on the Forum
  • Left the Forum on April 30th with Mandy
Status: Retired
Five Random Facts
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): grant
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Users thought he was annoying or something. I can't remember anymore.
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): Mike, McAwesome
Nicknames (Retired): McSexy (retired due to lying)
Real Name: Mike William McGowan
Real Location: Ottawa, ON, Canada
Height: 5' 10''
Additional Information:
  • Chekt AND DISK'S! homosexual lover
  • Gets drunk sometimes
  • Has made an avatar and a signature that anyone can edit at any time
Status: Active
Five Random Facts[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Alabama
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Wiki Link

Mr. Smarty Spots

Nicknames (In-Use): Smarty Spots
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
Status: Active
Five Random Facts


Nicknames (In-Use): KISS
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Liked KISS, obviously
  • Eventually turned into some other user
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): Necro
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Considered the worst troll ever on the Forum
  • Made over 150 posts in a matter of hours filled with profanity, goatse, etc.
  • Once banned, he came back as the user Low Rider for a short time
  • All of this happened right before the Summer of '05. Who-da-thunk?
Status: Status: Banned (June 2005)
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Ninti
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: Rachel Catherine H.
Real Location: Calabash, NC
Height: 5' 7''
Additional Information:
  • Has been the most mature young member since she joined the Forum at the age of 10
Status: Active
Five Random Facts[1], [2]
Wiki Link

No Toppings

Nicknames (In-Use): NT, Nit
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: near Albany, NY
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): Pert
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Likes Animal Crossing
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): Pie
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Once hurt herself by physically spinning with Mario in Mario Galaxy
  • Has a boyfriend. AWWW!
Status: Active

Polygon Squad

Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): porple
Real Name: Steve
Real Location: Surf City, NJ
Additional Information:
  • Runs
Status: Retired
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): P'tates, P'tate, Tater, Tates
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: THRASHER! (last name; his first name is probably something less cool =P )
Real Location: East Gwillimbury, Ontario, Canada
Height: 4' 9''
Additional Information:
  • Plays the drums
  • Is 1/2 geek
  • Made a fake account called "fhqwgad" which was banned quickly
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Princess of Strongbadia (original username), Princess
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Height: 4' 11''
Additional Information:
  • Likes Strongbad...a lot.
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): Queenie
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: N/A
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • *lech*
  • She was a pirate once. Yar.
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): racerx
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: N/A
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Has several children
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): Dormar, Rammy
Nicknames (Retired): Ram, Dormroom
Real Name: Justin
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Once wore a dress that he chooses not to remember about
  • The most active admin
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): Rammstein
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: N/A
Real Location: Wood River, IL
Height: 5' 3''
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Five Random Facts


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Typical troll. Banned.
  • May have been Rocketman. I've forgotten.
Status: Status: Banned (2005)


Nicknames (In-Use): Rose
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Ugh.
Status: Banned (2006 or something)


Nicknames (In-Use): Rusty
Nicknames (Retired): Rustenbacher, Rustbucket
Real Name: Graham
Real Location: Los Angeles, CA
Height: 5' 6''
Additional Information:
  • Likes to draw
  • Hosts an internet radio show
  • Can be considered mean sometimes, but he's usually joking around
Status: Banned
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: N/A
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Seems to be on a roll with one post a month
Status: Inactive
Five Random Facts

sci-fi greg

Nicknames (In-Use): Greg
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: Michael Murray F.
Real Location:
Height: 5' 6''
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): Sean
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Was doing something video-related as a future career. I've forgotten now.
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Five Random Facts


Nicknames (In-Use): SF
Nicknames (Retired): Shad, Shaft, Shadfox
Real Name:
Real Location: Billings, MT
Additional Information:
  • Loves the computer
  • Tails (Sonic character) fandude
Status: Active
Wiki Link

Shippinator Mandy

Nicknames (In-Use): Mandy
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Mount Hermon, CA (right outside Santa Cruz)
Height: 5' 4''
Additional Information:
  • Was the biggest Bonus Stage (cartoon) fangirl
  • Loves Rya from Bonus Stage
  • Left the Forum on April 30th with Myrrh
Status: Retired
Five Random Facts[1], [2], [3]
Wiki Link

Shishu Hiwatari

Nicknames (In-Use): Shishu
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Queen of The Comeback Game
  • Has inserted markers into her nose several times.
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Australia
Height: 5' 4''
Additional Information:
  • Likes Homestar Runner more than most of the members on the Forum
  • Goes to the Fanstuff section of the Homestar Runner Wiki
Status: Active
Five Random Facts
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: N/A
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active

silent wulf

Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: N/A
Real Location: Rhinelander, WI
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): Somm
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Prattville, AL
Additional Information:
  • Known for his MS Paint renderings of himself in his avatar and signature
  • He is a robot, so the MS Paint renderings are pretty neat
Status: Active

Stinko girl 20X6

Nicknames (In-Use): Stinkogirl
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Five Random Facts


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): SR
Nicknames (Retired): Raddy
Real Name:
Real Location: Frankfort, KY
Additional Information:
  • Got married in Disneyland back in December. That's cool.
Status: Active
Five Random Facts[1], [2]


Nicknames (In-Use): Stu
Nicknames (Retired): Stu
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Has magical dial-up (long live 56K)
  • Doesn't have a backyard
  • Helped start the HR Wiki and Forum
  • Stu
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): ST
Nicknames (Retired): Stu (didn't like being called this)
Real Name: Stephen N.
Real Location: Stillwater, OK
Height: 5' 10''
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Five Random Facts [1], [2]
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): teababe
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): Tess
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Australia
Height: 5' 9''
Additional Information:
  • Likes They Might Be Giants
Status: Active
Five Random Facts[1], [2], [3]
Wiki Link

The Cup of Coffee

Nicknames (In-Use): TCOC, T-Coke
Nicknames (Retired): Cuppa
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Voted "Forum Prime Minister" in the elections of '06
  • Believed to be the first Australian forum goer. Hurrah!
Status: Active

The Defenestrator

Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: Connor Liam G.
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Real life friends with Potates
Status: Active

The Experimental Film

Nicknames (In-Use): Teff
Nicknames (Retired): Tef, Teff[suffix] (like Teffington), The Exponential Fat
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Did the writing for the older Forum comic "Forum'd" with Ace
  • Ran the early Forum Awards
  • Used to carry around a sharpened leaf known as a "leaf saber"
  • Once a dynamic duo with Ace
  • Used to have a tattoo of a leaf on his face after posting an image of him dressed up in nature-attire
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): TFE, Tfee, Teefee
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: April Beth C.
Real Location: Concord, CA
Height: 5' 1''
Additional Information:
  • Basically saved the Forum from extensive sadness and drama.
  • Gets cooler every day.
  • Likes to write in purple.
Status: Active
Five Random Facts
Wiki Link

The Great Clapper

Nicknames (In-Use): Clapper
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Manhattan, NY
Additional Information:
  • Was known to correct grammar often early in his Forum existence
  • Assumed to be buhubs, but was never confirmed
Status: Inactive

The Noid

Nicknames (In-Use): Noid
Nicknames (Retired): Noidy, Noidburger
Real Name: Hugo Archibald Gregorius
Real Location:
Height: 5' something''
Additional Information:
  • Long-lost brothers with DS_Kid
  • Has a creepy Eisenhower avatar/sig combo
Status: Active
Five Random Facts [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Wiki Link

The Snork

Nicknames (In-Use): Snork
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: near Cleveland, OH
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): -guy
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: Daniel Christopher DioDati
Real Location: East Fishkill, NY
Height: 5' 11''
Additional Information:
  • Likes to animate with Macromedia Flash
  • Has a signature that is made up of several rotators that allows for tons of random images
  • His old rotator showed that phpBB3 stretches out rotator images that are not of the same dimensions
Status: Active
Five Random Facts[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Has been around TBC more than any of us have
  • Helps with the programming for the Forum
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Once made a forced meme known as a Monkeroo
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): WAF
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): Wesstar
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active

What's Her Face

Nicknames (In-Use): WHF
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location: Ireland
Status: Inactive


Nicknames (In-Use): WaN
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name: Ava F. Suleiman
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Obsessed with Homestar Runner and Family Guy
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Made a fake account named "Holy Macaroni" which was banned quickly
Status: Active

Word Up

Nicknames (In-Use): WU
Nicknames (Retired): Wordy
Real Name: Bob Nicholas Higgs
Real Location: California
Height: 5' 1''
Additional Information:
  • Has been in multiple bands, all of which were complete disasters
  • Faced near death in the restroom of a Mexican restaurant
  • Brothers with Abu...AWW!!!
Status: Active
Five Random Facts
Wiki Link


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • Hitler stuff (I've forgotten about this guy almost completely)
Status: Retired


Nicknames (In-Use): yohoat
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active


Nicknames (In-Use): N/A
Nicknames (Retired): N/A
Real Name:
Real Location:
Additional Information:
  • N/A
Status: Active
Wiki Link

Last edited by DS_Kid on Sat May 24, 2008 6:48 pm, edited 25 times in total.

 Post subject: Disktionary VI (Birthday Guide, Timeline, Hall of Notable Us
PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:29 am 
User avatar

Joined: Thu May 12, 2005 11:25 pm
Posts: 4127
Location: Tangled up on a Twister mat

To have a more up-to-date look of the birthdays of the users, please check this thread.

  • List is comprised of the birthdays of notable or active Forum users
  • If you are not on this list and would like to reveal your birthday to the Forum, then please either PM me or post in this topic about it.
  • All entry names contain links to the user's profile.
  • Entry name color = Regular User, Moderator, Administrator
  • For more information on the users shown here, please check out the User Directory section.
  • If you would like to eventually see this merged into the User Directory section, then please tell me either via PM or in this thread.


Despite only being around for a few years, this Forum has had quite an expansive history and a giant impact on users. Below is a timeline highlighting many key moments in the Forum's history. It's basically as close as you'll get to a history textbook of this place at the moment.

  • List is comprised of notable events in this Forum's history
  • If you would like to contribute a date or event to this timeline, then please either PM me or post in this topic about it. Please give me serious information; I do not want 500 requests from non-modmins for me to add their join dates to this thing.
  • Specific entries may be formatted to include links to further information on the subject
  • Name color = Regular User, Moderator, Administrator
  • Event color = Currently Active Event, Somewhat Active Event, Dead Event
  • Some of the information presented here can be found described in more detail in other sections of the Disktionary
  • Please note that the links do not contain all of the proper formatting for the layout of the original pages. Also note that the page being linked to is generally the only one that is backed up for that time period, so clicking on other links will probably bring you to a more recent version of the page.
  • <more to come>

  • "I was a n00b, can't really seemed alright." - Beyond the Grave
  • "Well, '04 I lurked, but the whole thing was over my head so I didn't join." - ed 'lim' smilde
  • "Wasn't too bad. Kinda slow in terms of action. Mostly Homestar related in all fields. Made special by my appearance." - ramrod

Several Backups:
Summer 2004
Fall 2004
Winter 2004


  • The HR Wiki's Second Birthday

  • "Epic." - Beyond the Grave
  • "Pretty good" - COLA
  • "This year was amazing...until Clan joined." - DS_Kid
  • "I found myself discussing things on talk pages all the time on the Wiki, so I joined the forum and it rocked and I became completely addicted and stayed up late on it just about every night" - ed 'lim' smilde
  • "2005, especially the summer, was paradise. Little drama, awesome users, and great creative works. Also, it had the Sisterhood" - ramrod
  • "I don't know, I remember Forum'd, and how everyone clammered to make guest comics for it. [And Seethroo] was a god among men, who could produce funny as if it were a gas easily found in our atmosphere." - Senor
  • "2005: iSketch, fan signs, Rosalie, and Hurricane Katrina." - StrongRad

Several Backups:
Spring 2005
Summer 2005
Fall 2005
Winter 2005



Early April:
  • Rules limiting avatar and signature sizes are instated
  • The Forum turns one year old!
  • 1936 Day created by Shopiom

  • Forum'd, a comic by Ace and Teff, may have been started
  • BazookaJoe joins
  • Necromancer, a troll, plagues the forum

  • Ju Ju Master joins
  • Negative Day created by Acekirby

  • Douglas posts his Forumfic EXTERMINATION; starts up the main part of the Forumfics fad

  • Arts and Crafts section created
  • Translate Your Name Day started by Beyond the Grave
  • International Talk Like a Pirate Day first celebrated by the Forum as Pirate vs. Ninja Day

  • The HR Wiki's Third Birthday
  • The Wiki Decision Polls section of the Forum is permanently locked due uselessness
  • Clan rHrN joins the Forum


  • Notice goes up on the Forum stating that users will no longer have the ability to change their usernames on January 8th

  • "A bit of a downturn. Drama, Clan, Alec, Drama" - Beyond the Grave
  • "Eh, it was okay" - COLA
  • "A pretty good year, though you could start to see the amount of drama pick up. A lot of cool users left in this year." - DS_Kid
  • "In '06, it became less addicting and there was more drama and less IRC/iSketch/admins posting, so I didn't spend as much time on it." - ed 'lim' smilde
  • "2006 was the year of the drama. Capped by Pwnday. Man, that was an awesome day..." - ramrod

Several Backups:
Spring 2006
Summer 2006
Fall 2006
Winter 2006

  • StrongRad and ramrod are promoted to being mods
Early January:
  • Baby Strong Bad images become a fad
  • Admins disable the ability for users to change their usernames

  • Capt. Ido Nos joins

  • "TELL WHAT U THINK!" fad probably started officially (COLA made a post back in '05 unintentionally using the phrase)

  • Hi Guys creates the first Random Thoughts and Ideas thread
  • Flagstaff and Elite Hacks flood the forum with grotesque images

  • The Forum turns two years old!
  • Inverse Tiger joins

  • The HR Wiki's Third Birthday

  • "See 2006" - Beyond the Grave
  • "lolwut?" - COLA
  • "Things changed drastically this year, and with this change came more drama. The Purge then made the Forum fall into a near-bottomless pit." - DS_Kid
  • "In '07 the admins pretty much stopped posting and it wasn't that great, and then I got to be a mod which was pretty sweet" - ed 'lim' smilde
  • "2007 saw a new breed develop. New mods and admins brought fresh air to the forum." - ramrod

Several Backups:
Spring 2007
Summer 2007




  • The Forum turns three years old!

  • New moderators added

  • Jello B., in what becomes known as The Purge, deletes most of the Forum's threads by hacking into ModestlyHotGirl's account.
  • Rules are slightly changed.
  • JOHN MADDEN FOOTBALL!!! fad started
  • Teff Dictionary revived by DS_Kid as the "Disk Dictionary" (now called the Disktionary)
  • A record-setting 288 users are on the Forum at one time

  • International Talk Like a Pirate Day

  • The HR Wiki's Fourth Birthday

  • Choc-o-Lardiac-Arrest initiates the "Ladies and Gentlemen" reformation
  • New mods instated
  • Mods divided between two groups: the A Team and Hogan's Heroes
  • "I am a mod and very happy." - Beyond the Grave
  • "The future of the Forum seemed bleak at first, but everything was reborn with the arrival of cool new members and some pretty funny moments." - DS_Kid
  • "It's at least going back uphill again" - ed 'lim' smilde
  • "2008 is still going on, but if we still have cool new users like Cara and TheFacelessEvil, it'sa gonna be all right" - ramrod

  • Forum is upgraded from phpBB2 to phpBB3

  • Should be forgotten.
  • The 2008 Summer Forum Awards are started

  • Negative Day possibly celebrated

  • "Memorial Day", the anniversary of the Purge, is celebrated
  • Revert Back Day possibly celebrated

  • International Talk Like a Pirate Day

  • The HR Wiki's Fifth Birthday

Early December:
  • The Third Annual HR Wiki Forum Secret Santa

Last edited by DS_Kid on Sun Jun 29, 2008 1:01 am, edited 48 times in total.

 Post subject: Disktionary VII (Fads, Notable Events, Links, Edit Log)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 10:06 am 
User avatar

Joined: Thu May 12, 2005 11:25 pm
Posts: 4127
Location: Tangled up on a Twister mat

*****************Fads (SecA)****************

The fads of the forum.

The Homestar Runner Wiki Forum has developed many short-term and long-term fads over its existence. Please note that overusing a fad will lead it to a quicker death; please use fads only when they seem to be appropriate to use. Most of the fads listed below are also dead, but will occasionally be brought back up in remembrance (though not necessarily as a fad).


Started By: AgentSeethroo
Notable Users: Anybody who ever used the phrase.
Time Period: 2005 - 2006
AgentSeethroo, being the Admin Ninja of the Forum, always appeared to be invisible and would strike at the most inopportune moments. He created this phrase to coincide with a Forum Game about what you'd do if you could be invisible. In the topic, the following dialog would occur:
There's nobody [verb]-ing that [noun]!

AAAARRRRRGGGGLLLBLBLLBLBL!!! -ing would then occur.

The use of this word spread outside of this popular topic (which now doesn't exist), and AAAARRRRRGGGGLLLBLBLLBLBL!!! -ing would occur in many other hot spots around the Forum. Eventually, this word became the official phrase for the Forum before slowly dying out in 2006.

Related Links:
First Appearance - Link no longer works.
First Official Appearance - Link no longer works.
Invisible (AAAARRRRRGGGGLLLBLBLLBLBL!!!) - Link no longer works.

Started By: StrongCanada
Notable Users: StrongCanada (creator), DS_Kid (DS Fleet), Funkstar (PSP Army), Bugkiss (BugArmy), Mandy (Marmy)
Time Period: 2005 - Mid-2006
Armies were simply little groups established by different members in the 2005 and 2006 years. Originally, there was only one army called the SCARMY (headed by StrongCanada), and numerous members joined it. Little banners were handed out with the SCARMY that some members used in their signatures (Beyond the Grave also uses it to this day).

Then, other armies polluted joined the lands of Forumopolis (see: "Notable Users"). While some had a decent following behind them, most simply failed. All of these other armies didn't last for as long of a time, as the SCARMY remains in Forumers' hearts to this day.

Related Links:
The SCARMY Banner

"Awesome" Smilies
Started By: N/A (popularized by Acekirby)
Notable Users: Acekirby, ramrod
Time Period: February 2008 -
"Awesome" smilies are large images of smiley faces posted on the Forum. These smilies cover numerous emotional expressions that are mostly exaggerated. Several variations of the smilies also exist, such as one that looks like a ghost.

Related Links:
Main Image
First Use of Popularized Version
Potate's page containing 400x400 versions of smilies.
I like Jon's posts...

Baby Strong Bad
Started By: Interruptor Jones, Jenny, The Experimental Film (had the first avatar of it)
Notable Users: Too many
Time Period: Early January 2006 - Mid-2006
Baby Strongbad was a fad based on the 140th Strongbad e-mail called Highschool; in one part of it, it shows the Homestar cast as toddlers. After one user had used the image of Baby Strongbad as their avatar, another user used it with a slight variation. At least fifteen users participated in different variations of this avatar afterward, some simply editing it in a different direction, and others changing its overall color scheme.

Related Links:
Image of Baby Strongbad
Strongbad Email #140

Started By: N/A (please tell me)
Notable Users: Sporadic throughout general Forum populace (any key members?)
Time Period: 2005/2006?
Eggs were little images placed in either the avatar or signature from a page at The eggs would state the date that they would "hatch" on, and on that date, a creature would appear in-place of the image. The creature would then continue to live for a period of time while the next set of eggs were posted on the website. This was a popular fad for a few months before the egg website apparently quit updating.

Related Links:
A page that has a few of the hatched eggs on it.

Forum Comics:
Started By: Acekirby, The Experimental Film
Notable Users: Acekirby, The Experimental Film, No Toppings, Exhibit A
Time Period: 2005 - 2006
Forum Comics were a once-insanely popular fad of the Forum. These comics involved users of the Forum being thrown into numerous plots that were generally funny. Forum Comics were originally popularized by Acekirby and Teff in Forum'd!, though there were several other popular ones that existed. The only comic to have held a decent steam as of late is Forum Games: The Comic.

Related Links:
Forum Games: The Comic
Most other Forum Comics deleted in The Purge

Started By: Prof. Tor Coolguy and Naked Lunch (STARLECH)
Notable Users: Bugkiss, Color Printer, Didymus, Douglas, DS_Kid, Marshmallow Roast
Time Period: Mid-2005 - Late 2006; continue on to this day at a lower rate
Forumfics are fanfictions of the HR Wiki Forum. Originally called Fanfics until some people started shifting to the phrase "Forumfic". Examples include Prof. Tor Coolguy's and Naked Lunch's STARLECH, Didymus' Star Wars novel (what was the name of it again?), Douglas' Extermination, DS_Kid's Midnight Hunters and SOUL, and Bugkiss' How I Got Claws and Life of a Narcoleptic. Some still exist to this day, but they do not appear in the same rate as they once did.

Related Links:
Coming soon!

Kirby's Sugar High
Started By: Acekirby
Notable Users: Too many
Time Period: Mid-2006
Kirby's Sugar High is a fad derived from the Flash toon of the same name. This toon involved Kirby eating a piece of glowing candy, causing him to become high off of sugar. Like Baby Strongbad, this fad had several variations of the sugar-high Kirby avatar, though the avatars were generally less varied than Baby Strongbad.

This fad originally involved copying everything related to Acekirby, from his avatar to his signature to his Social Security number. Once he posted an image of Kirby's Sugar High, its popularity exploded. Happiness ensued.

Related Links:
Kirby's Sugar High movie
The original avatar by Acekirby.
Teff's version of the avatar.

Started By: Choc-o-Lardiac Arrest
Notable Users: N/A (please tell me)
Time Period: August 17, 2007 - Early September?
This occurred shortly after The Purge; numerous images of John Madden were posted in Random Thoughts, some with slight variations to them. All of them involved the phrase "FOOTBALL!!!"

Or something...

Related Links:
The first instance that I see of it

Quoting Ramrod/Seethroo:
Started By: N/A (please tell me)
Notable Users: AgentSeethroo, ramrod
Time Period: Late 2004 - 2005
Back in the old days of the Forum, being quoted in one's signature was considered an honor. However, there were two honor hogs by the names of Ramrod and AgentSeethroo that were quoted millions of jillions of times. In fact, Ramrod still continues hogging honor points to this day.

Related Links:
Coming Soon!

Started By: Buz, Agent Seethroo, Tom (though he apparently cheated with his admin powers)
Notable Users: Too many
Time Period: 2005 - 2007
Rotators are a series of avatars or signatures that change after a different page is viewed or when the page is refreshed. There was one point in the Forum's life that seemed as if everybody and their Uncle Dave had a rotator though. While they still exist today, they aren't of as high of importance as they once were.

Related Links:
How to Get a Rotating Avatar or Signature

Started By: Marshmallow Roast and Einoo T. Spork
Notable Users: Marshmallow Roast + Einoo, Jello B. + Shippinator Mandy, No Toppings + Entropy, Schmelen + Occasional JD, ramrod + Dark Grapefruit
Time Period: Mid 2005 - Early 2006
Relationships between people over a Homestar Runner message board seems like the least likely thing to happen...BUT IT DID! Back in the day, users were getting into relationships left-and-right. A few of the ones that stood out the most were Schmelen and Occasional JD, Shippinator Mandy and Jello B, and ramrod and Dark Grapefruit. Jello and Mandy seemed to have the honor of the furthest relationship, as they got married on a separate messageboard, broke up, found different relationships, and now hate eachother. Weird.

Related Links:
Coming soon!

Serious, Inc.
Started By: N/A (I have a general idea; please tell me specifically though)
Notable Users: N/A (I have a general idea; please tell me specifically though)
Time Period: December 2006 - February 2007 (mostly; still exists today)
Serious, Inc. on the Homestar Runner Wiki Forums was a group that was formed when drama began errupting in the 2007 Wiki Forum Awards. While drama occurs in all of the more-recent Forum Awards over nominations and votes, this one was special.

Serious, Inc. later became the name to Jello B's website, formerly known as the HRWFWF (Homestar Runner Wiki Forum Wiki Forum).

Related Links:
2007 Forum Serious Awards
Serious, Inc. (Rated R, kiddos)

Started By: The Cup of Coffee, COLA
Notable Users: Acekirby, ChickenLeg, COLA, Disk, extremejon, T-Coke, Rusty,
Time Period: April 13, 2008 (main part of the fad) - ~April 18, 2008
After extremejon posted an image involving Leon from the Star Fox series in Random Thoughts, COLA said a quote from Star Fox 64 while using an avatar of Slippy Toad. The Cup of Coffee followed suit with another Star Fox 64 quote and avatar. The day continued on with Star Fox quotes and users using avatars from Star Fox 64 of the characters talking.

Related Links:
The start of it all
Four of the avatars used that day

Started By: Chekt, Acekirby (using it sexually)
Notable Users: Chekt, Acekirby, MikeMcG, and everybody else
Time Period: November 18, 2007 - February 2008?
Strawberries is an alternative word to "having sexual intercourse". It can also be used to describe something good or sexy. It was used extensively on the Forum for a lengthly period of time.

Related Links:
The post that started it all.
First post with only "strawberries" in it.

Stu's Backyard:
Started By: Stu
Notable Users: Too many, though Somm-1 is the most-prominent in recent times
Time Period: 2005 - 2006
Stu's Backyard was once a very common location for HR Wiki Forum residents. Many Forumers' locations were used into relation to it, so they could have been 3,000 miles away from it or directly on it. It is apparently very large on the internet (many locations have shown it to hold numerous things), though nonexistant in real life (Stu's secret hideout is in an apartment). The fad of a location involving this has died down over time.

Related Links:
Coming soon!

Sweet Victory:
Started By: Duecex2
Notable Users: Acekirby, COLA, Chekt, Duecex2
Time Period: Mid-2007
Sweet Victory is the name of a song in one Spongebob Squarepants episode (personally, it my favorite episode and I was glad that it came free with the Video Now when that thing had its five seconds of popularity...). This was originally started by Duecex2, followed by COLA, then Ace, then a buncha' other users. Many users created either avatars or signatures from the song in 2007, but it began becoming "old" quickly.

Related Links:
Sweet Victory, edited version on Spongebob Squarepants
Sweet Victory, the extended version
The original avatar

Started By: Choc-o-Lardiac Arrest, InterruptorJones, StrongRad
Notable Users: InterruptorJones, Choc-o-Lardiac Arrest, StrongRad, Acekirby, most of then-active Forum populace
Time Period: March 2006 - Late 2006
"Tell What U Think!" was a fad started by Choc-o-Lardiac Arrest and popularized by InterruptorJones, StrongRad, and Acekirby shortly afterward. Many people posted avatars, banners, locations, etc., that said "TELL WHAT U THINK!" in one way or another. As Dark Grapefruit described long ago, it's this Forum's version of All Your Base--neither have a distinct definition, but they both caught on quickly. It started in March of 2006, and was quite popular for several months.

The only way to have truly said it was "TELL WHAT U THINK!" Any other spelling was wrong and resulted in being thrown off a skyscraper.

Related Links:
Harry Potter Books debate: TELL WHAT U THINK!
"Tell What U Think!"

Started By: Members of Serious, Inc.
Notable Users: Members of Serious, Inc.
Time Period: July 14, 2007 - Late 2007
Tires was a short-lived (albeit excellent) fad that involved users having Michelin Man-esque avatars and signatures while typing out posts only saying "Tires". It started out as a great spamfest of the word in the "What the Avatar Above me is thinking" thread, and developed from there. Sadly, certain admins and mods didn't really like this, leading to locks of threads and deletions of posts, though the legacy of "tires" still lives on.

Related Links:
Tires (the start of it all)
Tires Tires Tires ("tires" freakout)
TIRES! (tires and strawberries mentioned together)
Tires? (I like this idea, and the one underneath it)


**********Important Events (SecB)*********

Important events/holidays that the Forum does.

  • If there is a missing event or holiday on the Forum that is not here, please either PM me or post in this topic.
  • Please note that I may run out of space in this post (there's a 60,000 character limit), so some info may be smudged/deleted, though this shouldn't be the case for a long time.
  • Entry name color = Currently Active Event, Somewhat Active Event, Dead Event
  • Please note that the entry name colors and meanings are relative, so events could become more or less popular at any time.
  • Forum events aren't as popular as they used to be, so starting/bringing back a new or dead Forum holiday intentionally is generally frowned upon. Unintentional events such as The Purge may lead to celebrated events, though (see: Memorial Day [tentative]).

HR Wiki Forum Awards:
Celebrated On: December - February (Winter Awards), June - August (Summer Awards)
Started By: The Experimental Film
Also Known As: The Serious Awards (2007)
First Celebrated On: January 8th, 2005
Description: The Forum Awards are a bi-yearly event in which users are nominated and voted upon in thirty different categories.
Other: The system has been worked out over time to be more acceptable; the Forum Awards are usually one source of drama, as there are sometimes debates over the nominations and votes of users; the 2008 Forum Awards were the last planned awards, but after a poll was established, most of the users didn't want to see it end.

The Summer 2008 Awards, which is currently planned to be hosted by Chekt, is said to be renovated intensely to be more interesting.

Related Links:
The 2008 Forum Awards (where you can find links to the other ones as well)

National High Day:
Celebrated On: February 8th
Started By: ChickenLeg
Also Known As: N/A
First Celebrated On: Never! Ha!
Description: This event was scheduled in response to Ace's high attitude on the Forum a few days beforehand. Users were planned on having psychedelic versions of their avatars, signatures, posts, etc.
Other: This event was cancelled before it even started.

Related Links:
Proposal of Holiday

April Fools Day:
Celebrated On: April 1st
Started By: Admins and Mods
Also Known As: N/A
First Celebrated on: Every April 1st; April 1, 2008 (in great prank form)
Description: April Fools Day is the time when users can choose the "prank" each other or not (just like in real life!).

A few days before April 1, 2008, the admins and mods stated that they were going to review their ban policies and unban some older users. Obviously, the user that people wanted back the most was Jello B, but their wishes for his unban fell on deaf ears. Instead of unbanning anybody that people wanted, the admins and mods decided to have some fun and make a fake account for an older, hated user by the name of Clan rHrN. They called him corTex08, and made him seem fine at first, but more annoying as time went on. To finish off his reign of spam, they promoted him to a moderator and made him lock most of the threads in Off Subject Discussion.
Other: Many users knew that this was an April Fools Day prank, even though the account was created a few days before the event occurred. The users that knew, such as COLA, Rusty, and Disk, decided to play along with the day and made it seem like corTex08 was actually the old Clan rHrN.

Related Links:
corTex08's profile
Ban Policy Review Discussion
The April Fools prank was kinda dying by this point.

Forum Day:
Celebrated On: May 8th
Started By: Joey Day
Also Known As: The Forum's Birthday
First Celebrated On: May 8th, 2005
Description: It's the birthday of the Forum, be happy!
Other: Joey Day is a really cool guy. Seriously.

Related Links:
Coming Soon!

Robot Assimilation Day:
Celebrated On: May 11th
Started By: AgentSeethroo
Also Known As: R.A. Day, Robot Day
First Celebrated on: May 11th, 2005
Description: On this day, a great battle takes place on the Forum--a battle which determines whether the humans will be assimilated with the robots. Users pick to go on either the Robot or Human side of the battle, then go to war for the remainder of the day.
Other: In the first celebration, AgentSeethroo led the robots, though he later switched sides, and JohnTheTinyCowboy led the humans. The fighting took place in the thread "Those Evil 'Bots", started by The Experimental Film. AgentSeethroo attempts to come back every year to celebrate the holiday.

This holiday used to be more popular, since back in the day (see: 2005), users could change their usernames to reflect their army ranks more appropriately (i.e. a robot user could go from "Man" to "ROBO-MAN-DESTROY-FEST", or a human could go from "Human" to "Lt. Sargent Person McFatFace").

Related Links:
Those Evil 'Bots. (2005)
Robot Assimilation Day 2.0 (2006)
Robot Assimilation Day 3.0 (2007)
Robot Assimilation Day 4.0 (2008)

Ramrod VS Lahi VS Teefee VS Lahi VS Rusty VS Lahi VS COLA VS Lahi VS Ninti VS Lahi VS Ace VS Lahi THE FINAL BATTLE:
Celebrated On: May 16th
Started By: lahimatoa
Also Known As: Pathetic Ramrod Festival
First Celebrated On: May 16th, 2008
Description: Lahimatoa made a thread concerning the rules for Spam several weeks before this event occurred, then proceeded to tick off a bunch of users. The thread was briefly locked, the unlocked with Ramrod stating anybody who started any conflicts in the thread would be banned. Lahi started up a conflict, which resulted in him being banned.

Lahi decided to create a new account (known as "lahi"), and proceeded to spam the same copy+paste message about ramrod being a poor admin for 25 threads. Lahi then went on a rampage through several other threads (mostly Random Thoughts) with complaining messages, and then at one point, simply random messages. Its dot com banned him.
Other: After everything was said and done, Beyond the Grave was reported to have said the following:
BTG wrote:

Related Links:
One of the 25 "ramrod is pathetic" threads
Start here (pages 862 to 874 of Random Thoughts)

1936 Day:
Celebrated On: May 29th
Started By: Shopiom
Also Known As: N/A
First Celebrated: May 28th-29th, 2005
Description: On this day, users changed their avatars and signatures to grayscale or sepia versions of their originals. Usernames were changed to resemble something more "old-timey"; users' locations, occupations, and posts were changed to more upper-class versions of themselves. [STOP] was commonly used instead of a period.
Other: Shopiom created this holiday in a topic about brainstorming new Forum Holidays, which was also created by him.

Related Links:
New forum day suggestions
Happy 1936 Day! (2006)

Negative Day:
Celebrated On: July 7th
Started By: Acekirby
Also Known As: N/A
First Celebrated On: July 7th, 2005
Description: On this day, users were encouraged to change their usernames to something "opposite" of it. User's posts were also reversed. Avatars and signatures became photo-negatives of themselves.
Other: Negative Day was cancelled about twelve hours after it began because of all of the spam in the starting topic.

Related Links:
Negative Day (2006)

Memorial Day [tentative]:
Celebrated On: August 17th
Started By: Jello B
Also Known As: The Purge Day
First Celebrated On: August 17th, 2008?
Description: On this day, users will simply celebrate the loss of stuffs during The Purge. It is required for babies to be sacrificed.
Other: N/A

Related Links:
Coming Soon!

Revert-Back Day:
Celebrated On: August 27th
Started By: Ramrod
Also Known As: N/A
First Celebrated On: August 24, 2005
Description: On this day, users were encouraged to revert their avatar, signature, location, and username to whatever they had on the first day they joined the Forum.
Other: Several users found this hard to do, as many had forgotten what they once used.

Related Links:
Revert-Back Day! (2005)
Revert Back Day (2006)

Celebrated On: Teff's Forumday, August 31st
Started By: The Experimental Film
Also Known As: The Day in Which the Forum Was PWN'd
First Celebrated On: August 31st, 2006
Description: On August 30th, Teff triple-posted in a Getting to Know You topic, causing AgentSeethroo to "ban" him. This was met with anger by most of the Forum populace, and it resulted in pages upon pages of discussion. Of course, many of the users were in on the plan, as it was discussed openly in the IRC chat channel. However, many of them weren't, and were tricked into believing that Teff was actually banned. On exactly 12:00 AM Teff-Time, he reveiled that it was all a trick.
Other: This was really funny.

Related Links:
The PWNDAY Thread (Note that a majority of the users were PWNed)
Setting an example

Translate Your Name Day:
Celebrated On: September 5th
Started By: Beyond the Grave
Also Known As: N/A
First Celebrated On: Labor Day, 2005 (September 5th)
Description: Users were encouraged to translate their usernames or real life names into a different language for the day.
Other: N/A

(International) Talk Like a Pirate Day:
Celebrated On: September 19th
Started By: The Experimental Film (on the Forum)
Also Known As: Pirate vs. Ninja Day (though not recently)
First Celebrated On: September 19th, 2005 (on the Forum)
Description: The whole basis of this day internationally is to let out the pirate side of you by speaking like a pirate. On the Forum, it was originally used to both speak like a pirate and to host a battle between pirates and ninjas.
Other: The Forum only celebrates it by speaking like a pirate now, as a pirate and ninja battle hasn't occurred for two years.

Related Links:
Arr! (2006)

Wiki Birthday:
Celebrated On: October 8th
Started By: Joey Day
Also Known As: N/A
First Celebrated On: October 8th, 2004
Description: The Homestar Runner Wiki's birthday! Yay!
Other: Joey Day is still a really cool guy. Seriously.

Related Links:
Coming Soon!

Admin/Mod Appreciation Day:
Celebrated On: November 22nd
Started By: Droideka
Also Known As: N/A
First Celebrated On: November 22nd, 2006
Description: This is the day that we thank our administrators and moderators for keeping the Forum tidy.
Other: N/A

Related Links:
The Annual Admin/mod APPRECIATION DAY! (2006 - )

Decemberween Secret Santa
Celebrated On: Holiday Season (December)
Started By: Beyond the Grave
Also Known As: The HR Wiki Forum Gift Exchange
First Celebrated On: December, 2006
Description: A basic Secret Santa program; users are given a person to give a gift to via PM, and they must keep the gift secret until they send it to them near Decemberween (Christmas).
Other: N/A

Related Links:
H*R Wiki Forum Secret Santa (2006)
2nd Annual H*R Wiki Forum Secret Santa Exchange of Awesome (2007)


*********Other Cool Places (SecC)*********

The H*R Wiki Forum is not the only part of this website...

The Homestar Runner Wiki - Chances are that if you're on the H*R Wiki Forum, then you know about this place, but I've seen some users who haven't. This is the largest knowledge base of Homestar Runner material out there. There are detailed descriptions about every tiny thing, and you can provide your own opinions and information on things by editing the pages yourself.

The Homestar Runner Fanstuff Wiki - A large collection of just about everything fan-created for the Homestar Runner universe. There are fanfics, unique character ideas, video games (some real, some imaginary), comics, and much more.

The Homestar Runner Wiki Forum Wiki - A Wiki about the Homestar Runner Wiki Forum; started by user Jello B. It isn't used too much anymore, but it's cool for more information about things from here. This link no longer works, and is only here for archive purposes!

The Homestar Runner Wiki Forum Wiki 2.0 - The current Wiki about the Homestar Runner Wiki Forum; started by MikeMcG. This is an extensive knowledge base to many of the things that make up the Forum. Be sure to check it out for a bit more information on some of the subjects in this dictionary.

Serious Inc - A place created by user Jello B. While it used to be a forum about the Homestar Runner Wiki Forum Wiki, it has now fully developed into its own thing. This forum is rated R, meaning don't go here unless you want to see funny and/or somewhat disturbing things.


The TEF Dictionary: Related Links (SecD)

The Tef Dictionary - A backup of the original Teff Dictionary. It lacks markup and BBCode, so it's kinda hard to read, but that was the best I could do at the time I backed it up.

The Disk Dictionary (v1.0) - A backup of Version 1 of the Disktionary (called the "Disk Dictionary" then). Unlike my backup of the Tef Dictionary, all of the BBCode and formatting is intact in this link, which lets you see how far both the information and design has come since then.

The TEF Dictionary :: Safe Advice - A part of the TEF Dictionary that was dedicated to users giving advice to newer users. This was implemented into v3.0 of the Disktionary.

The Teff Dictionary :: Special Holiday Edition - The Holiday version of the Teff Dictionary, which explains our past forum-specific holidays. Pretty much useless now that everything has been implemented into this.

The Temporary Disk Dictionary: Holiday Edition - A mistake thread I made out of impulse while The Purge was going on. Basically the same as the above link.

HRWiki Catch Phrases. - An archive of the previous HR Wiki Forum catchphrases.

The Homestar Runner Wiki/Forum unofficial catchphrase! - A past poll asking what catchphrase is the official one for the Forum.

The Great Forum Timeline: Reference for Events of Note - A thread documenting some of the greater and lesser events to occur on the Forum. Due to LordQuackingStick presumably leaving the Forum, I have decided to take it over in this thread.

Your real location - A thread where you can post your real-life location. The information in here will eventually be added to this dictionary.

Have a birthday? Share it here - A thread where you can post your birthday. The information in here will eventually be added to this dictionary.


***************Edit Log (SecE)**************

This is a log of all of the edits to this topic since its revival on August 16, 2007.

May 2008 - This whole month was dedicated to upgrading the Disktionary to version 3.0. Version 3.0 was finished on May 24, 2008. The following are new sections: Things You Should Know, The State of the Forum, User Birthday Guide, Timeline of the Forum, and Hall of Notable Users (the final name to the Wall of Stuff). All of the sections have been updated with new information, copy+paste errors have been taken care of, and grammar issues from the past have been fixed. A new post was also added to this to allow the User Directory to have more space.

February 8, 2008 - Entire Disktionary updated to version 2.0. Cleaner Wall of Stuff added; many new entries added and several older entries tweaked.

January 20, 2008 - Everything up to the fourth post updated to version 2.0. Some older entries tweaked, and many newer entries added. New User Directory established. See here for all the new info with this update.

January 13, 2008 - First and second post updated to version 2.0. Newer layout and more entries added.

December 29, 2007 - January 13, 2008 - Numerous tiny tweaks and updates to entries. Tiny tweaks from now on, unless major, will not be noted. Just assume that there is information added in-between these major edit dates.

December 29, 2007 - After probably 20+ hours of work, this Dictionary is now at version 1.0. Now the question is why I did all of this... Member Update system established, Wall of Stuff created, tons of new entries in all of the sections, a few layout changes, and a few new Related Links (still missing a few though). It also appears like I passed the Forum's posting size limit five times over or so, so I'm moving everything to a new thread and separating some of the sections by post.

December 28, 2007 - See below edit.

December 27, 2007 - Continued work on this topic by continuing on what was left behind in previous edit. Added in more entries, changed Wall of Greatness to The Wall [then to Wall of Stuff on December 29], and I hope to establish a Member Update system within the User Directory.

December 16, 2007 - Started the hopeful revival of this topic in hopes of making it to version 1.0. Added in better search features, more entries to previous sections, sub-categories, and the sections Important Events and Wall of Greatness. Removed Popular Topics section in hopes of combining it with Forum Sections. All of this should be complete in the near-future.

August 19, 2007 - Newer layout with a table of contents and a slight search feature (use the search feature of your web browser to find a section). Forum Terms, Forum Sections, Popular Topics, and Other Cool Places are completely new things, and other sections have been moved around and edited slightly. Several Related Links that were empty before have now been added--many Related Links sections still do not have anything in them. Fads will be completed at a later date. I need to alphabetize some things, as well. Expect a lot more entries in the near future. I am also tired.

August 18, 2007 - Edited a couple things. Barely anything changed.

August 17, 2007 - Updated the layout from the old style to make it easier to look through. Several new entries have been added, mostly having to do with different nicknames.

August 16, 2007 - Noticed the deletion of threads, went "Holy Crap!", then revived this topic awhile later.

Got any questions? How about some suggestions to the Disktionary? Go ahead and post them here! Please, if you have the time or ability to, provide a bit of information about the things you'd like to see added/edited (i.e. related links, the added/edited material's description, and/or any other information). This dictionary is never complete, meaning that it requires the help of you all at all times.

Thank you.

This bottom line is dedicated to the last post in the old Teff Dictionary by Alberto. May we never forget this post.


Last edited by DS_Kid on Sat May 24, 2008 7:01 pm, edited 6 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:47 pm 
User avatar

Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2005 12:58 am
Posts: 3489
Location: Anywhere but here.
For the record, Futuramaooy brought the TOTPD over from a Futurama message board called PEEL (Planet Express Employee Lounge), as I recall. (I was a user there for a while and distinctly recall both seeing Ooy there and seeing TOTPD used there.)

And yes, the Marmy is headed by me.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:45 pm 

Joined: Tue May 24, 2005 4:58 pm
Posts: 5045
Location: Imagining all the people living life in peace.
Why is it even necessary to have a "User Directory" section?

This "Member Update" system seems like way, way too much work.

It COULD work, but even then you might want to reconsider the whole "full name" thing. A lot of people wouldn't be comfortable with giving out their last name on the Internet.

So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain. Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell?

Last edited by Einoo T. Spork on Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:47 pm 
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Wow... this is awesome.

I knew this was gonna be big, but man, this thing is huge! I can't believe how much work you put into this, this really is awesome.

Found a couple threads in R&P that could be noted as popular topics.

On Eating Meat...
Creation vs. Evolution
What do I believe in?

(Christian Rock and Landmark pieces of legislation aren't really that popular in a long-term sense)

Special Thanks Goes Out to the Following (as in, give them cookies):
- Ju Ju Master: He helped me out with a few of the sections of the dictionary and was just a great support.

:-D Glad I could help (though that's more credit than I deserve)

EDIT: Yeah, Einoo makes a good point; I'm not sure if the weekly update part of the member section is feasible.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:56 pm 
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Einoo T. Spork wrote:
Why is it even necessary to have a "User Directory" section?

This "Member Update" system seems like way, way too much work.

It COULD work, but even then you might want to reconsider the whole "full name" thing. A lot of people wouldn't be comfortable with giving out their last name on the Internet.

The User Directory is the new spot for housing current member's nicknames since I got rid of that section (Wall of Stuff houses older members'). Also, the name thing was a grammatical error on my part--it was just intended to say "Whatever floats your boat", meaning any portion of your name would do. Think of it as the new housing of Beyond the Grave's old Name Dictionary before The Purge.

Also, the reason why I'm getting you all to PM me the info is because A ) I have direct access to your profile link via the PM (I can simply check up on the post counts through that), and B ) everybody isn't going to take the time to PM me with their info.

However, because of Forum limits, I'm probably going to cut back previous post numbers to one week (instead of the current four).


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:58 pm 
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Holy crap, well done. Unfortunately you've killed the Hrwiki Bible and all of Teff's Dictionaries, but whatever, it's obvious you put a lot of time into it. Congrats.

Alexander and Mathgrant for Drama Creators, that must be put in immediately.

Serious Inc section should be embellished to include the true glory it deserves.

Why is JoeyDay under moderators?


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:59 pm 

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Thanks for clearing that up, Disk.

Also, Naked_Lunch should definitely go under the Banned section. Other people may also want to put him in the Past Users section, which is OK by me, but if a mod or something deems that inappropriate he should at least go up under Banned. Since he was, of course, banned.

So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain. Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell?

Last edited by Einoo T. Spork on Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:00 pm 
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Acekirby wrote:
Mathgrant for Drama Creators
I don't mean to start any drama of my own, but Grant didn't start any drama of his own. People just didn't like his sigs.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:02 pm 

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Mathgrant's a cool guy, but I think you're gonna get outvoted, Ian.

So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain. Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell?

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:03 pm 
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Acekirby wrote:
Serious Inc section should be embellished to include the true glory it deserves.

Hmm, can somebody help me out with this one? I'm fairly certain that I could embellish it a bit, but I simply lurk there on occasion nowadays.

Ace wrote:
Why is JoeyDay under moderators?

He was the copy+paste subject for that section. Sorry about that. :P


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:05 pm 
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This is drama.

Mathgrant was not cool. He was a whiny wimp, a loser and a dramabomber, and I'm glad to see him gone. He's the same as Alexander.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:07 pm 
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Yo, I'm the mastermind behind "Sweet Victory". I demand props.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:08 pm 
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Einoo T. Spork wrote:
Also, Naked_Lunch should definitely go under the Banned section. Other people may also want to put him in the Past Users section, which is OK by me, but if a mod or something deems that inappropriate he should at least go up under Banned. Since he was, of course, banned.

Naked_Lunch was a vintage user and must be under Past Users.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:08 pm 
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Einoo T. Spork wrote:
A lot of people wouldn't be comfortable with giving out their last name on the Internet.

The name is Nickel.

Anna Cassidy Nickel.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:08 pm 

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You may be right, Ace, but you just created some drama yourself.

Cut that out.

Shippinator Mandy wrote:
Einoo T. Spork wrote:
A lot of people wouldn't be comfortable with giving out their last name on the Internet.

The name is Nickel.

Anna Cassidy Nickel.

Was this post really necessary?

So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain. Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell?

Last edited by Einoo T. Spork on Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:08 pm 
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Einoo T. Spork wrote:
You may be right, Ace, but you just created some drama yourself.

uh, no?

I don't see any.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:10 pm 

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I guess "potential drama" would be a better phrase.

So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain. Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell?

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:10 pm 
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Einoo T. Spork wrote:
Shippinator Mandy wrote:
Einoo T. Spork wrote:
A lot of people wouldn't be comfortable with giving out their last name on the Internet.

The name is Nickel.

Anna Cassidy Nickel.

Was this post really necessary?

Just showin' that you're kind of wrong there.

And as I recall, many other users have posted their full names.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:11 pm 
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I had respect for him until he came back with Alexander and decided to start calling everyone "monsters" and "oppressors". Take it easy, it's just the friggin internet. If you think you're being "oppressed" just GTFO the entire internet right now. You don't know what oppression is. Oppression is slavery and the anti-civil rights laws. Oppression is racism, sexism, and religious intolerance, IE stuff like the Inquisition. If you think being made fun of on the internet = oppression, you have a very skewed view of the world and I kind of pity you.


Last edited by Acekirby on Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:12 pm 

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Shippinator Mandy wrote:
Just showin' that you're kind of wrong there.

And as I recall, many other users have posted their full names.

I didn't say EVERYONE. I said a lot of people.

What? You mean you can't think of any?


*waves arms in front of him* Hel-LOO!! I'm right HERE.

So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain. Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell?

Last edited by Einoo T. Spork on Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:13 pm 
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I have to agree with Ace here. He was pretty awesome up until he got all whiny.

Also, why exactly did everyone hate his sigs? I never understood that.

And Einoo, you are pretty much one of the only people I can think of who's that skittish about it.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:16 pm 
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For me, the reason I didn't like them was the same reason I didn't like topofsm's monkeroos. He pushed his sigs whenever he got the chance. He wouldn't stop talking about them. They were a cool design, I'll give him that, but honestly, there's no need to bring it up whenever you get a chance.

Not to mention there were a few users here who were convinced they were the Second Coming.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:19 pm 
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Now see, I never noticed that. Maybe I'm just not observant enough? Kinda like how I missed the point of Einoo's post up there? (Sorry, Einoodles.)

I DID notice with the Monkeroos, however. Maybe it was just more obvious with those.

The thing is, on SI, it seemed like people just hated them for no apparent reason. Again, maybe I'm just not observant enough.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:19 pm 
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Eh, I'm not gonna argue. Just don't let Grant see this.


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